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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Edebi eleştiri, amacı belli çalışmaları analiz etmek olmakla beraber, edebi metni değerlendirme ve anlama entelektüel yetisi anlamına da gelir; fakat birçok eleştirmen 20. Yüzyıldan önce bunu başarmış olmasına ragmen, İngiliz geçmişinde eleştiri, eleştirel eylemin doğasına yabancı bazı nedenlerle başlamıştır. Örneğin, Sydney savunur, Dryden öngörür, Pope düşünür ve öngörür, Fielding yeni bir tür ve Wordworth yeni bir şiir çeşidi tanıtır vb. Neoklasik dönemde İngiliz eleştirisi karmaşık ve çok sesli bir olguydu ve normatif bir eleştirel söylem geliştiren yazar vey azar-eleştirmenler tarafından temsil ediliyordu. John Dryden ve “Of Dramatic Poesi” denemesi Restorasyon dönemi İngiliz eleştirisinin durumunu daha iyi gösterecekti. 18. Yüzyılın ilk yarısına Alexander Pope’un “An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man”inde ifade edilen neoklasik fikirler yön vermişti. Ikinci yarısı, Dr. Samuel Johnson’ın karakteri ve Influential Lives of the Poets and Dictionary of the English Language adlı ederi tarafından yönlendirilmişti. İngiliz Edebiyatında neoklasik döneme ait en öngörülü eleştirel ses, John Dryden’ınkiydi ve Alexander Pope da ona eşlik ediyordu. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Dryden ve Pope’un eleştirel söylemleri bağlamında, öngörü ve eleştirinin özünü, edebiyatı açıklayarak ona yön vermesi olarak ortaya çıkarmaktır.
Literary criticism implies the intellectual capacity to evaluate and understand the literary text, the analysis of particular works being the main aim of literary criticism, but, though achieved by most of the critics prior to the twentieth century, in English background criticism has started with some purposes which are alien to the nature of critical act. For instance, Sydney defends, Dryden prescribes, Pope reflects and prescribes, Fielding introduces a new genre and Wordsworth a new type of poetry, etc. English criticism during the neoclassical period was a complex and multi-voiced phenomenon, represented by a large number of critics and writer-critics who developed a reflexive but above all normative and prescriptive critical discourse. John Dryden and his Of Dramatic Poesie, An Essay would better show the condition of English criticism in Restoration. The first half of the eighteenth century was dominated by the neoclassical ideas expressed by Alexander Pope in An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man; the second half of the century was governed by the personality of Dr Samuel Johnson and his influential Lives of the Poets and Dictionary of the English Language. The most prescriptive critical voice in English literature belonging to the neoclassical period is that of John Dryden, as to be equalled perhaps only by Alexander Pope. To reveal the essence of prescriptive criticism as explaining and giving rules as well as showing the direction for literary production with regards to the critical discourse of Dryden and that of Pope represents the purpose of this study.
Literary criticism implies the intellectual capacity to evaluate and understand the literary text, the analysis of particular works being the main aim of literary criticism, but, though achieved by most of the critics prior to the twentieth century, in English background criticism has started with some purposes which are alien to the nature of critical act. For instance, Sydney defends, Dryden prescribes, Pope reflects and prescribes, Fielding introduces a new genre and Wordsworth a new type of poetry, etc. English criticism during the neoclassical period was a complex and multi-voiced phenomenon, represented by a large number of critics and writer-critics who developed a reflexive but above all normative and prescriptive critical discourse. John Dryden and his Of Dramatic Poesie, An Essay would better show the condition of English criticism in Restoration. The first half of the eighteenth century was dominated by the neoclassical ideas expressed by Alexander Pope in An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man; the second half of the century was governed by the personality of Dr Samuel Johnson and his influential Lives of the Poets and Dictionary of the English Language. The most prescriptive critical voice in English literature belonging to the neoclassical period is that of John Dryden, as to be equalled perhaps only by Alexander Pope. To reveal the essence of prescriptive criticism as explaining and giving rules as well as showing the direction for literary production with regards to the critical discourse of Dryden and that of Pope represents the purpose of this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Restorasyon, Neoklasizm, Edebiyat Eleştirisi, Edebiyat Kuramı, Eleştirmen, Yazar-Eleştirmen, Restoration, Neoclassicism, Literary Criticism, Literary Theory, Prescriptive Criticism, Critic, Writer-Critic
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