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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmada son derece karmaşık olan suç olgusu ekonomik bir perspektiften incelenmiştir. Acaba, ekonomik açıdan dezavantajlı olan kişiler diğer suçlara kıyasla maddi kazanç elde etmelerini sağlayacak suçları daha mı çok işlerler, temel sorusuna Ankara ceza infaz kurumlarında bulunan 607 hükümlüden anket yöntemiyle toplanan veri ile cevap aranmıştır. Bu bağlamda oluşturulan 9 ekonomik değişken (gelir düzeyi, işsizlik, kiracı olma, yoksulluk sınırının altında olma, yaşanılan muhitin ekonomik düzeyi, maddi yoksunluk vb.) ile malvarlığına karşı suç işlemişlerle diğer suçları işlemiş kişiler karşılaştırılmış ve anketlerden elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Parametrik ve parametrik olmayan üç analiz yönteminin (Bağımsız T-Testi, Bağımsız Ki-Kare Testi ve Mann-Whitney U Testi) kullanıldığı araştırmanın sonunda beklenildiği gibi ekonomik açıdan dezavantajlı olmanın bileşenlerinin birçoğunun malvarlığına karşı işlenen suçlarda önemli risk faktörleri oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Özellikle hırsızlık suçlarında bu risk unsurlarının daha belirgin oldukları gözlenmiştir. Ancak çalışmada kullanılan bağımsız değişkenlerin ne dolandırıcılık ne de yağma suçları için herhangi bir risk unsuru olduğuna dair bulguya rastlanılmamıştır.
The fact of crime, which is a highly complicated matter, was investigated with an economic perspective in this study. Data gathered through a questionnaire administered to 607 inmates in the penal institutions in Ankara sought a reply to the essential question whether economically disadvantaged persons are more likely to commit crimes that will allow them to get financial gain in comparison with other crimes. Persons who committed crimes against property were compared with those committing other crimes by means of 9 economic variables created in this context such as level of income, unemployment, tenancy, being below the poverty line, economic Level of the Surrounding material deprivation. Next, data collected from questionnaires were analyzed. Parametric and non-parametric analysis methods (Independent T-Test, Independent Ki-Square and Mann-Whitney U Test) were employed in the study. The results of the study showed, as expected, that many of the elements of being economically disadvantaged constitute significant risk factors for the crimes committed against property. It was observed that these risk factors were more distinct in particularly theft crimes. However, no finding was encountered as to the fact that independent variables were risk elements for either fraud or vandalism crimes.
The fact of crime, which is a highly complicated matter, was investigated with an economic perspective in this study. Data gathered through a questionnaire administered to 607 inmates in the penal institutions in Ankara sought a reply to the essential question whether economically disadvantaged persons are more likely to commit crimes that will allow them to get financial gain in comparison with other crimes. Persons who committed crimes against property were compared with those committing other crimes by means of 9 economic variables created in this context such as level of income, unemployment, tenancy, being below the poverty line, economic Level of the Surrounding material deprivation. Next, data collected from questionnaires were analyzed. Parametric and non-parametric analysis methods (Independent T-Test, Independent Ki-Square and Mann-Whitney U Test) were employed in the study. The results of the study showed, as expected, that many of the elements of being economically disadvantaged constitute significant risk factors for the crimes committed against property. It was observed that these risk factors were more distinct in particularly theft crimes. However, no finding was encountered as to the fact that independent variables were risk elements for either fraud or vandalism crimes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Suç, Gelir, İşsizlik, Maddi Yardım Alma, Sosyal Güvenlik, Yaşanılan Muhitin Ekonomik Düzeyi, Kiracılık, Maddi Yoksunluk, Crime, Income, Unemployment, Receiving Financial Aid, Social Security, Economic Level of the Surrounding, Tenancy, Material Deprivation
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