Sürdürülebilir üniversite yerleşkelerinde su etkin peyzaj tasarım modeli üzerine bir araştırma: Trakya Üniversitesi Balkan Yerleşkesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Dünya üzerinde yeterli ve temiz su, insan ve diğer canlıların sağlığı için hayati öneme sahiptir. Küresel ölçekteki kaynaklar, sürdürülemez yönetim ve iklim değişikliği nedeniyle tehdit altındadır. Dünya nüfusunun öngörülemez artışı, yapı stokunun ve beraberinde kentleşmenin çoğalması, doğal alanların tahribi yönetimin sürdürülebilirliğini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Yaşanan iklim değişikliği sorunu sel ve kuraklıkların yoğunlaşmasına, yağış düzenlerinin değişmesine ve deniz seviyesinin yükselmesine neden olmaktadır. Dünya genelinde günümüz koşulları ve gelecek yıllarda öngörülen senaryolar ülkelerin su stresi düzeylerinin artacağını işaret etmektedir. Bu noktada suya sürdürülebilir erişimin güvence altına alınması gerekmektedir. Bu tez kapsamında yerleşke özelinde yağmur suyu hasadı konusu incelenip, toplanacak suyun yerinde çözüm önerileri ile tekrar değerlendirilerek doğaya ve su döngüsüne katkısının sağlanması amaç edinilmiştir. Kampüslerin sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması ve kentlere girdi oluşturabilmesi için tez kapsamında çalışma alanı olarak Trakya Üniversitesi Balkan Yerleşkesi seçilmiştir. Trakya Üniversitesi Balkan Yerleşkesine ait elde edilen ve oluşturulan veriler; doğal ve yapısal veriler olmak üzere iki alt başlıkta açıklanmıştır. Yağmur hasadı kapsamında; yerleşke içerisinde farklı malzemeler ile kaplı yüzeylerden toplanacak yağmur suyu miktarı Rasyonel Method, bitki su tüketim hesabı CROPWAT 8.0 programı ile hesaplanmıştır. Yerleşke içerisinde toplanacak yağmur suyu miktarı ile bitkilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu sulama suyu miktarı karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Toplanacak yağmur suyunun depolanması için tank hacimleri hesaplanmış ve konumları tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde, yerleşke genelinde toplanacak yağmur suyu miktarı 493.898 m3/yıl, bitkilerin sulama suyu ihtiyacı 54,530 m3/yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu veriler, toplanan yağmur suyu miktarının bitkilerin sulama suyu ihtiyacını karşıladığını göstermektedir. Yerleşke içerisinde toplanacak yağmur suları tanklara yönlendirilmektedir. Depolanan yağmur suları dışında arta kalan yağmur suları için sürdürülebilir yöntemler ile yerinde çözüm önerileri üretilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, geçirimsiz malzemenin yer aldığı yollar ve otoparklar içerisinde üç örnek alan belirlenmiştir. Her bir öneri için bilgiler detaylandırılarak görseller ile açıklanmaktadır.
Sufficient and clean water in the world is of vital importance for the health of humans and other living things. Water systems on a global scale are threatened by unsustainable management and climate change. The unpredictable increase in the world population, the increase in the building stock and the accompanying urbanization, the destruction of natural lands negatively affect the sustainability of the administration. The problem of climate change causes intensification of floods and droughts, changes in precipitation patterns and sea level rise. Current conditions and the scenarios foreseen in the coming years around the world indicate that the water stress levels of the countries will increase. At this point, sustainable access to water needs to be secured. Within the scope of this thesis, it is aimed to examine the subject of rainwater harvesting specific to the campus and to contribute to the nature and water cycle by re-evaluating the water to be collected with on-site solution suggestions. Trakya University Balkan Campus was chosen as the study area within the scope of the thesis in order to ensure the sustainability of the campuses and to provide input to the cities. The data obtained and created about the Balkan Campus of Trakya University; is described in two sub-titles as natural and structural data. Within the scope of rainwater harvest; the amount of rainwater to be collected from different pavement materials on the campus was calculated by the Rational Method. Water consumption amounts were calculated with the CROPWAT 8.0. A comparison was made between the amount of rainwater to be collected on the campus and the amount of irrigation water needed by the plants. Tank capacities were calculated and their locations were determined for the storage of the rainwater to be collected. In the conclusion, the amount of rainwater to be collected throughout the campus was calculated as 493,898 m3, and the plant water consumption was calculated as 54,530 m3. These data show that the amount of rainwater collected meets the irrigation water needs of the plants. The rainwater to be collected in the campus is directed to the tanks. On-site solutions have been produced with sustainable methods for the remaining rainwater, apart from the stored rainwater. In this context, three sample areas were determined in the roads and parking lots where the impermeable pavement is located. The information for each suggestion is detailed and explained with visuals.
Sufficient and clean water in the world is of vital importance for the health of humans and other living things. Water systems on a global scale are threatened by unsustainable management and climate change. The unpredictable increase in the world population, the increase in the building stock and the accompanying urbanization, the destruction of natural lands negatively affect the sustainability of the administration. The problem of climate change causes intensification of floods and droughts, changes in precipitation patterns and sea level rise. Current conditions and the scenarios foreseen in the coming years around the world indicate that the water stress levels of the countries will increase. At this point, sustainable access to water needs to be secured. Within the scope of this thesis, it is aimed to examine the subject of rainwater harvesting specific to the campus and to contribute to the nature and water cycle by re-evaluating the water to be collected with on-site solution suggestions. Trakya University Balkan Campus was chosen as the study area within the scope of the thesis in order to ensure the sustainability of the campuses and to provide input to the cities. The data obtained and created about the Balkan Campus of Trakya University; is described in two sub-titles as natural and structural data. Within the scope of rainwater harvest; the amount of rainwater to be collected from different pavement materials on the campus was calculated by the Rational Method. Water consumption amounts were calculated with the CROPWAT 8.0. A comparison was made between the amount of rainwater to be collected on the campus and the amount of irrigation water needed by the plants. Tank capacities were calculated and their locations were determined for the storage of the rainwater to be collected. In the conclusion, the amount of rainwater to be collected throughout the campus was calculated as 493,898 m3, and the plant water consumption was calculated as 54,530 m3. These data show that the amount of rainwater collected meets the irrigation water needs of the plants. The rainwater to be collected in the campus is directed to the tanks. On-site solutions have been produced with sustainable methods for the remaining rainwater, apart from the stored rainwater. In this context, three sample areas were determined in the roads and parking lots where the impermeable pavement is located. The information for each suggestion is detailed and explained with visuals.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture