Sanayi alanlarının kentsel rekreasyon amaçlı kullanımı, Tekirdağ-Süleymanpaşa örneği
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
18. yüzyılda İngiltere’de başlayan sanayileşme devriminin tüm dünyaya yayılması ile birlikte kentlerde değişimler yaşanmaya başlamış ve bu değişim günümüzde de devam etmektedir. Teknolojinin de etkisi ile sanayi alanları farklılaşmaya gitmiş ve yer konusunda farlı tercihler doğmuş, böylece sanayi alanları kentlerin dışına taşınmıştır. Bu durum sonucunda kent merkezlerinde köhneleşmiş ve terk edilmiş işlevsiz alanlar oluşmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında bu alanların değerlendirilmesi yapılarak Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa örneği incelenmiştir. İlk olarak kent, kentsel açık yeşil alan ve kentsel açık yeşil alanların işlevleri incelenmiş, rekreasyon kavramı, rekreasyon faaliyetleri ve bunların sağladıkları faydalara değinilmiştir. Kentsel dönüşüm kavramı incelenerek kentsel dönüşüm sürecinde dikkate alınması gerekli hususlar anlatılarak dünyadan ve ülkemizden kentsel dönüşüm örnekleri incelenmiştir. Daha sonra sanayi kavramı tanımlanarak sanayi gelişiminin kronolojik gelişimine bakılmış, sanayi alanlarının faydalarından bahsedilmiştir. İşlevini yitirmiş sanayi alanları ve dönüşüm süreçleri örneklerle incelenmiştir. Son olarak çalışma alanı ile ilgili, konum, nüfus, bitki örtüsü vs. veriler incelenmiş imar planlarına göre nüfus ve yeşil alan analizleri yapılmış, çalışma alanına yakın konumda ki parkların tespiti yapılarak tüm bu veriler doğrultusunda alana kazandırılmak istenilen park fonksiyonu belirlenerek bu doğrultuda öneri peyzaj projesi hazırlanmıştır.
18. as the industrialization revolution that started in England in the century spread throughout the world, changes began to take place in the cities and this change continues today. With the influence of technology, industrial areas have gone to divergence and different preferences have been born about the place, so that industrial areas have been moved out of the cities. As a result of this situation, dysfunctional areas were formed in the urban centers which had become köhneleşmiş and abandoned. Within the scope of the study, the Tekirdağ Suleymanpaşa sample was examined by evaluating these areas. First, the functions of urban, urban light green area and urban light green areas were examined and the concept of recreation, recreational activities and their benefits were discussed. The concept of urban transformation has been examined and the issues that need to be taken into consideration in the process of urban transformation have been explained and examples of urban transformation from the world and our country have been examined. Later, the concept of industry was defined and the chronological development of industrial development was looked at and the benefits of industrial areas were mentioned. Lost industrial areas and transformation processes were examined with examples. Finally related to the study area, location, population, vegetation etc. according to the zoning plans, population and green area analyses were made and parks were determined in close proximity to the work area and the proposed landscape project was prepared in this direction by determining the park function required to be gained in the area in line with all these data.
18. as the industrialization revolution that started in England in the century spread throughout the world, changes began to take place in the cities and this change continues today. With the influence of technology, industrial areas have gone to divergence and different preferences have been born about the place, so that industrial areas have been moved out of the cities. As a result of this situation, dysfunctional areas were formed in the urban centers which had become köhneleşmiş and abandoned. Within the scope of the study, the Tekirdağ Suleymanpaşa sample was examined by evaluating these areas. First, the functions of urban, urban light green area and urban light green areas were examined and the concept of recreation, recreational activities and their benefits were discussed. The concept of urban transformation has been examined and the issues that need to be taken into consideration in the process of urban transformation have been explained and examples of urban transformation from the world and our country have been examined. Later, the concept of industry was defined and the chronological development of industrial development was looked at and the benefits of industrial areas were mentioned. Lost industrial areas and transformation processes were examined with examples. Finally related to the study area, location, population, vegetation etc. according to the zoning plans, population and green area analyses were made and parks were determined in close proximity to the work area and the proposed landscape project was prepared in this direction by determining the park function required to be gained in the area in line with all these data.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kentsel açık alan, Rekreasyon, Kentsel dönüşüm, Sanayi bölgeleri, Urban open space, Recreation, Urban transformation, Industrial zones