Prehistorik Çağlardan Modernizme Dansın Anlamı: Tasvirler Üzerinden İkonografik Bir Analiz
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Dans olarak adlandırdığımız belirli bir düzende gerçekleştirilen ritmik hareketler bütünü,insanlık tarihinde, tarihöncesi çağlardan günümüze değin farklı anlamlar yüklenerek biçimsel vekavramsal bağlamda türemiş, değişmiş ve gelişmiştir. Genel bir ifadeyle dans; doğrudan ya dadolaylı olarak dini birtakım yerel-geleneksel inanışlar, ritüeller, kültler, mitoloji, efsanevi hikayelerve seremonilere dayalı olarak şekillenmiştir. Tarihöncesi dönemlerdeki topluluklarda dansınritüellerle ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Antik kültürlerde dans, mitoloji ve kültlerle bağlantılıritüellerin, av ve savaş öncesi alıştırma egzersizlerinin, geleneksel-seküler seremonilerin bir parçasıolmuştur. Temeli Antik dönem halk eğlencelerine dayanan bazı dans türleri Ortaçağda neredeyse tümAvrupa'ya yayılmış; kısmi biçimsel değişikliklere uğrayan bu geleneksel dansların bazı varyasyonlarıOrtaçağdan günümüze değin varlığını sürdürmüştür. XIV. Louis döneminde Batı Avrupa'nın ilk dansakademisi Académie Royale de Danse'ın kurulması dansın akademik bir sanat olarak gelişimiaçısından en önemli adım olmuştur. 19. yüzyılda -özellikle Avrupa'da- dans eğlence kültüründe,tiyatro ve kabarelerde sıradan bir eylem olarak gösterilere, saray ve aristokratların balo veşölenlerine, akademilerin eğitim programına dahil olmuştur.Bu makalede, tarihöncesi dönemden 19. yüzyılın sonuna uzanan kronolojik çizgide, dansın tarihiyleörüntülü olarak bazı dans tasvirlerinin kavramsal ve ikonografik çözümlemesi yapılmaktadır.Çalışmanın amacı dansın tarihsel gelişimini, farklı dönemlere ve kültürlere ait sanat eserleriyle veedebi metinlerle örneklendirerek aktarmaktır. Bu bağlamda çeşitli edebi eserlerin, dans sahneleriiçeren minyatürlü kopyaları da incelenerek çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir.
All the rhythmic and certain order movements, as we called dance, were reproduced, changed and developed into a stylistic and conceptual context with various meanings from prehistoric times till present at the history of human. Generally speaking, dance is composed of direct or indirect religious, certain local-traditional beliefs, rituals, cults, mythology, legendary stories and rituals. It is known that dancing is affiliated with rituals in communities throughout prehistoric times. During ancient cultures, dance was a section of customs akin to mythology, cults, hunting and pre-war exercises, in addition to, traditional-secular ceremonies. Some dance styles based on ancient folk entertainment spread in nearly whole Europe in the Middle Age; some variations of these traditional folk dances became partial formal changes continued to exist from Middle Ages up to now. When Louis XIV on power, establishing of the Académie Royale de Danse was the most significant step for the development of dance as an academic art. In the 19th century, especially in Europe, dance contained in the entertainment culture, as an ordinary act at the theaters and cabarets, the balls, festivals of palaces and aristocrats, in the education programmes of academies as well. This article examines some dance images being analyzed in terms of conceptual and iconographical on the chronological lines surviving from prehistoric dates until the end of the 19th century. Moreover, the purpose of this work is to convey historical development of the dance exemplifying some of the art works and literary texts belong to different periods and unlike cultures. In this context, miniature copies of various literary works, including dance scenes, were also examined and included in the study.
All the rhythmic and certain order movements, as we called dance, were reproduced, changed and developed into a stylistic and conceptual context with various meanings from prehistoric times till present at the history of human. Generally speaking, dance is composed of direct or indirect religious, certain local-traditional beliefs, rituals, cults, mythology, legendary stories and rituals. It is known that dancing is affiliated with rituals in communities throughout prehistoric times. During ancient cultures, dance was a section of customs akin to mythology, cults, hunting and pre-war exercises, in addition to, traditional-secular ceremonies. Some dance styles based on ancient folk entertainment spread in nearly whole Europe in the Middle Age; some variations of these traditional folk dances became partial formal changes continued to exist from Middle Ages up to now. When Louis XIV on power, establishing of the Académie Royale de Danse was the most significant step for the development of dance as an academic art. In the 19th century, especially in Europe, dance contained in the entertainment culture, as an ordinary act at the theaters and cabarets, the balls, festivals of palaces and aristocrats, in the education programmes of academies as well. This article examines some dance images being analyzed in terms of conceptual and iconographical on the chronological lines surviving from prehistoric dates until the end of the 19th century. Moreover, the purpose of this work is to convey historical development of the dance exemplifying some of the art works and literary texts belong to different periods and unlike cultures. In this context, miniature copies of various literary works, including dance scenes, were also examined and included in the study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sanat, Kültürel Çalışmalar, Etnik Çalışmalar, Tiyatro
History Studies
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri