Resim sanatında doğa görünümlerinin soyut ve soyutlama kavramları üzerinden incelenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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"Resim Sanatında Doğa Görünümlerinin Soyut Ve Soyutlama Kavramları Üzerinden İncelenmesi" isimli tez çalışmasında, tüm zamanlarda sanat için verimli bir kaynak haline gelen doğanın resim sanatı içerisindeki önemi anlatılmıştır. Somut gerçekliğe bağlı doğanın sanatın evrimiyle beraber soyut ve soyutlayıcı ifadeyle yansıtılmış temsilleri incelenerek sanatçıların nesnel gerçeklikten uzaklaşmalarının nedenleri araştırılarak bu yeni kimliğin altında yatan öz nitelikler değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde, resim sanatına her dönemde kaynaklık etmiş olan doğa algısı incelenmiş, soyut sanatın iki farklı çözümleme yöntemi olan geometrik saf soyut ve natüralist soyutlama iki başlıkla anlatılmıştır. Çözümleme yöntemleri ile ilintilenen görünümü karakterize ederek anlatımı güçlü kılmaya yardımcı stilizasyon, deformasyon gibi biçimsel ögeler açıklanmıştır. Saf biçimsel ve natüralist yaklaşım irdelendiğinde resim sanatına her dönemde ilham kaynağı olmuş doğa motifleri ve doğa görünümlerinin sanatçılar için güçlü bir ifade aracı olduğu görülmüştür. Duyguların doğa aracılığı ile ifadesi ve soyutlanmış biçimlerle olan birliğinin eseri duyusal ifade aracına dönüştürerek benzersiz sanat yapıtı olmasında etkin rol üstlendiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Araştırmanın üçüncü bölümünde, içsel yönelim ile oluşan biçimsel yapılanmanın soyut biçimlere ulaşma rolünü üstlenen imge, tinsellik, ve otomatist yaklaşım incelenmiştir. Duygusal ve manevi duyguların doğa aracılığı ile soyut bir ifade aracına dönüştüğü, duyulara yönelmenin sanatsal potansiyelin tümüyle ortaya koyulmasında etkin rol üslendiği saplanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde Worringer ve Kandinsky'nin mutlak olana ulaşmak üzerine kuramsal araştırmaları değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Tinsellik ve manevi duygulara yönelmenin sanat içinde üstün rol oynadığı, görsel bir deneyimin ötesine geçerek eseri ruhsal ve duyusal olarak benzersiz bir biçime kavuşturduğu ve farklı bir gerçeklik dünyası sunarak yüzeysel görünümün ötesinde ruhani boyutta izleyiciyi etkisi altına aldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, resim sanatında lirik soyut yaklaşımı benimsemiş 14 yerli ve yabancı sanatçının eserleri incelemeye alınmış, eserler biçimsel analiz, eser yorumlama üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, duygusal ve manevi duyguların doğa aracılığı ile soyut bir ifadeye aracına dönüştüğü, duyusal ifadeye yönelmenin sanatsal potansiyelin ortaya koyulmasında üstün rol üstlendiği netlik kazanmış. Sanatçının içten gelen manevi duyguların ifadeyi güçlendirerek eseri özgür ve bağımsız kıldığı aynı zamanda, sanat nesnesinin görünür olanın dışında daha geniş kavramları ifade etmesine olanak sağladığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
In the thesis titled " Examination Of Nature Views In The Art Of Painting Through The Concepts Of Abstract And Abstraction ", the importance of nature in painting art, which has become a productive resource for art at all times, is explained. By examining the abstract and abstract representations of nature, which is connected to concrete reality, as well as the evolution of art, the reasons for the artists' departure from objective reality have been investigated, and the underlying attributes of this new identity have been evaluated. In the second part, the perception of nature, which has been the source of the art of painting in every period, is examined, and the two different analysis methods of abstract art, geometric pure abstract and naturalistic abstraction, are explained under two headings. Formal elements such as stylization and deformation, which help to strengthen the expression by characterizing the appearance associated with the analysis methods, are explained. When the pure formal and naturalist approach is examined, it has been seen that nature motifs and nature views, which have inspired painting art in every period, are a powerful means of expression for artists. It has been concluded that the expression of emotions through nature and the unity of abstracted forms play an active role in transforming the work into a sensory expression tool, making it a unique work of art. In the third part of the research, the image, spirituality, and automatist approach, which assume the role of reaching abstract forms of formal structuring formed by internal orientation, were examined. It has been determined that emotional and spiritual feelings are transformed into an abstract means of expression through nature, and orientation to the senses plays an active role in revealing the full artistic potential. In the fourth chapter, the theoretical researches of Worringer and Kandinsky on reaching the absolute have been evaluated, and the orientation to spirituality and spiritual feelings plays a superior role in art, it goes beyond a visual experience and gives the work a unique form spiritually and emotionally, and presents a different world of reality. Beyond that, it has been observed that it influences the audience in a spiritual dimension. In the fifth chapter, the works of 14 local and foreign artists who adopted the lyrical abstract approach in painting were examined, and the works were evaluated through formal analysis and interpretation. As a result, it has become clear that emotional and spiritual feelings are transformed into a means of abstract expression through nature, and the orientation towards sensory expression plays a superior role in revealing the artistic potential. It has been concluded that the artist's inner spiritual feelings strengthen the expression, making the work free and independent, and at the same time allowing the art object to express broader concepts other than the visible.
In the thesis titled " Examination Of Nature Views In The Art Of Painting Through The Concepts Of Abstract And Abstraction ", the importance of nature in painting art, which has become a productive resource for art at all times, is explained. By examining the abstract and abstract representations of nature, which is connected to concrete reality, as well as the evolution of art, the reasons for the artists' departure from objective reality have been investigated, and the underlying attributes of this new identity have been evaluated. In the second part, the perception of nature, which has been the source of the art of painting in every period, is examined, and the two different analysis methods of abstract art, geometric pure abstract and naturalistic abstraction, are explained under two headings. Formal elements such as stylization and deformation, which help to strengthen the expression by characterizing the appearance associated with the analysis methods, are explained. When the pure formal and naturalist approach is examined, it has been seen that nature motifs and nature views, which have inspired painting art in every period, are a powerful means of expression for artists. It has been concluded that the expression of emotions through nature and the unity of abstracted forms play an active role in transforming the work into a sensory expression tool, making it a unique work of art. In the third part of the research, the image, spirituality, and automatist approach, which assume the role of reaching abstract forms of formal structuring formed by internal orientation, were examined. It has been determined that emotional and spiritual feelings are transformed into an abstract means of expression through nature, and orientation to the senses plays an active role in revealing the full artistic potential. In the fourth chapter, the theoretical researches of Worringer and Kandinsky on reaching the absolute have been evaluated, and the orientation to spirituality and spiritual feelings plays a superior role in art, it goes beyond a visual experience and gives the work a unique form spiritually and emotionally, and presents a different world of reality. Beyond that, it has been observed that it influences the audience in a spiritual dimension. In the fifth chapter, the works of 14 local and foreign artists who adopted the lyrical abstract approach in painting were examined, and the works were evaluated through formal analysis and interpretation. As a result, it has become clear that emotional and spiritual feelings are transformed into a means of abstract expression through nature, and the orientation towards sensory expression plays a superior role in revealing the artistic potential. It has been concluded that the artist's inner spiritual feelings strengthen the expression, making the work free and independent, and at the same time allowing the art object to express broader concepts other than the visible.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Resim Ana Sanat Dalı, Resim Sanat Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts