Doubled haploid ekmeklik buğday hatlarının morfolojik, verim ve kalite özellikleri yönünden değerlendirilmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmada farklı dönemlerde ıslah edilmiş ekmeklik buğday çeşitleri ve Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Tarafından kombinasyon ıslahı ile elde edilen F2 döllerinden anter kültürü ile geliştirilen double haploid hatlar ve bölgede yetiştirilen çeşitler materyal olarak kullanılmştır. Çalışmada fiziksel özellikler olarak; bitki boyu, başak uzunluğu, başaktaki dane sayısı, başak dane ağırlığı, başak ağırlığı, dane verimi ve başaklanma gün sayısı incelenmiş ve bunların hepsi de istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Araştırılan özellikler bakımından kalite analizlerinde ise nem, süne zararı, embriyo kararması, protein oranı, gluten ve gluten indeks, sedimantasyon ve bekletilmiş sedimantasyon incelenmiş ve bu özelliklerin tamamı istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Yapılan çalışmada gerek kalite gerekse fiziksel özellikler bakımından istenilen değerler veren double haploid melez Flamura85/Golia hattı tespit edilmiştir.
In the study different periods have been breeding bread wheat varieties and Namık Kemal University established using the Faculty of Agronomy Department developed by anther culture of the resulting F2 progeny with a combination of breeding by double haploid as materials and their physical and quality characteristics of the double haploid lines derived from hybrids were examined. In the study the physical properties; plant height, spike length, grain piece in spike, spike grain weight, spike weight, grain yield and heading examined the number of days and all of them were statistically significant as well. In terms of quality of analysis investigated the characteristics of moisture, stink bug damage, embryo darkening, protein content, gluten and gluten index, sedimentation and suspended sedimentation was examined and found to be statistically significant all of these characters. In this study, desired values of the terms of quality and psysical properties that are resulted; hybrid double haploid line Flamura85/Golia was determined.
In the study different periods have been breeding bread wheat varieties and Namık Kemal University established using the Faculty of Agronomy Department developed by anther culture of the resulting F2 progeny with a combination of breeding by double haploid as materials and their physical and quality characteristics of the double haploid lines derived from hybrids were examined. In the study the physical properties; plant height, spike length, grain piece in spike, spike grain weight, spike weight, grain yield and heading examined the number of days and all of them were statistically significant as well. In terms of quality of analysis investigated the characteristics of moisture, stink bug damage, embryo darkening, protein content, gluten and gluten index, sedimentation and suspended sedimentation was examined and found to be statistically significant all of these characters. In this study, desired values of the terms of quality and psysical properties that are resulted; hybrid double haploid line Flamura85/Golia was determined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Double haploid, gluten, sedimantasyon, dane verimi, sedimentation, grain yield