Ekmeklik buğday genotiplerinin kurağa tolerans yönünden karşılaştırılması
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışma 3 aşamalı olarak yapılmıştır. Laboratuvar koşullarında 43 genotip PEG6000 ile yaratılan 5 farklı kuraklık ortamında (0,00 MPa, 0,25 MPa, 0,50 MPa, 0,75 MPa ve 1,00 MPa uygulamaları) 5 tekrarlamalı olarak Tesadüf Parselleri Deneme Desenine göre denemeye alınmıştır. Laboratuvar çalışmalarında bitki ağırlığı, kök sayısı, kök uzunluğu, kök ağırlığı, sürgün uzunluğu ve sürgün ağırlığı karakterleri belirlenmiştir. Tüp denemesi 24 Ekmeklik buğday genotip ile yürütülmüştür. Bu 24 genotip çalışmada kullanılan 39 adet ekmeklik buğday, 1 adet çavdar, 1 adet kavlıca, 2 adet siyez popülasyonu olmak üzere 43 adet genotipin arasından laboratuvar koşullarında PEG ile yapılan kuraklık çalışması sonucu belirlenen genotiplerdir. Çalışmada bitki boyu, başak boyu, başakta başakçık sayısı, başakta dane sayısı, başakta dane ağırlığı, kök uzunluğu, kök ağırlığı özellikleri incelenmiştir. Tüp çalışması Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Desenine göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Kasa denemesi 10 metre uzunluğunda ve 1,2 metre genişliğinde oluşturulan kasalara 45 genotip 1 metre boyunda sıra olarak ekilmiştir. Çalışmada genotiplerin erken dönemde kurağa toleransları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada fide canlı kalım oranı, fide gelişimi, bitki örtüsü sıcaklığı, klorofil oranı, stoma eni, uzunluğu ve boyu özellikleri incelenmiştir. İncelenen özelliklerde yapılan varyans analizi ve önemlilik testi sonucunda PEG uygulamaları, kuraklık seviyesi uygulamaları ve kasada fide canlı kalım oranları yönünden genotipler incelendiğinde genotipler arasında önemli bir değişimin olduğu gözlemlemiştir. Laboratuvar koşullarında 43 genotip ile yürütülen çalışmalarda incelenen kurağa tolerans özelliği yönünden en iyi genotipler Enola, NKÜ Ergene, Bezostoja 1 ve Maden genotipleri olurken, bunları Aglika, Falado, Anopa, Selimiye, Bora ve Hakan genotipleri izlemiştir. Kurağa tolerans yönünden en alt değerler ise Siyez-1, Siyez-2 ve Kavlıca genotiplerinde elde edilmiştir. Tüp ortamında yapılan çalışmada incelenen kurağa tolerans özelliği yönünden Enola ve NKÜ Ergene en üstte yer alırken, bunları Rumeli, Prima, Esperia ve Bora genotipleri izlemiştir. Tüp ortamında en düşük değerler ise Kavlıca Beyaz, LG59, Adelaide ve Rebelde genotiplerinde elde edilmiştir. Kasa ortamında ise fide canlı kalım oranı yönünden Esperia, Rumeli, Krasunia Odes'ka, Almeria ve Falado genotipleri daha iyi sonuçlar gösterirken, Adelaide, LG59, Siyez-1 ve Siyez 2, Başkan ve Anopa ise düşük değerler vermişlerdir. Kasa ortamında incelenen tüm özellikler dikkate alındığında Enola, Mihelca, Maden, Hamza ve Aglika genotipleri kuraklık yönünden daha iyi bulunurken, Adelaide, Başkan, Spelta Beyaz, Siyez-1 ve Aldane ise düşük değerler vermişlerdir.
The study was organized in 3 different ways. In laboratory conditions, the study was conducted in 5 different drought environments (0.00 MPa, 0.25 MPa, 0.50 MPa, 0.75 MPa and 1.00 MPa applications) created with 43 genotypes of PEG6000, with 5 replications according to the Random Plots Trial Design. In the study, plant weight, root number, root length, root weight, shoot length and shoot weight characters were determined. A specially prepared tube experiment was carried out with 24 Bread wheat genotypes. Forty three genotypes, including 39 bread wheat, 1 rye, 1 kavlıca and 2 einkorn populations, and 24 genotypes were selected by utilizing the results obtained in the drought study conducted with PEG under laboratory conditions. In the study, plant height, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike, root length, root weight properties were investigated. The specially prepared tube study was carried out according to the Random Blocks Trial Design with 4 replications. In crate experment as a third study, 45 genotypes were planted in 1 meter long rows in crates with a length of 10 meters and a width of 1.2 meters. In the study, for the early drought tolerance of the genotypes; Seedling survival rate, seedling growth, vegetation temperature, chlorophyll ratio, stomatal width, length and height characteristics were investigated. As a result of the analysis of variance and significance test performed on the examined traits, it was observed that there was a statistically significant change between genotypes and genotypes in terms of PEG applications, drought level applications and seedling survival rates Enola, NKÜ Ergene, Bezostoja 1 and Maden were the best genotypes in terms of drought tolerance in the studies carried out with 43 genotypes under laboratory conditions, followed by Aglika, Falado, Anopa, Selimiye, Bora and Hakan. The lowest values in terms of drought tolerance were obtained in Siyez-1, Siyez-2 and Kavlıca genotypes. Enola and NKÜ Ergene were at the top in terms of drought tolerance properties, which were examined in the study conducted in a specially prepared tube medium, followed by Rumeli, Prima, Esperia and Bora genotypes. The lowest values in specially prepared tube medium were obtained in Kavlıca Beyaz, LG59, Adelaide and Rebelde genotypes. Esperia, Rumeli, Krasunia Odes'ka, Almeria and Falado genotypes showed better results in terms of seedling survival rate in the box environment, while Adelaide, LG59, Siyez-1 and Siyez-2, President and Anopa gave low values. When all the characters examined in the safe environment are evaluated together; Enola, Mihelca, Maden, Hamza and Aglika genotypes were found to be better in terms of drought, while Adelaide, President, Spelta Beyaz, Siyez-1 and Aldane gave low values.
The study was organized in 3 different ways. In laboratory conditions, the study was conducted in 5 different drought environments (0.00 MPa, 0.25 MPa, 0.50 MPa, 0.75 MPa and 1.00 MPa applications) created with 43 genotypes of PEG6000, with 5 replications according to the Random Plots Trial Design. In the study, plant weight, root number, root length, root weight, shoot length and shoot weight characters were determined. A specially prepared tube experiment was carried out with 24 Bread wheat genotypes. Forty three genotypes, including 39 bread wheat, 1 rye, 1 kavlıca and 2 einkorn populations, and 24 genotypes were selected by utilizing the results obtained in the drought study conducted with PEG under laboratory conditions. In the study, plant height, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike, root length, root weight properties were investigated. The specially prepared tube study was carried out according to the Random Blocks Trial Design with 4 replications. In crate experment as a third study, 45 genotypes were planted in 1 meter long rows in crates with a length of 10 meters and a width of 1.2 meters. In the study, for the early drought tolerance of the genotypes; Seedling survival rate, seedling growth, vegetation temperature, chlorophyll ratio, stomatal width, length and height characteristics were investigated. As a result of the analysis of variance and significance test performed on the examined traits, it was observed that there was a statistically significant change between genotypes and genotypes in terms of PEG applications, drought level applications and seedling survival rates Enola, NKÜ Ergene, Bezostoja 1 and Maden were the best genotypes in terms of drought tolerance in the studies carried out with 43 genotypes under laboratory conditions, followed by Aglika, Falado, Anopa, Selimiye, Bora and Hakan. The lowest values in terms of drought tolerance were obtained in Siyez-1, Siyez-2 and Kavlıca genotypes. Enola and NKÜ Ergene were at the top in terms of drought tolerance properties, which were examined in the study conducted in a specially prepared tube medium, followed by Rumeli, Prima, Esperia and Bora genotypes. The lowest values in specially prepared tube medium were obtained in Kavlıca Beyaz, LG59, Adelaide and Rebelde genotypes. Esperia, Rumeli, Krasunia Odes'ka, Almeria and Falado genotypes showed better results in terms of seedling survival rate in the box environment, while Adelaide, LG59, Siyez-1 and Siyez-2, President and Anopa gave low values. When all the characters examined in the safe environment are evaluated together; Enola, Mihelca, Maden, Hamza and Aglika genotypes were found to be better in terms of drought, while Adelaide, President, Spelta Beyaz, Siyez-1 and Aldane gave low values.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture