Deethyldasycarpidone'nin farklı bir yöntemle sentezlenmesi üzerine çalışmalar
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Genel olarak alkaloitler önemli farmakolojik özellikler taşırlar. Karmaşık molekül yapılarına sahip olduklarından sentetik olarak elde edilmeleri oldukça zor ve önemlidir. Bu bileşiklerin önemli biyolojik aktivite göstermeleri nedeniyle, sentezlenmelerine ve sentez verimlerinin arttırılmasına yönelik çalışmalara gerek duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada strchynos alkaloitlerinin temelini oluşturan azacino[4,3-b]indol ana iskeleti ve deethyldasycarpidone bileşiği farklı ve daha kısa bir yöntemle sentezlenmiştir. Bu sentez planına göre (±)ulein, (±)dasycarpidone gibi doğal ürünlerin sentezinin kısa bir yöntemle başarılması sağlanacaktır. Deethyldasycarpidone üzerine bu güne kadar yapılan çalışmalar incelendiğinde sentezinin sınırlı sayıda yöntem ile gerçekleştirildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Sentetik organik kimyada sentez yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesine, reaksiyon basamak sayısının azaltılması, reaksiyon veriminin artmasında önemli bir etkendir. Bu sebepten dolayı yaptığımız çalışma literatüre yenilik kazandırmıştır.
Alkaloids are known to have important pharmacological properties. Due to their complex molecular structure, they are quite difficult to obtain synthetically. Because of the significant biological activity of these compounds, their synthesis and synthesis studies are an important factor in order to increase yields. This forms the basis for the study of alkaloids strchynos azacino [4,3- b] indole and deethyldasycarpido. The main idea is to synthesize these compounds by a method which is shorter and different than previously proposed methods. According to the proposed synthesis scheme in this thesis, the synthesis of natural products such as ( ± ) ulein and ( ± ) dasycarpidone can be achieved by a shorter method. So far the work done on Deethyldasycarpido is limited, and the method of synthesis is not well understood. Development of synthetic organic chemistry synthesis methods, by reducing the number of reaction steps, could lead to an increase in yield. For this reason, our work has brought innovation to the literature.
Alkaloids are known to have important pharmacological properties. Due to their complex molecular structure, they are quite difficult to obtain synthetically. Because of the significant biological activity of these compounds, their synthesis and synthesis studies are an important factor in order to increase yields. This forms the basis for the study of alkaloids strchynos azacino [4,3- b] indole and deethyldasycarpido. The main idea is to synthesize these compounds by a method which is shorter and different than previously proposed methods. According to the proposed synthesis scheme in this thesis, the synthesis of natural products such as ( ± ) ulein and ( ± ) dasycarpidone can be achieved by a shorter method. So far the work done on Deethyldasycarpido is limited, and the method of synthesis is not well understood. Development of synthetic organic chemistry synthesis methods, by reducing the number of reaction steps, could lead to an increase in yield. For this reason, our work has brought innovation to the literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Karbazol, Azakino [4,3-b]indol, strchynos alkoloitleri, deetildasikarpidon, ulein, dasikarpidon, Carbazole, Azacino [4,3-b]indole, deethyldasycarpidone, strchynos alkaloids uleine, dasycarpidone