İplik bobinlerinin kuruma davranışının deneysel olarak belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tekstil endüstrisinin temel bileşenlerinden olan iplikçilik ve dokumacılık sektöründe kurutma işlemi, tekstil terbiye işlemleri arasında en yüksek maliyet kalemlerinden birini teşkil etmektedir. Tekstil sanayinde, kurutmanın, sıcak havanın kurutulacak olan malzeme yüzeyi üzerinden geçirilerek yapıldığı sistemler yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu tezde, yün iplik bobinlerinin değişik kuruma şartları altında kuruma davranışı literatürde mevcut ampirik ve yarı ampirik kuruma modelleri kullanılmak suretiyle simüle edilmiştir. Bu amaçla öncelikle yün iplik bobinlerinin deneysel kuruma davranışı tespit edilmiştir. Deneyler tekstil endüstrisinde kullanılan basınçlı sıcak hava ile çalışan kurutucuların prototipi niteliğindeki bir iplik bobini kurutma deney düzeneğinde yapılmıştır. Daha sonra literatürde mevcut kuruma modellerinin, elde edilen deneysel verilere uygunluğu belirlenmiştir.
Inevitable after most dyeing or/and finishing processes, drying is a time consuming, energy intensive and expensive process and constitutes one of the major cost elements among the textile finishing operations. Thermal processes are widely used in textile industry; consist of passing a hot air stream over the surface of the material to be dried. In this study drying behavior of polyester based yarn bobbins for different drying conditions was simulated by empirical and semi-empirical drying models available in the literature. For this purpose, firstly experimental drying behavior of wool yarn bobbins has been determined. The experiments were conducted on an experimental hot-air bobbin dryer designed and manufactured based on hot-air bobbin dryers used in textile industry. Then, drying models have been fitted to the experimental data.
Inevitable after most dyeing or/and finishing processes, drying is a time consuming, energy intensive and expensive process and constitutes one of the major cost elements among the textile finishing operations. Thermal processes are widely used in textile industry; consist of passing a hot air stream over the surface of the material to be dried. In this study drying behavior of polyester based yarn bobbins for different drying conditions was simulated by empirical and semi-empirical drying models available in the literature. For this purpose, firstly experimental drying behavior of wool yarn bobbins has been determined. The experiments were conducted on an experimental hot-air bobbin dryer designed and manufactured based on hot-air bobbin dryers used in textile industry. Then, drying models have been fitted to the experimental data.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kuruma davranışı, iplik bobini, yün, matematiksel model, Drying behavior, yarn bobbin, wool, mathematical model