Çankırı Kenti Spor Alanlarının Yeterliliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmada, Çankırı il merkezindeki (merkez ilçe) spor alanlarının mevcut durumları, genel özellikleri, planlama prensipleri ve standartları incelenmiş, bu alanların fiziksel yeterliliği; alan, büyüklük, tesis türü, tesis sayısı, tesis kapasitesi ve hizmet alanları açısından ortaya konulmuştur. Hizmet alanları CBS (Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri) kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. İl merkezindeki spor alanlarının toplam alanı 161 dekar olarak hesaplanmış, spor alanı planlama standartlarına erişebilmek için 28 adet spor tesisinden oluşan 241 dekarlık yeni spor alanı gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, spor alanları planlama kriterlerine göre; Çankırı il merkezindeki spor alanlarının mevcut durumu; gerek tesis türü ve sayısı, gerek tesis kapasitesi ve büyüklük ve gerekse hizmet alanı ve toplam alan olarak kentte olması gereken spor alanı miktarı açısından yetersiz bulunmuştur. Bunlara ek olarak, mevcut spor alanlarının çoğunun bakımsız durumda olduğu ve bu alanların yeşil alanlarla birlikte ele alınmadan planlandığı belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre; il merkezinde bulunan mevcut ve gelecekte yapılacak spor alanlarının yeterli ve başarılı olabilmesi için öneriler sunulmuştur.
In this study; existed conditions, general features, planning principles and standarts of the sport areas in Çankırı provincial center were examined and physical efficiency of these areas were evaluated in terms of field, facility capacity, facility size, facility type, and facility number, also service areas. Service areas were determined by using Geographical Information System (GIS). The total areas of the sport areas in the provincial center were found as 161 decares, for accessing to planning standarts of sport area, it would be determined that needed 241 decares sport areas which has been 28 new sport facilities in the provincial center. As a result, according to planning criteria of sport areas, the sport areas in Çankırı provincial center were found insufficiently in terms of the facility type and number, facility capacity and size and service area and the number of sport area. In addition, it was determined that most of the existing sport areas were neglected by professional maintance and these areas were planned without any considerations with green areas. According to these result, accurate proposal were presented to be sufficient and successful in existing and future sport areas in the provincial center.
In this study; existed conditions, general features, planning principles and standarts of the sport areas in Çankırı provincial center were examined and physical efficiency of these areas were evaluated in terms of field, facility capacity, facility size, facility type, and facility number, also service areas. Service areas were determined by using Geographical Information System (GIS). The total areas of the sport areas in the provincial center were found as 161 decares, for accessing to planning standarts of sport area, it would be determined that needed 241 decares sport areas which has been 28 new sport facilities in the provincial center. As a result, according to planning criteria of sport areas, the sport areas in Çankırı provincial center were found insufficiently in terms of the facility type and number, facility capacity and size and service area and the number of sport area. In addition, it was determined that most of the existing sport areas were neglected by professional maintance and these areas were planned without any considerations with green areas. According to these result, accurate proposal were presented to be sufficient and successful in existing and future sport areas in the provincial center.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor alanları, Çankırı, planlama, açık-yeşil alan, CBS, Sport area, planning, open-green area, GIS
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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