Pomza ve perlit içerikli hafif betonun fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Gelişen ve küreselleşen dünyada enerji ihtiyacının artmasına karşın kısıtlı enerji kaynakları nedeniyle verimli enerji kullanımı gündeme gelmiştir. Enerji ihtiyacının artması, beton teknolojisinde de enerji verimliliğine önem kazandırmış ve bu kapsamda betona ısı ve ses yalıtım özelliği kazandırılmak istenmiştir. Bu çalışmada beton karışımında hafif agrega kullanılarak betonun birim kütlesi düşürülmüş, fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri incelenmiş ve ısı yalıtım özelliği verilmek istenmiştir. Bu nedenle, çeşitli oranlarda hafif agregalar ve EPS kullanılarak üretilen hafif beton numuneleri (15X15X15) cm3 ebatlarında küp şeklindeki kalıplara yerleştirilmiştir. 24 saat sonra kalıplardan çıkarılan numuneler 23oC suda 7-28 gün bekletilmiştir. 7 ve 28 gün sonlarında kür havuzundan çıkarılan numunelere, basınç, su emme gibi çeşitli deneylere tabi tutularak hafif agregalarla üretilen ısı yalıtım amaçlı hafif betonun özellikleri incelenmiş ve normal betonun özellikleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak hafif agrega kullanılarak üretilen hafif betonun, enerji verimliliği açısından büyük bir gelişim ortaya kayarak klasik beton anlayışına yeni bir bakış açısı getirmiştir.
In this developing and globalising world, inspite of the increase in energy demand, because of limited sources, efficient use of energy became a main topic. Increasing energy demand caused an efficieny need in concrete technology too. In this respect conventional concrete is aimed to be equipped with sound and heat insulating features. In this study, using lightweight aggregate, unit mass of conventional concrete is decreased, pysical and mechanical features of it is surveyed and it is tried to be gained heat isolating feature. Light Concrete samples produced using varying rates of aggregates and eps, have been placed in (15X15X15) cm3 cubed shaped boxes. After 24 hours samples were taken out of the mold and placed in to the 23oC water to rest 7-28 days. At the end of the 7th and 28 th days, samples were taken out of the curing pool and they have been subjected to varying experiments as pressure and water absorbtion in order to observe the lineweight concrete?s properties and results were compared to the normal concrete properties. As a result heat insulation purpose lineweight concrete produced by using light weight aggregate, presenting a huge advance, brought a new perspective to conventional concrete understanding.
In this developing and globalising world, inspite of the increase in energy demand, because of limited sources, efficient use of energy became a main topic. Increasing energy demand caused an efficieny need in concrete technology too. In this respect conventional concrete is aimed to be equipped with sound and heat insulating features. In this study, using lightweight aggregate, unit mass of conventional concrete is decreased, pysical and mechanical features of it is surveyed and it is tried to be gained heat isolating feature. Light Concrete samples produced using varying rates of aggregates and eps, have been placed in (15X15X15) cm3 cubed shaped boxes. After 24 hours samples were taken out of the mold and placed in to the 23oC water to rest 7-28 days. At the end of the 7th and 28 th days, samples were taken out of the curing pool and they have been subjected to varying experiments as pressure and water absorbtion in order to observe the lineweight concrete?s properties and results were compared to the normal concrete properties. As a result heat insulation purpose lineweight concrete produced by using light weight aggregate, presenting a huge advance, brought a new perspective to conventional concrete understanding.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hafifbeton, Pomza, Perlit, Isı yalıtımı, Ses yalıtımı, Light weight concrete, Pumice, Pearlite, Heat insulation, Sound insulation