Yüksek performanslı yelken kumaşı geliştirilmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, biyomimetik bir yaklaşımla tasarlanan kanallı (tüberkül) kumaş konstrüksiyonları ile seyir yelkenlerinde kullanılmak üzere aynı rüzgâr şiddetinde ve aynı şartlar altında daha yüksek hızlara ulaşabilecek bir yelken kumaşı geliştirmektir. Sunulan tez çalışması kapsamında kambur balina yüzgecine benzer yapıya sahip alternatif kumaş tasarımları geliştirilmiş, geliştirilen kumaş yapılarının aerodinamik performansları rüzgâr tüneli deneyleri ile ölçülmüş, aerodinamik performansa etki eden kumaş parametreleri belirlenmiş ve ölçüm sonuçları analiz edilerek kumaş parametreleri ve aerodinamik performans arasındaki ilişkiler irdelenmiştir. Aerodinamik performansa etki eden parametrelerden kumaş yüzey indeksi (Yİ), kumaş statik ve kinetik sürtünme katsayıları ölçülmüş; rüzgâr basıncı ile şişmeden kaynaklı alan artışının belirlenmesi için ise yeni bir yöntem ve esneme indeksi (Eİ) kavramı geliştirilmiştir. Bu dört parametre ile kumaş aerodinamik performansı arasındaki ilişki regresyon analizi ile ortaya konmuştur. Rüzgâr tüneli ölçümleri ve modelden hesaplanan değerler karşılaştırılarak regresyon modelinin doğrulaması yapılmış ve kumaşların aerodinamik performansının %4 hata payı ile hesaplanabildiği görülmüştür. Böylece, kumaşların aerodinamik performanslarını belirlemek için erişimi zor ve maliyetli olan rüzgâr tüneli testlerine alternatif, kolay ve pratikte uygulanabilir yeni bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Yapılan rüzgâr tüneli deneyleri, tüberkül yapıya sahip kumaşın standart yelken kumaşına göre %10,3 ve tüberkül yapıya sahip ve mikro lif iplikler ile dokunmuş kumaşın standart yelken kumaşına göre %24,3 daha yüksek aerodinamik performansa sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu sonuç hedeflenen tüberkül yapının ve mikro lif kullanımının yelken kumaşlarının aerodinamik performansına etkisini açıkça göstermektedir.
The aim of this thesis is to develop a sailcloth having tubercule fabric constructions designed with a biomimetic approach that can reach higher speeds at the same wind intensity and under the same conditions to be used in cruising sails with. Within the scope of the presented thesis, alternative fabric designs with a structure similar to the fin of a humpback whale were developed, the aerodynamic performances of these fabric structures were measured by wind tunnel experiments, the fabric parameters affecting the aerodynamic performance were determined, the measurement results were analyzed and the relationships between fabric parameters and aerodynamic performance were investigated. Fabric surface index (YI), fabric static and kinetic friction coefficients were measured as fabric parameters affecting aerodynamic performance. Also a new method and the flexural index (EI) concept have been developed to measure the area increase due to wind pressure. The relationship between these four parameters and fabric aerodynamic performance was revealed by regression analysis. The regression model was verified by comparing the wind tunnel measurements and the values calculated from the model, and it was seen that the aerodynamic performance of the fabrics could be calculated with a 4% margin of error. Thus, a new, easy and practically applicable method has been developed as an alternative to wind tunnel tests, which are difficult to access and costly, to determine the aerodynamic performance of fabrics. Wind tunnel experiments suggested that the fabric with tubercule structure has a 10.3% higher aerodynamic performance; while the fabric with tubercle structure and woven with microfiber yarns has a 24.3% higher aerodynamic performance compared to the standard sail fabric. This results clearly show the effect of targeted tubercule structure and microfiber use on aerodynamic performance of the sailcloth.
The aim of this thesis is to develop a sailcloth having tubercule fabric constructions designed with a biomimetic approach that can reach higher speeds at the same wind intensity and under the same conditions to be used in cruising sails with. Within the scope of the presented thesis, alternative fabric designs with a structure similar to the fin of a humpback whale were developed, the aerodynamic performances of these fabric structures were measured by wind tunnel experiments, the fabric parameters affecting the aerodynamic performance were determined, the measurement results were analyzed and the relationships between fabric parameters and aerodynamic performance were investigated. Fabric surface index (YI), fabric static and kinetic friction coefficients were measured as fabric parameters affecting aerodynamic performance. Also a new method and the flexural index (EI) concept have been developed to measure the area increase due to wind pressure. The relationship between these four parameters and fabric aerodynamic performance was revealed by regression analysis. The regression model was verified by comparing the wind tunnel measurements and the values calculated from the model, and it was seen that the aerodynamic performance of the fabrics could be calculated with a 4% margin of error. Thus, a new, easy and practically applicable method has been developed as an alternative to wind tunnel tests, which are difficult to access and costly, to determine the aerodynamic performance of fabrics. Wind tunnel experiments suggested that the fabric with tubercule structure has a 10.3% higher aerodynamic performance; while the fabric with tubercle structure and woven with microfiber yarns has a 24.3% higher aerodynamic performance compared to the standard sail fabric. This results clearly show the effect of targeted tubercule structure and microfiber use on aerodynamic performance of the sailcloth.
15.05.2025 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tekstil Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tekstil Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering