Türkiye'de Trakya bölgesinde güllerde görülen virüslerin biyolojik ve serolojik yöntemlerle saptanması üzerine araştırmalar
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Bu arastırmada Türkiye’nin Trakya Bölgesi’nde ve ?stanbul ?li’nde Gül (Rosa spp.) yetistiriciliği yapılan alanlarda sorun olan virüs hastalıkları ele alınmıstır. Daha önce bu bölgede güllerde sorun olan viral etmenlerin belirlenmesine iliskin herhangi bir çalısmanın bulunmaması böyle bir çalısmanın yapılmasını gerekli kılmıstır. 2007 yılı Nisan ayından itibaren 2007 yılı Eylül ayı sonuna kadar yapılan alan çalısması sonucu Edirne, ?stanbul, Kırklareli ve Tekirdağ’ın 18 ilçesinden karakteristik hastalık belirtileri sergileyen güllerden toplam 287 yaprak örneği toplanarak virüs testlerine tabi tutulmustur. Toplanan yaprak örneklerine Double Antibody Sandwich Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DAS-ELISA) serolojik testi uygulanarak bu örneklerde Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) ve Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV) virüslerinin varlığı saptanmaya çalısılmıstır. Sonuçta yaprak örneklerden 18 adedinde ApMV, 17 adedinde ise PNRSV saptanmıstır.Ancak serolojik olarak saptanan bu virüsler Chenopodium quinoa L.,Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste & Reyn. ve Cucumis sativus L. (Çengelköy, hıyar) indikatör bitkilerine yapılan mekaniksel inokulasyonlar sonucu biyolojik olarak doğrulanamamıstır. Bunun nedeni inokulasyonların 2008 yaz mevsiminde yüksek sıcaklık derecelerinin hüküm sürdüğü bir dönemde simptomların maskelenmesi ile açıklanabilir.
The aim of this study is to investigate Rose (Rosa spp.) viruses in four Provinces in the Trakya region of Turkey. Because of the lack of any investigation on rose viruses and virus disease in this region, this study was conducted in the year of 2007. During the surveys in Edirne, ?stanbul, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ 287 leaf samples were collected from symptomatic rose bushes. Double Antibody Sandwich Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DAS-ELISA) tests were applied for the diagnosis of Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) , Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV) viruses in the rose leaf samples. Mechanical inoculations of sap obtained from samples were made to Chenopodium quinoa , Chenopodium amaranticolor Costa&Reyn , and Cucumber sativus L. (Çengelköy) seedlings,. As a result of DAS-ELISA tests ApMV was determined in the 18 of those 287 Rose samples and 17 of them contained PNRSV. SLRSV however could not be identified in the collected leaf samples. Because of the prevailing high temperatures in the greenhouse during the summer season in 2008 indicator plants did not revealed any symptoms.
The aim of this study is to investigate Rose (Rosa spp.) viruses in four Provinces in the Trakya region of Turkey. Because of the lack of any investigation on rose viruses and virus disease in this region, this study was conducted in the year of 2007. During the surveys in Edirne, ?stanbul, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ 287 leaf samples were collected from symptomatic rose bushes. Double Antibody Sandwich Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DAS-ELISA) tests were applied for the diagnosis of Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) , Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV) viruses in the rose leaf samples. Mechanical inoculations of sap obtained from samples were made to Chenopodium quinoa , Chenopodium amaranticolor Costa&Reyn , and Cucumber sativus L. (Çengelköy) seedlings,. As a result of DAS-ELISA tests ApMV was determined in the 18 of those 287 Rose samples and 17 of them contained PNRSV. SLRSV however could not be identified in the collected leaf samples. Because of the prevailing high temperatures in the greenhouse during the summer season in 2008 indicator plants did not revealed any symptoms.
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