Dergi Başlığı
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yoksulluk tüm insanlık için temel bir sorun olmasına rağmen, ağırlıklı olarak kadınlar tarafından yaşanan bir olgudur. Ekonomik kaynaklara erkeklerle eşit biçimde erişemeyen, eğitim olanaklarından yararlanamayan, işgücüne katılamayan veya düşük ücretle olumsuz koşullarda çalışan ve haklarını savunamayan kadınlar yoksullaşmaktadır. Kadın yoksulluğunu önlemek için, kadın istihdamını arttırma yoluna gidilmelidir. Bunun için de en etkili çözüm kadın girişimciliğinin artırılması gerekmektedir. Yoksul kadınların girişimciliklerin de, kadın kooperatifleri ve mikro kredi uygulamaları oldukça önemlidir. Kooperatifler ve mikro kredi uygulamaları sayesinde kadınlar, başkalarından yardım alarak yaşamlarını sürdürmek yerine kendi işyerlerinden elde ettikleri gelirlerle aile gelirine katkı sağlayacaklardır. Böylece kadınlar kendi ayakları üzerinde duran bireyler haline geleceklerdir.
Although poverty is the fundamental issue for all humanity, it is a phenomenon mainly experienced by women. The women who are not able to reach the economic resources equally as men, benefit from the educational opportunities, take place in labour force or have to work under the difficult conditions with a low wage, defend their rights become impoverished. In order to prevent the woman poverty, women employment should be implemented. In doing so, the most effective solution is to enhance the woman entrepreneurship. Within the frame of the poor women entrepreneurship, woman cooperatives and micro-credit applications play a crucial role. By means of cooperatives and micro-credit applications, women can contribute to the family income by earning their own money from their workplaces instead of maintaining their lives by receiving help from others. In this way, women will become the individuals who can stand on their own feet.
Although poverty is the fundamental issue for all humanity, it is a phenomenon mainly experienced by women. The women who are not able to reach the economic resources equally as men, benefit from the educational opportunities, take place in labour force or have to work under the difficult conditions with a low wage, defend their rights become impoverished. In order to prevent the woman poverty, women employment should be implemented. In doing so, the most effective solution is to enhance the woman entrepreneurship. Within the frame of the poor women entrepreneurship, woman cooperatives and micro-credit applications play a crucial role. By means of cooperatives and micro-credit applications, women can contribute to the family income by earning their own money from their workplaces instead of maintaining their lives by receiving help from others. In this way, women will become the individuals who can stand on their own feet.
International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbul
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yoksulluk, kadın, girişimcilik, kooperatif, mikro kredi, Poverty, woman, entrepreneurship, cooperative, micro-credit
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