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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkelerin ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal gelişmişlik düzeylerini belirleyen en önemli yapıtaşlarından biri eğitimdir. Eğitim en genel haliyle bireyleri öngörülen hedefe yönelten bireye bilgi beceri ve davranış değişikliği kazandıran ve onu yeniden biçimlendiren bir sürecin adıdır. Eğitim mikro iktisadi açıdan bireysel geliri ifade ederken makro iktisadi açıdan da ekonomik kalkınmayı belirleyen en önemli beşeri sermaye unsurlarından biridir. Bu sayede bireylerin ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmelerine katkı eden eğitimin önemi giderek artmaktadır. Eğitim bireylerin sosyal ve ekonomik gelişmelerine yön verirken, yetiştireceği insan sayısını ve onlara kazandıracağı nitelikleri belirlerken ekonominin etkisi altında kalmaktadır. Bu sayede ekonominin istek ve beklentilerini göz önünde bulundurmaktadır. Böylece bireyleri nitelikli üretici ve tüketici haline getirir ve nitelikli mal ve hizmet üreterek ekonominin kalkınmasına katkıda bulunur. Bu çalışmada eğitimin ekonomi ile olan ilişkisi göz önüne alınarak eğitimin ekonomi üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmış eğitime yapılan harcamalar ve eğitimin gelirle olan ilişkileri incelenmiş olup ülke kalkınmasındaki rolü değerlendirilmiştir.
Country of economic, education is one of the most important elements determining the social and political development level. Education gives individuals the most common form of predicted target directs the individual skills and knowledge to change behavior and is the name of a process of reformats it. Education micro-economic aspects of individual income statement when the macroeconomic terms are one of the most important factors that determine economic development of human capital. In this way, the importance of education of individuals who contribute to the economic and social development are increasing. Training individuals to social and economic development aspects while the number of people will grow the economy and remains under the influence of the qualifications to give them. In this way it takes into consideration the wishes and expectations of the economy. Thus, individuals are making qualified producers and consumers and contribute to the development of the economy producing quality goods and services. This study examined the relationship of education is considering the impact on the economy expenses incurred in relation to income and education discussed the education and training of the economy in the country's development role has been evaluated.
Country of economic, education is one of the most important elements determining the social and political development level. Education gives individuals the most common form of predicted target directs the individual skills and knowledge to change behavior and is the name of a process of reformats it. Education micro-economic aspects of individual income statement when the macroeconomic terms are one of the most important factors that determine economic development of human capital. In this way, the importance of education of individuals who contribute to the economic and social development are increasing. Training individuals to social and economic development aspects while the number of people will grow the economy and remains under the influence of the qualifications to give them. In this way it takes into consideration the wishes and expectations of the economy. Thus, individuals are making qualified producers and consumers and contribute to the development of the economy producing quality goods and services. This study examined the relationship of education is considering the impact on the economy expenses incurred in relation to income and education discussed the education and training of the economy in the country's development role has been evaluated.
International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbul
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ekonomisi, Eğitim harcamaları, Eğitim finansmanı, Training Economy, Education Spending, Education Financing
Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi