Abdülhamid Dönemi İttihat Terakki ve Ermeni İlişkileri 1876-1909
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İTC ve Ermeni ilişkilerinin temeli, onların ortak bir gelecekten çok ortak bir düşman idealinde buluştuğu gerçeğini ortaya koymaktadır. Osmanlı devletinin muhafazakâr yönetim kaideleri ve çağın gereklerine uygun politikalar geliştirememesi, toplumsal katmanlar arasında hem karşıtlıklar hem de birlikte hareket etme modelleri oluşturmuştur. Dönemin genç ve aydınları arasında yükselen bu yeni yönetim anlayışının taşıyıcı unsurları, kendilerini sürekli Avrupa ile kıyaslamış ve içinde yaşadıkları düşkün devlet görüntüsünün acizlik psikolojisinden kurtulmak istemişlerdir. Paylaştıkları coğrafya da yöntem olarak ayrışan unsurların; Türk tarafı, imparatorluğu eski şaşaalı günlerine döndürebilmeyi amaçlarken Ermeni halkı için hedef, uluslaşma sürecinden paylarına düşeni almaktır. Yeni Osmanlılardan İTC'nin oluşumuna kadar. Meşrutiyetin ilanı için çalışan gençler siyasi varlıklarını da ortaya koymak istemişlerdir. İTC, Ermeni örgütleri ile ortaklık ve diyalog denemeleri dönem konjonktürü içerisinde sürekli suikasta uğramış ve durum her iki tarafı da yıpratmıştır. Zaten çok güçlü olmayan güven ortamının ayaklanmalar ve bunlara karşı alınan sert tedbirlerle bastırılması tarafları kendi bünyelerinde ek planlamalar yapmaya itmiştir.
The basis of CUP and Armenian relations reveals the fact that they meet in the ideal of a common enemy rather than a common future. The conservative management rules of the Ottoman state and the inability to develop policies in accordance with the requirements of the age created both oppositions and models of acting together among the social layers. The supporting principles of this new management approach, which rose among the young and intellectuals of the period, constantly compared themselves with Europe and wanted to get rid of the helplessness psychology of the image of the fallen state in which they lived. Although they share the geography, the methods of their principles are different; While the Turkish side aims to return the empire to its former glory, the target for the Armenian people is to get their share from the nationbuilding process. From the New Ottomans to the formation of the CUP. Young people working for the proclamation of the Constitutional Monarchy also wanted to reveal their political existence. Partnership and dialogue attempts with the CUP, Armenian organizations were constantly assassinated in the conjuncture of the period and the situation eroded both sides. The suppression of the already not very strong atmosphere of trust with the uprisings and the harsh measures taken against them pushed the parties to make additional plans within their own structure.
The basis of CUP and Armenian relations reveals the fact that they meet in the ideal of a common enemy rather than a common future. The conservative management rules of the Ottoman state and the inability to develop policies in accordance with the requirements of the age created both oppositions and models of acting together among the social layers. The supporting principles of this new management approach, which rose among the young and intellectuals of the period, constantly compared themselves with Europe and wanted to get rid of the helplessness psychology of the image of the fallen state in which they lived. Although they share the geography, the methods of their principles are different; While the Turkish side aims to return the empire to its former glory, the target for the Armenian people is to get their share from the nationbuilding process. From the New Ottomans to the formation of the CUP. Young people working for the proclamation of the Constitutional Monarchy also wanted to reveal their political existence. Partnership and dialogue attempts with the CUP, Armenian organizations were constantly assassinated in the conjuncture of the period and the situation eroded both sides. The suppression of the already not very strong atmosphere of trust with the uprisings and the harsh measures taken against them pushed the parties to make additional plans within their own structure.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abdülhamid, İttihat ve Terakki, Ermeniler, Hınçak, Taşnak Federasyonu, Abdülhamid, Union and Progress, Armenians, Hinchak, Dashnak Federation, Tarih, History