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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Performans değerlendirme ve denetim, performans yönetiminin önemli alt unsurlarıdır. Belirli ölçütler üzerinden idari ve mali yapıyı ve işleyişi izlemek, denetlemek hem özel sektör kurumları hem de kamu kurumları için elzemdir. Kurumların ve personelin çalışma performanslarının tespitine ve ölçümüne dayalı değerlendirme yapma yöntemi günümüzün baskın yönetim anlayışıdır. Türkiye’de de performans değerlendirmesi ve denetimi kendisine çeşitli kurumsal düzenlemeler ve uygulama örnekleri şeklinde karşılık bulmaktadır. Sağlık, eğitim ve emniyet alanları bireysel ve kurumsal performans değerlendirme uygulamalarının görüldüğü alanlar olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Performans denetimi konusunda ise düzenlilik (mali denetim ve hukuka uygunluk denetimi) denetimiyle birlikte performans denetimi yapmakla yükümlü kılınan Sayıştay’ın sahip olduğu kurumsal deneyim incelemeye değerdir. Bu çalışmada, performans değerlendirmesinin unsurlarına, ilgili kavramlara netlik kazandırdıktan sonra uygulama örnekleri ve Sayıştay’ın kurumsal denetim kabiliyeti incelemeye tabi tutulacaktır.
Performance evaluation and auditing are important sub-elements of performance management. Monitoring and supervising the administrative and financial structure through certain criteria is essential for both private sector institutions and public institutions. Nowadays prevailing management approach is a way of assessing the performance of institutions and personnel based on measurement. Turkey has a variety of institutional arrangements and practices regarding the performance evaluation and audit. Health, education and security areas are the places where individual and institutional performance evaluation practices stand out. Regarding performance audit, it is worth examining the institutional experience that the Turkish Court of Accounts is obliged to carry out regularity audit (financial audit and legal compliance audit) and performance audit. In this study, after gaining clarity to the elements of the performance appraisal and related notions, the implementation examples and the Turkish Court of Accounts’ corporate audit capability will be analyzed.
Performance evaluation and auditing are important sub-elements of performance management. Monitoring and supervising the administrative and financial structure through certain criteria is essential for both private sector institutions and public institutions. Nowadays prevailing management approach is a way of assessing the performance of institutions and personnel based on measurement. Turkey has a variety of institutional arrangements and practices regarding the performance evaluation and audit. Health, education and security areas are the places where individual and institutional performance evaluation practices stand out. Regarding performance audit, it is worth examining the institutional experience that the Turkish Court of Accounts is obliged to carry out regularity audit (financial audit and legal compliance audit) and performance audit. In this study, after gaining clarity to the elements of the performance appraisal and related notions, the implementation examples and the Turkish Court of Accounts’ corporate audit capability will be analyzed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Performans Yönetimi, Performans Değerlendirmesi, Performans Denetimi, Sayıştay, Türk Kamu Yönetimi, Performance Management, Performance Evaluation, Performance Auditing, Turkish Court of Accounts, Turkish Public Administration
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