Çevre şartlarının kış-erken ilkbahar döneminde serada yetiştirilen marulda uç yanıklığı oluşumuna etkisi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırma, çevre koşullarının ve hasat zamanının, N seviyesi ve amonyum yüzdesi ile beraber marulda verim ve kalite üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla, 2008-2009 kış-erken ilkbahar yetiştirme periyodunda soğuk serada yapılmıştır. Marulda verim ve kalitenin N formu ve seviyesi ile ilgili olabileceğine yönelik beklenti istatistiki olarak ortaya net olarak konulamasa da N seviyesi ve amonyum yüzdesi arttıkça marulda verimin azaldığı söylenebilir. Her ne kadar, ortalama veriler değerlendirildiğinde, kalite kriterlerinin N seviyesi ve amonyum yüzdesine verdiği tepkiler değişken olsa da küçük ama negatif bir korelasyon bulunmuştur. Ancak günlük veriler değerlendirildiğinde uç yanıklığı şiddeti ile N seviyesi ve amonyum yüzdesi arasındaki korelayonlar negatifken, haftalık verilerin değerlendirilmesinde elde edilen korelasyon pozitiftir. Ortalama, günlük ve haftalık veriler uç yanıklığı ve şiddeti bakımından değerlendirildiğinde sonuçlar iç yapraklarda uç yanıklığı oluşumunun 22 ve 27 Nisan arasına denk gelen hasat periyodunun sonlarına doğru dikkate değer bir şekilde arttığını göstermektedir. Verilerin haftalık analizlerine göre iç uç yanıklığı oluşumu ve şiddetini belirlemede kullanılan tüm faktörler arasında (bitki ağırlığı, baş çapı, N seviyesi, toprak besin elementi kompozisyonu, amonyum oranı, gece ve gündüz toplam sıcaklığı ve gece ve gündüz oransal nemi dahil) iç uç yanıklığı oluşumu için en önemli faktörün gece ortalama oransal nemi (,910**), dış uç yanıklığı için ise toprak K/Ca oranı (,738*) olduğu söylenebilir.
Investigation were undertaken to determine if environmental conditions and time of harvest in combination with N level and ammonium percentage of nutrient compound had an impact on the yield and quality of lettuce grown in a cold glasshouse, in 2008-2009 winter-early spring growing season. Although the assumption about lettuce yield and quality could be depended on the level and form of N was not statistically confirmed, our data suggest that lettuce yield tend to decline if the N level and amonnium percentage increases. However responses of lettuce quality to N level and ammonium percentage tend to vary, it can be said that there was very slight but negative correlation when the main data were concerned. Yet, according to the daily basis data analysis, it can be concluded that there was a negative correlation among tipburn severity and N level and amonnium ratio whereas the correlation was positive among those in the weekly basis data analysis. When main, daily and weekly data evaluated for tipburn incidence ratio and severity, results show that tipburn incidence in the inner leaves of lettuce was considerably increased toward the end of the harvest period which was coincide with 22th to 27th of April, and was consiredably greater than those in the previous weeks. It can be said that of all the factors involved in describing tipburn incidence and severity (including plant weight, head diameter, N level, soil nutrient composition, amonnium ratio, sum of night and day temperature and day and night relative humidity) the most strong agent for inner leaves tipburn incidence was night relative humidity (,910**) while it was soil K/Ca ratio (,738*) for the outer leaves-tipburn incidence when the weekly basis data analysis were concerned.
Investigation were undertaken to determine if environmental conditions and time of harvest in combination with N level and ammonium percentage of nutrient compound had an impact on the yield and quality of lettuce grown in a cold glasshouse, in 2008-2009 winter-early spring growing season. Although the assumption about lettuce yield and quality could be depended on the level and form of N was not statistically confirmed, our data suggest that lettuce yield tend to decline if the N level and amonnium percentage increases. However responses of lettuce quality to N level and ammonium percentage tend to vary, it can be said that there was very slight but negative correlation when the main data were concerned. Yet, according to the daily basis data analysis, it can be concluded that there was a negative correlation among tipburn severity and N level and amonnium ratio whereas the correlation was positive among those in the weekly basis data analysis. When main, daily and weekly data evaluated for tipburn incidence ratio and severity, results show that tipburn incidence in the inner leaves of lettuce was considerably increased toward the end of the harvest period which was coincide with 22th to 27th of April, and was consiredably greater than those in the previous weeks. It can be said that of all the factors involved in describing tipburn incidence and severity (including plant weight, head diameter, N level, soil nutrient composition, amonnium ratio, sum of night and day temperature and day and night relative humidity) the most strong agent for inner leaves tipburn incidence was night relative humidity (,910**) while it was soil K/Ca ratio (,738*) for the outer leaves-tipburn incidence when the weekly basis data analysis were concerned.
Anahtar Kelimeler
uç yanıklığı, marul, azot, amonyum, hasat zamanı, tipburn, lettuce, nitrogen, amonnium, harvest time