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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Kancalı Dokuma Tezgâhlarında Atkı Telefinin Azaltılması Projesi, mekiksiz dokuma makinelerinin atkı telefini azaltmaya yönelik bir çalışmadır. Dokuma işletmesinde bulunan farklı özellikteki kancalı dokuma tezgahlarında mevcut atkı telefi miktarları bu tez kapsamında ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş ve optimizasyon çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Yüksek hızlı kamera ile atkı atma prosesi görüntülenmiştir. Yüksek hızlarda atkı üzerine gelen gerilim, kuvvet ve etkiler incelenmiştir. Optimizasyon ve standardizasyon çalışmaları sonrasında atkı atım sisteminde uygun olarak çalışacak bir aparat tasarımı yapılmıştır. Tasarlanan bu aparat uygun bir tezgâhta denenmiş ve atkı telefinin durumu, kumaş ve tezgâh performansı incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar aynı zamanda dokuma işletmesinde bulunan hava jetli tezgâhlara da uyarlanmıştır. Yapılan araştırma ve analizler sonucunda elde edilen bilgiler ışığında hava jetli tezgâhlardaki telef miktarı da önemli ölçüde azaltılmıştır. Bu çalışma alanında ilk defa yapılan çalışmalardan biri olmuştur. Bu kapsamda geliştirilen standart ve aparatlar sektörde büyük bir avantaj sağlayacaktır.
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop methods and procedures in order to reduce weft yarn waste, primarily on rapier weaving looms, and as a result, to obtain important advantages in terms of operational cost and sustainability of natural resources. Design and development of a new apparatus that ensures reducing the length of weft waste to minimum levels in comparison with the current situation on rapier weaving looms are also aimed at this study. Reducing the dependence to human for setting adjustments of the weaving loom that affects the length of weft waste is one of the driving reasons of this project. Due to the nature of weaving process, weft waste generally occurs during weaving process. The problem of weft waste came out after using shuttleless weaving looms as alternative to shuttle looms. In the present day, weft waste is a serious problem for rapier weaving looms and the weft waste proportion increases up to 10% at rapier weaving looms working at 150-160 cm width. It is difficult to endure these losses especially for expensive weft yarns. As much high weft waste amount cannot be tolerated in terms of both economic and sustainability points of views. Substantial resources should be prevented from reckless usage to reduce waste proportion. This is, already, one of the major aims of YUNSA to increase competitiveness and also to save natural resources for sustainability. Woolen weaving sector keeps its significance in Turkey and in the World and request for woolen fabric, because of its becoming nature and useful, permanently increases. While wool is valuable like this, throwing of some wool as a waste during production increases production cost of woolen fabric producer and as a result, reduces competitive power at woolen fabric sector against countries which production cost is low. The wool waste generated during weaving process composes high portion of the total waste. Project will be the one of the first committed to solve weft waste problem for shutleless weaving looms in industrial scope and will be performed within an industry supported academic work. Currently the weft waste length on gripper weaving looms exist at YUNSA at different features (brand, structure type, year, side type, machine width etc.) will be inspected and an optimization processes will be performed. Weft transfer system will be recorded by high fast camera and will be analyzed by image processing software. According to data and findings collected, a new apparatus will be designed to reduce weft waste and will work at the side of fabric. Produced samples will examine and applicability of them will be tested within draft. Project has a potential to ensure incomes and competitive edge at first for YUNSA and for all weaving sector. It will pioneer about the amount of weft wastes especially for gripper weaving looms. The proportion of weft waste could be reduced from %10 to %1-2 level. Important “know-how” will be obtained in this field and it will secured by patent and it will be possible to present it to all weaving sector. As a result, the production waste of all natural or synthetic weft yarn used in weaving sector will be reduced, and will contribute for cleaner and sustainable production economy. It will also contribute of our country to competitive edge at textile sector, and also cost advantage with technological experience will be gained.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Atkı Telefi, Dokuma Kenar Yapıları, Kancalı Dokuma Tezgâhları Kenar Telefleri, Weft Waste, Selvedge Waste, Rapier Weaving Loom, Fabric Selvedge, Selvedge Forming Device, Apparatus for Reducing Weft Waste


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