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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Liberalizm, ortaçağdaki yapının özgürlüklere doğru dönüşmesiyle birlikte, bireyin sosyal, siyasal ve ekonomik hayatını kısıtlayan, sınırlandıran ve bu alanlardaki özgürlüğünü yok eden her türlü olguya karşı mücadeledir. Ortaçağdaki yapının dönüşmesiyle birlikte evrensel Hıristiyan dünyası yerine ulusal devletler ortaya çıkmıştır. Böylece liberalizm kendisi için, üzerine oturacağı bir zemin bulmuştur. Tanrı?nın yerini akıl, papanın yerini rasyonel birey, feodal ilişkilerin yerini bir ülkenin uyrukluğu almıştır. Liberalizmin gelişmesinde temelde iki eğilim olduğunu görmekteyiz. İlki devleti anayasayla sınırlamayı öngören sınırlı devlet anlayışı ile serbest piyasaya önem veren Laissez Faire?ci (iktisadi anlamda) ve negatif özgürlükçü, bireyci klasik liberalist anlayıştır. İkincisi ise bazı özgürlüklerin ancak devlet eliyle anlamlı hale getirilebileceğini öngören ve serbest piyasanın ortaya çıkardığı dengesizlikleri sosyal önlemlerle gidermeye çalışan ve devletin olumlu yöndeki müdahalelerini savunan pozitif özgürlükçü ve devlete önem veren sosyal liberalist anlayıştır. Bu çalışmada klasik liberalist anlayış ile sosyal liberalist anlayışın yanı sıra neo-liberalist anlayış üzerinde de durulmuştur. Ayrıca temelde ekonomik hayatta olmak üzere toplumsal ve siyasal hayatta da yaşanan sorunlar ve bunların sonucunda ortaya çıkan ihtiyaçlara göre bu üç görüşün dönüşümünden bahsedilmiştir. Dünyada yaşanan 1929 krizi ve sonrasındaki gelişmeler klasik liberalizmi dönüştürmüş ve ekonomiye devletin müdahalesi gerekli görülmüştür. 1970 ekonomik krizinde ise devletin müdahalesindeki aşırılık nedeniyle neo-liberalizm adıyla esasta klasik liberalizme dönüş yaşanmıştır.
Following the transformation of the social structure of the middle ages into a variety of liberties/freedoms, liberalism has appeared as a struggle against all kinds of phenomena that limit the social, political, and economical life of individuals. Along with the transformation of the social structure in the middle ages, nation states have replaced the place of universal Christian world. While rationality took the place of God, rational individual took the place of Pope, and citizenship of a country took the place of feudal relationships. Principally two approaches are observed in the development and prevalance of liberalism. The first approach is the negative liberty-oriented and individualistic classical liberalist approach which proposes to restrict the state with constitution, and thus according to Laissez Faire (in terms of economics) attaches importance to open market economy via the restricted state idea. On the other hand, the second approach is the positive liberty-oriented social liberalist approach which proposes that only particular liberties can be made meaningful by means of the state. This latter approach tries to eliminate the instabilities formed by open market economy via social measures, and attaches importance to the state. This paper focuses on neoliberalist perception along with the classical liberalist understanding and the social liberalist conception. The paper also deals with the transformation of these three perceptions which have occurred as a result of the needs and wants due to the economical, social and political unrest. The worldwide economic crisis of 1929 and subsequent events have transformed classical liberalism and eventually intervention of the state has been considered to be inevitable. Indeed during the crisis of economics of 1970, excessive state intervention has basically caused transformation back to classical liberalism under the name of neoliberalism.
Following the transformation of the social structure of the middle ages into a variety of liberties/freedoms, liberalism has appeared as a struggle against all kinds of phenomena that limit the social, political, and economical life of individuals. Along with the transformation of the social structure in the middle ages, nation states have replaced the place of universal Christian world. While rationality took the place of God, rational individual took the place of Pope, and citizenship of a country took the place of feudal relationships. Principally two approaches are observed in the development and prevalance of liberalism. The first approach is the negative liberty-oriented and individualistic classical liberalist approach which proposes to restrict the state with constitution, and thus according to Laissez Faire (in terms of economics) attaches importance to open market economy via the restricted state idea. On the other hand, the second approach is the positive liberty-oriented social liberalist approach which proposes that only particular liberties can be made meaningful by means of the state. This latter approach tries to eliminate the instabilities formed by open market economy via social measures, and attaches importance to the state. This paper focuses on neoliberalist perception along with the classical liberalist understanding and the social liberalist conception. The paper also deals with the transformation of these three perceptions which have occurred as a result of the needs and wants due to the economical, social and political unrest. The worldwide economic crisis of 1929 and subsequent events have transformed classical liberalism and eventually intervention of the state has been considered to be inevitable. Indeed during the crisis of economics of 1970, excessive state intervention has basically caused transformation back to classical liberalism under the name of neoliberalism.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Klasik Liberalizm, Sosyal Liberalizm, Neo- Liberalizm, Özgürlük, Classical Liberalism, Social Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism, Freedom/Liberty
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