Starter kültür ve geleneksel ev yapımı yoğurt mayası kullanılarak inek sütünden yapılan yoğurtların çeşitli özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızda farklı maya kullanılarak üretilen geleneksel ekşi mayalı yoğurt ve ticari starter kültürlü yoğurt örneklerinin 1. 7. ve 15. depolama günlerinde fiziksel, kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal değişimleri incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre; yoğurt örneklerinin pH, viskozite, Renk L*, a* ve b* değerleri bakamından gerek çeşitler arasındaki ve gerekse depolama sürelerine bağlı gözlenen farklılıkların istatistiki açıdan önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0.05). Titrasyon asitliği, kuru madde, kül, protein değerleri bakımından çeşitler arasında gözlenen farklılıkların istatistiki açıdan önemli olmadığı tespit edilirken (p>0.05), depolama sürelerine bağlı gözlenen farklılıkların istatistiki açıdan önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0.05). Her iki yoğurt çeşidinin yağ değerleri bakımından gerek çeşitler arasında ve gerekse depolama sürelerine bağlı gözlenen farklılıkların ise istatistiki açıdan önemli olmadığı tespit edilmiştir (p>0.05). Mikrobiyolojik özellikleri bakımından geleneksel ekşi mayalı yoğurt örneğinde toplam bakteri sayısı depolama süresindeki artışa paralel olarak artarken, ticari starter kültürlü yoğurt örneğinde toplam bakteri sayısı azalma göstermiştir. Geleneksel ekşi mayalı yoğurt örneklerinde depolama boyunca maya ve küf sayısı artmıştır. Ticari starter kültürlü yoğurt örneğinde ise depolama süresi boyunca maya ve küf tespit edilememiştir. Her iki yoğurt çeşidinde koliform grubu bakteriye rastlanmamıştır. Lb. bulgaricus sayısı depolama süresindeki artışa paralel olarak her iki yoğurt çeşidinde artarken, Str. thermophilus sayısında azalma gözlenmiştir. Yoğurt örneklerinin duyusal analizinde görünüş, kaşıkla kıvam, ağızda kıvam, koku ve tat puanlarının yapılan varyans analizlerinde gerek çeşitler arasında ve gerekse depolama sürelerine bağlı gözlenen farklılıkların istatistiki açıdan önemli bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). Panelistler tarafından geleneksel ekşi mayalı yoğurt örnekleri tat ve koku yönüyle ticari starter kültürlü yoğurttan daha çok beğenilmiştir.
In our study, Physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of yoghurt samples produced by using traditional homemade yoghurt culture and commercial starter culture were investigated on the 1st, 7th and 15th storage period. According to this; According to the analysis results; pH, viscosity, Color L *, a * and b * values were determined statistically different in both yoghurt varieties and storage periods (p<0.05). While it was not determined any statistical differences (p>0.05) among the titratable acidity, dry matter, ash and protein values of yoghurt variaties, changes due to the storage period were found statistically significant (p<0.05), But the differences among the fat values of both yoghurt types, storage periods were not found statistically significant (p>0.05). In terms of microbiological properties, While the total bacteria counts increased in the yoghurt sample prepared with homemade yoghurt, clear decerase was observed in yoghurt sample prepared with commercial starter culture. During the storage period, yeast and mould counts increased in yoghurt samples prepared with home made yoghurt. But it was not determined any yeast and mould in he samples prepared with commercial starter culture. Coliform group bacteria were not detected in both yoghurt varieties. While the number of Lb. bulgaricus increased in both yoghurt types, Str. thermophilus decreased in the storage time According to the sensory analysis results of yogurt samples; the differences in the appearance, consistency, consistency in the mouth, odor and taste scores observed in the varieties and the storage periods were not found statistically significant (p>0.05).The yoghurt sample prepared with homemade yoghurt culture was favored more than the yoghurt prepared with commercial starter culture, in terms of taste and smell.
In our study, Physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of yoghurt samples produced by using traditional homemade yoghurt culture and commercial starter culture were investigated on the 1st, 7th and 15th storage period. According to this; According to the analysis results; pH, viscosity, Color L *, a * and b * values were determined statistically different in both yoghurt varieties and storage periods (p<0.05). While it was not determined any statistical differences (p>0.05) among the titratable acidity, dry matter, ash and protein values of yoghurt variaties, changes due to the storage period were found statistically significant (p<0.05), But the differences among the fat values of both yoghurt types, storage periods were not found statistically significant (p>0.05). In terms of microbiological properties, While the total bacteria counts increased in the yoghurt sample prepared with homemade yoghurt, clear decerase was observed in yoghurt sample prepared with commercial starter culture. During the storage period, yeast and mould counts increased in yoghurt samples prepared with home made yoghurt. But it was not determined any yeast and mould in he samples prepared with commercial starter culture. Coliform group bacteria were not detected in both yoghurt varieties. While the number of Lb. bulgaricus increased in both yoghurt types, Str. thermophilus decreased in the storage time According to the sensory analysis results of yogurt samples; the differences in the appearance, consistency, consistency in the mouth, odor and taste scores observed in the varieties and the storage periods were not found statistically significant (p>0.05).The yoghurt sample prepared with homemade yoghurt culture was favored more than the yoghurt prepared with commercial starter culture, in terms of taste and smell.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering