Kuraklık steresi altındaki marul bitkilerinde salisilik asidin etkileri
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Salisilik asit bitkiler tarafından üretilen bir çok biyotik ve abiyotik stres faktörüne karşı toleransı sağlayan mekanizmada sinyal görevi yapan bir moleküldür. Marul bitkisi bünyesinde yüksek oranda su ihtiva eden ve kuraklığa hassas bir bitkidir. Bu araştırma ile denemede değişik dozlarda(0, 0.1 ve 0.5 mM SA) ve değişik yöntemlerle (yaprak, toprak ve tohum) uygulanan salisilik asidin kuraklık stresine maruz bırakılan marul fidelerinde meydana gelen zararı önleme üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Marul tohumları 0, 0.1 ve 0.5 mM salisilik asit içeren suda 1 gün bekletilip, diğer muamele görmeyen (kontrol grubu) tohumlarla birlikte viyollere ekimi yapılmıştır. Marul fideleri 3-4 yapraklı hale gelince, fidelere topraktan sulamayla ve yapraktan püskürtmeyle aynı salisilik asit dozlarından uygulanmış, kontrol gruplarına ise sadece normal su verilmiştir. Bir hafta (yedi gün) hiç sulanmayarak kuraklık stresine maruz bırakılan marul fidelerinde, stres bittikten 2 gün sonra hasar indeksi, klorofil (a, b ve karotenoid) miktarı, elektriki iletkenlik, fide yaş ve kuru ağırlığına bakılmıştır. Analizler bitince kalan fideler araziye dikilmiştir. Marul bitkileri hasat edilerek pazarlanabilir bitki ağırlığı ve baş ağırlığı tartılmıştır. Sonuç olarak uygulanan salisilik asit dozları ve uygulama yöntemleri arasında kontrol bitkilerine göre sadece klorofil a miktarında uygulanan dozlarda istatistiki olarak bir fark görülmüştür.
Salicylic acid (SA) is a signal molcule that produced by plants to improve their tolerance against biotic and abiotic stress. Lettuce is containing water in high rate and sensitive against drougth. Study, the impact of SA application (leaves, soil and seeds) to lettuce exposed drougth stres in different does (0, 0.1 ve 0.5 mM SA) on decreasing drougth stress hazard were examined. Lettuce seeds was soaked in water contaning 0.1 and 0.5 mM SA for one day and they are planted in multipots together with those not treated with SA. When lettuce seedlings have reached to 3-4 leaves SA is applied by spraying to leaves and by irrigating. When the water where as the control treatment was irrigated wit top water. Seedlings were exposed to drougth by stopping irrigation for one week and two days after the stress over, damage index, clorofil (a, b and karotenoid), electric conductivity, dry and fresh weight of seedling were measured seedlings after the analysis were planted. Lettuces were harvested when they reached marketable head weight weighed. As a result among the application process SA aplication to and application dosage when compored with to the control plants, only amount of klorofil “a” dosage application showed statisticaly signaficant.
Salicylic acid (SA) is a signal molcule that produced by plants to improve their tolerance against biotic and abiotic stress. Lettuce is containing water in high rate and sensitive against drougth. Study, the impact of SA application (leaves, soil and seeds) to lettuce exposed drougth stres in different does (0, 0.1 ve 0.5 mM SA) on decreasing drougth stress hazard were examined. Lettuce seeds was soaked in water contaning 0.1 and 0.5 mM SA for one day and they are planted in multipots together with those not treated with SA. When lettuce seedlings have reached to 3-4 leaves SA is applied by spraying to leaves and by irrigating. When the water where as the control treatment was irrigated wit top water. Seedlings were exposed to drougth by stopping irrigation for one week and two days after the stress over, damage index, clorofil (a, b and karotenoid), electric conductivity, dry and fresh weight of seedling were measured seedlings after the analysis were planted. Lettuces were harvested when they reached marketable head weight weighed. As a result among the application process SA aplication to and application dosage when compored with to the control plants, only amount of klorofil “a” dosage application showed statisticaly signaficant.
Anahtar Kelimeler
kuraklık stresi, salisilik asit, salata-marul, drought stress, salicylic acid, Lactuca sativa