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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İstanbul ilinde yetiştiriciliği yapılan Anadolu Mandalarının çeşitli verim özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi ve linear tip puanlamasının oluşturulması için yapılan bu çalışmanın amacı Anadolu Mandasının dış yapı özelliklerinin tespiti ve verim özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. İstanbul ilçelerinde yetiştirilen ve “Halk Elinde Anadolu Mandası Islahı Projesi” kapsamında yer alan 5 ilçede 11 köyde 30 işletmede Anadolu Mandası ve İtalyan Akdeniz Mandası olmak üzere toplam 412 Manda üzerinde ölçümler yapılmıştır. Dokuz özellik cidago yüksekliği (cm), göğüs genişliği (cm), beden derinliği (cm), vücut uzunluğu(cm), ökçe yüksekliği (cm), sağrı genişliği (cm), kalça yumru genişliği (cm), arka meme yüksekliği (cm), ön memebaşı uzunluğu (cm) ölçü bastonu ve ölçü şeridinden yararlanılarak (cm) cinsinden ölçülmüş elde edilen değişim aralığına göre ve 1 ile 9 puan’a endekslenmiştir. Altı özellik ise arka bacak açısı, arka bacak duruşu, ön memebaşı yerleşimi, ön meme bağlantısı, arka memebaşı yerleşimi, meme taban yerleşimi sığırlar için tanımlanmış kriterler modifiye edilerek oluşturulmuş 1 ile 9 arasında puanlama yöntemine göre puanlanmıştır. 1.laktasyondaki Anadolu Mandalarının ortalama cidago yüksekliği, beden derinliği, vücut uzunluğu, sağrı genişliği ve kalça yumru genişliği sırasıyla 132(cm), 73(cm), 136(cm), 21(cm), 53 (cm) olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışmada bütün yaşlarda sağrı genişliği ile cidago yüksekliği ve kalça yumru genişliği arasında yüksek korelasyonlar bulunmuştur. Günlük ortalama süt verimi, 305 günlük süt verimi ve laktasyon süreleri ortalamaları sırasıyla 5,368 (kg), 1449,85 (kg) ve 215,97 gün olarak tespit edilmiştir. Mevsime göre günlük ortalama süt verimi en yüksek sonbaharda artmakta (5,62 kg), 305 günlük süt verimi ise en yüksek ilkbaharda (1473 kg) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. “Halk Elinde Anadolu Mandası Islahı Projesi” kapsamında kayıtlı Mandalardan doğan 1117 malağın doğum ağırlıkları dişi malaklarda ortalama 33,8 (kg) erkek malaklarda ortalama 34 (kg) olarak bulunmuştur. 580 dişi ve 587 erkek malağın 6 aylık ağırlıkları sırasıyla 98,5 (kg) ve 109 (kg) olarak bulunmuştur. 397 dişi ve 420 erkek malağın 12 aylık ağırlıkları ise sırasıyla 184 (kg) ve 191 (kg) olarak belirlenmiştir. İstanbul’daki ıslah projesine kayıtlı 690 Mandanın % yağ, % protein, % laktoz, % kuru madde, % donma noktası ve somatik (x1000) şeklindeki süt verim bileşenleri sırasıyla % 7,6, % 3,8, % 5,2, % 17,8, % 0,52, 135,8 olarak bulunmuştur.
The aim of the research, which is searched for the evaluation of various productivity features of water buffalos raised in Istanbul and for forming linear type scoring, is to confirm of external structure features of Anatolian water buffalos and to identify productivity features of them. Measurments have been done on 412 head Anatolian and Mediterranean (Italian) water buffalos which are raised in Istanbul’s 5 districts, 11 villages and 30 enterprises.Nine features, which are withers height (cm), chest width (cm), body depth (cm), body length (cm), heel height (cm), rump width (cm), haunch lump width (cm), rear udder height (cm),front udder length (cm), have been measured by measure stick and tape in terms of cm and they have been indexed to from 1 to 9 points according to the scale obtaıned by range . The other Six features of buffalos which are , rear leg angular,rear leg stance,front udder placement,front udder connection,rear udder placement,udder base placement have been graded from 1 to 9 point scoring system which obtaıned by modıfıng the cattle Scoring system.Withers height (cm), body depth, body length (cm), rump width (cm) of haunch lump width (cm), of Anatolian water buffalos in 1th lactation period have been measured respectively as 132 (cm), 73 (cm), 136 (cm), 21 (cm), 53 (cm). In this research, high correlations have been obtained between rump width in all ages and withers height and haunch lump width. Avarege of daily milk production milk production of 305 days and lactation length have been acquired respectively as 5,368 (kg) , 1449,85 (kg) ve 215,97 days. With respect to season, highest daily average milk productivity obtained in autumn (6,62 kg), milk productivity of 305 days (1473 kg) has been obtained in spring. Birth weights of calf water buffalos, given birth by the water buffalos registered in communıty based Anatolian Water Buffalo improvement project, have been measured as 33,8 (kg) in female calf water buffalos group and as 34 (kg) in male calf water buffalos group. 580 female calf water buffalos’ 6 months of weight has been measured as 98,5 (kg) and 587 male female calf water buffalos’ 6 months of weight has been measured as 109 (kg). 397 female calf water buffalos’ 12 months of weight has been measured as 184 (kg) and 420 male calf water buffalos’ 12 months of weight has been measured as 191 (kg). According to milk analysis results of 690 water buffalos which are registered improvement project in Istanbul, has the average value % 7,6 fat, % 3,8 protein, % 5,2 lactose, % 17,8 dry matter, % 0,52 freezing point and (x1000) 135,8 somatic cell count .
The aim of the research, which is searched for the evaluation of various productivity features of water buffalos raised in Istanbul and for forming linear type scoring, is to confirm of external structure features of Anatolian water buffalos and to identify productivity features of them. Measurments have been done on 412 head Anatolian and Mediterranean (Italian) water buffalos which are raised in Istanbul’s 5 districts, 11 villages and 30 enterprises.Nine features, which are withers height (cm), chest width (cm), body depth (cm), body length (cm), heel height (cm), rump width (cm), haunch lump width (cm), rear udder height (cm),front udder length (cm), have been measured by measure stick and tape in terms of cm and they have been indexed to from 1 to 9 points according to the scale obtaıned by range . The other Six features of buffalos which are , rear leg angular,rear leg stance,front udder placement,front udder connection,rear udder placement,udder base placement have been graded from 1 to 9 point scoring system which obtaıned by modıfıng the cattle Scoring system.Withers height (cm), body depth, body length (cm), rump width (cm) of haunch lump width (cm), of Anatolian water buffalos in 1th lactation period have been measured respectively as 132 (cm), 73 (cm), 136 (cm), 21 (cm), 53 (cm). In this research, high correlations have been obtained between rump width in all ages and withers height and haunch lump width. Avarege of daily milk production milk production of 305 days and lactation length have been acquired respectively as 5,368 (kg) , 1449,85 (kg) ve 215,97 days. With respect to season, highest daily average milk productivity obtained in autumn (6,62 kg), milk productivity of 305 days (1473 kg) has been obtained in spring. Birth weights of calf water buffalos, given birth by the water buffalos registered in communıty based Anatolian Water Buffalo improvement project, have been measured as 33,8 (kg) in female calf water buffalos group and as 34 (kg) in male calf water buffalos group. 580 female calf water buffalos’ 6 months of weight has been measured as 98,5 (kg) and 587 male female calf water buffalos’ 6 months of weight has been measured as 109 (kg). 397 female calf water buffalos’ 12 months of weight has been measured as 184 (kg) and 420 male calf water buffalos’ 12 months of weight has been measured as 191 (kg). According to milk analysis results of 690 water buffalos which are registered improvement project in Istanbul, has the average value % 7,6 fat, % 3,8 protein, % 5,2 lactose, % 17,8 dry matter, % 0,52 freezing point and (x1000) 135,8 somatic cell count .
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anadolu Mandası Verim Özellikleri, Tip Sınıflandırması, Vücut Ölçüleri, Linear Sistem, Yüz Puan Sistemi, Morfometrik Ölçümler, Productivity Features of Anatolian Water Buffalos, Type Classification, Body Sizes, Linear System, 100 point System, Morphometric Measurements