Ekmeklik buğday (triticum aestivum l. ) genotiplerinin kahverengi pas hastalığına dayanıklılığının doğal koşullarda morfolojik belirlenmesi ve moleküler karakterizasyonu
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırma, 2016-2017 yetiştirme dönemi tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre yürütülmüş ve 20 tane melezin F2 materyali olarak kullanılmıştır. Bitkilerden 2 dönemde (Erken- Geç) hastalık okumaları Modifiye Cobb skalasına göre yapılmıştır. NKÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri bölümüne ait 20 ekmeklik buğday F2 hatları Lr 9, Lr 14, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 34 ve Lr 35 genlerinin taşıyıp taşımadıklarının belirlenmesi amacıyla CIMMYT-Meksika’dan sağlanan izogenik hatlar kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kahverengi pasa dayanıklılığın moleküler karakterizasyonu için Basit Dizi Tekrarları (SSR) analizlerlerinde 6 SSR markırı (J13, Xgwm146, Gb, J09, Lr35 ve csLV34) kullanılarak F2 popülasyonları Lr 9, Lr 14, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 34 ve Lr 35 genleri yönünden incelenmiştir. 2016-2017 yetiştirme dönemi bölgede iklim koşulları nedeni ile kahverengi pas yönünden tarla koşullarında önemli bir hastalık bölge düzeyinde gözlenmemiştir. Fakülte deneme alanında da 12 F2 popülasyonunda hastalık gözlenmezken Szala/Genesis melezinde 20R değeri gözlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere bakıldığında ekmeklik buğday F2 döllerinin kahverengi pasa dayanıklılığının önemli düzeyde farklı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bazı F2 dölleri dayanıklılık gösterirken, bazı F2 döllerinde ise dayanımın düşük olduğu gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, SSR markırları ile yapılan analizler sonucunda, F2 döllerinin tümü Lr 9 ve Lr 24 genini taşımamaktadır. Lr14 genini 16 ve Lr35 genini 14 tane ekmeklik buğday F2 dölleri taşımaktadır. Lr 19 ve Lr 34 genlerini sırası ile 3 ve 5 tane ekmeklik buğday F2 dölleri taşımaktadır. Elde edilen verilere göre kahverengi pas çalışmalarında Lr 9 genine ve Lr 24 genine dayanıklılığın öncelikli olarak dikkate alınması gerektiği ortaya koymaktadır. Yapılacak çalışmalarda F2 de daha fazla bitki ile çalışmanın elde edilecek sonuçların daha sağlıklı olmasını sağlayacaktır.
The study was carried out between 2016 and 2017 according to randomized block trial design and 20 F2 hybrid population was used as material. The brown rust level in the plants was determined according to the Modified Cobb scale. The study was carried out in the experimental field and laboratory of the NKU Agricultural Faculty Field Crops Department and the isogenic lines provided from CIMMYT-Mexico were used to determine whether the Lr 9, Lr 14, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 34 and Lr 35 genes were carried in 20 populated wheat F2 populations. SSR analysis was performed for the molecular characterization of the brown pasa durability and the F2 populations Lr 9, Lr 14, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 34 and Lr 35 with the 6 SSR markers (J13, Xgwm146, Gb, J09, Lr35 and csLV34) . Due to the climatic conditions in the region in 2016-2017, a significant disease rate in field conditions was not observed at the regional level. While no disease was observed in the 12 F2 population on the experimental area, the 20R value was observed in the Szala / Genesis hybrid. When examined in the obtained data, it is seen that the tolerance of the wheat F2 popülations to leaf rust disease is considerably different. As a result of the analysis with the SSR markers, all of the F2 populations have carry the Lr 9 and Lr 24 genes. In the fourteen F2 populations, Lr 14, Lr 16 and Lr 35 genes were identified. The genes of Lr 19 and Lr 34 was seen 3-5 wheat F2 populations. The obtained data suggest that the Lr 9 gene and Lr 24 genes should be considered as important selection criteria in leaf rust studies. In the work to be done, working with more plants in F2 will make the results more beneficial.
The study was carried out between 2016 and 2017 according to randomized block trial design and 20 F2 hybrid population was used as material. The brown rust level in the plants was determined according to the Modified Cobb scale. The study was carried out in the experimental field and laboratory of the NKU Agricultural Faculty Field Crops Department and the isogenic lines provided from CIMMYT-Mexico were used to determine whether the Lr 9, Lr 14, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 34 and Lr 35 genes were carried in 20 populated wheat F2 populations. SSR analysis was performed for the molecular characterization of the brown pasa durability and the F2 populations Lr 9, Lr 14, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 34 and Lr 35 with the 6 SSR markers (J13, Xgwm146, Gb, J09, Lr35 and csLV34) . Due to the climatic conditions in the region in 2016-2017, a significant disease rate in field conditions was not observed at the regional level. While no disease was observed in the 12 F2 population on the experimental area, the 20R value was observed in the Szala / Genesis hybrid. When examined in the obtained data, it is seen that the tolerance of the wheat F2 popülations to leaf rust disease is considerably different. As a result of the analysis with the SSR markers, all of the F2 populations have carry the Lr 9 and Lr 24 genes. In the fourteen F2 populations, Lr 14, Lr 16 and Lr 35 genes were identified. The genes of Lr 19 and Lr 34 was seen 3-5 wheat F2 populations. The obtained data suggest that the Lr 9 gene and Lr 24 genes should be considered as important selection criteria in leaf rust studies. In the work to be done, working with more plants in F2 will make the results more beneficial.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekmeklik buğday, kahverengi pas, F2 populasyonu, dayanıklı, SSR, markır, Bread wheat, eaf rust, F2 population, resistance, marker