Tarım traktörlerinin kabin imalatında uygulanan kalite parametrelerinin saptanması üzerine bir araştırma
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye‘de üretilen traktör emniyet kabinlerinin TS 9658 / Aralık 1991 ve TS 3412 / Nisan 1979 tarih ve sayılı Türk Standartları Enstitüsünün yayınlamı? olduğu, traktör emniyet kabinlerinde aranan özellikler ve uyulması gereken ?artlar dikkate alınarak incelemeler yapılmı?tır. Gerçek devirme deneyleri ulusal veya uluslar arası bir standartlara bağlı değildir. Bunun yanında ?Statik Yükleme ve Dinamik Çarpma‘ deneyleri standartlara bağlanmı?tır ve üretilen traktör kabinlerinin bu standartlarda belirtilen ?artları sağlamaları gerekmektedir. ISO 5700 standardı statik yükleme , ISO 3463 standardı ise dinamik çarpma deneyleri olarak belirtilmi?tir. Traktör güvenli kabini, devrilen traktörün sürekli yuvarlanmasına mani olmalı ve sürücünün kabin içinde ezilmesini önleyecek dayanıma sahip olmalıdır. Bu çalı?mada traktör güvenlik kabinlerinin belirli standartlar ?artlarına uygunluğunu, statik ve dinamik deneylerinin hangi standartlar çerçevesinde yapıldığı belirtilmi?tir. Traktör kabinlerinin emniyet sistemi, tasarım ili?kileri, ergonomi ve iklim faktörleri ele alınarak belirli kalite kriterlerine değinilmi?tir. Güvenlik kabin tasarımında iki önemli amaç vardır. Bunlardan birincisi kabinin geometrik ölçüleri, ( eğimli arazide devrilen bir traktör-kabin sisteminin sürekli yuvarlanmasını önlemesi ) diğeri ise traktör-kabin sisteminin devrilmesi halinde kabin içerisinde çalı?an operatörün, zarar görmemesidir.
Examination have been conducted on the tractor safety cabins produced in Turkey taking the characteristics required in the tractor safety cabins and the conditions to be complies with, published by the Turkish Standards Institute with the dates and no. TS 9658 / December 1991 and TS 3412 / April 1979 in to account. The real overturn experiments are not subject to any national or international standards. However, the ?Static Loading? and ?Dynamic Shock? tests are tied to standards and the tractor cabins produced have to satisfy the conditions set forth in those standards. The ISO 5700 standard has been indicated for the static loading and ISO 3463 standard for the dynamic shock tests. The tractor safety cabin has to prevent an overturned tractor from rolling continuously and have the durability to prevent the operator from getting crushed in the cabin. In this study, the compliance of the tractor safety cabins to the requirements of certain standards and according to which standards the static and dynamic tests are carried out. The safety system, design relations ergonomics and climate factors of the tractor cabins have been examined and certain quality criteria have been dealt with. The design of the safety cabins have two important purposes; the first one is the geometric dimensions of the cabin (to prevent a tractor overturned on an inclined surface from rolling continuously) and the other is to prevent the operator working in the cabin from being injured in the event the tractor overturns.
Examination have been conducted on the tractor safety cabins produced in Turkey taking the characteristics required in the tractor safety cabins and the conditions to be complies with, published by the Turkish Standards Institute with the dates and no. TS 9658 / December 1991 and TS 3412 / April 1979 in to account. The real overturn experiments are not subject to any national or international standards. However, the ?Static Loading? and ?Dynamic Shock? tests are tied to standards and the tractor cabins produced have to satisfy the conditions set forth in those standards. The ISO 5700 standard has been indicated for the static loading and ISO 3463 standard for the dynamic shock tests. The tractor safety cabin has to prevent an overturned tractor from rolling continuously and have the durability to prevent the operator from getting crushed in the cabin. In this study, the compliance of the tractor safety cabins to the requirements of certain standards and according to which standards the static and dynamic tests are carried out. The safety system, design relations ergonomics and climate factors of the tractor cabins have been examined and certain quality criteria have been dealt with. The design of the safety cabins have two important purposes; the first one is the geometric dimensions of the cabin (to prevent a tractor overturned on an inclined surface from rolling continuously) and the other is to prevent the operator working in the cabin from being injured in the event the tractor overturns.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kabin, tasarım, imalat, kalite, Cabin, design, manufacturing, quality