Tamburlu tip otomatik sulama makinelerinde değişken düzeyli uygulama sistemi geliştirilmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tarımsal üretimde en önemli girdilerden birisi sulamadır. Ülkemizin yıllık tüketilebilir su potansiyeli toplamı 112 milyar m3 'tür. Teknik ve ekonomik olarak ortalama bitki deseni için sulanabilen alanda kullanılan su 96 km3/yıl iken toplam sulanabilir alan için ihtiyaç ise 296,5 km3/yıl olarak belirlenmiştir Bu farktan anlaşılacağı üzere tatlı su kaynakları yetersiz gelmektedir. Mevcut suyun ekonomik olarak kullanılması hassas tarım teknolojilerinden faydalanmayı gerektirmektedir. Çalışmamızda tarımsal sulamanın uygulama tekniklerinden birisi olan Tamburlu tip yağmurlama sulama sistemi incelenerek hassas tarım uygulamaları kapsamında toprak tipine göre bilgisayarla sulama miktarını ayarlandığı bir sistem tasarlanmıştır. Sistemimiz, arazinin önceden hazırlanmış veri tabanlarında belirtilen toprak tipi ve sulama ihtiyacına göre, makineden elde edilen konum, hız ve debi değerlerini kullanarak sulamanın değişken düzeyli olmasını sağlamaktadır. Yapılan yazılım ve donanım eklemeleriyle tekdüze sulama yapan bir Tamburlu tip sulama makinesi, bilgisayar sistemi ile kumanda edilerek makinenin konumu ve sulama hızının tespiti ve kontrolü ile istenilen değişken düzeyli sulama etkinliğini sağlamıştır. Sulamanın yapıldığı noktada bulunan debi ölçme sistemi, konum, hız değerlerinin alındığı ölçme sistemleri ve bu verilerin iletilmesini sağlayan kablosuz iletim sistemi birinci kısmı, bu verilerin işlenerek sulama makinesinin çalışma hızının ayarlandığı sulama makinesinde bulunan kontrol sistemi ikinci kısmı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada makine, bilgisayar ve kontrol sistemlerinin birbiri ile uyumlu çalışması sağlanmış ve sulama etkinliğinin sağlanması, su kaybının önlenmesinin yanında etkin sulama ile verim artışı ön görülmektedir.
Irrigation is the most important inputs in agricultural production. The annual total of consumable water potential of our country is 112 billion m3. Technically and economically, the water used in the irrigable area for the average plant pattern is 96 km3/year, while the need for the total irrigable area is determined as 296.5 km3/year. Therefore, the economical use of existing water requires the use of precision agriculture technologies. In our study, hose reel type irrigation system, which is one of the application techniques of agricultural irrigation, was examined and a system in which the amount of irrigation was adjusted by computer according to the soil type was designed within the scope of precision agriculture applications. Our system provides a variable level of irrigation by using the location, speed and flow values obtained from the machine, according to the soil type and irrigation need specified in the pre-prepared databases of the land. A hose reel machine that performs uniform irrigation with the additions of software and hardware, controlled by a computer system, provided the desired variable level irrigation efficiency by detecting and controlling the location of the machine and the irrigation speed. The first part of the flow measurement system (irrigation part), the position and velocity values are taken, and the wireless transmission system that provides the transmission of these data, the second part of the control system in the irrigation machine where the operating speed of the irrigation machine is adjusted by processing these data. In the study, the machine, computer and control systems work in harmony with each other and it is foreseen that the efficiency of irrigation will increase, the prevention of water loss, as well as the increase in efficiency with effective irrigation.
Irrigation is the most important inputs in agricultural production. The annual total of consumable water potential of our country is 112 billion m3. Technically and economically, the water used in the irrigable area for the average plant pattern is 96 km3/year, while the need for the total irrigable area is determined as 296.5 km3/year. Therefore, the economical use of existing water requires the use of precision agriculture technologies. In our study, hose reel type irrigation system, which is one of the application techniques of agricultural irrigation, was examined and a system in which the amount of irrigation was adjusted by computer according to the soil type was designed within the scope of precision agriculture applications. Our system provides a variable level of irrigation by using the location, speed and flow values obtained from the machine, according to the soil type and irrigation need specified in the pre-prepared databases of the land. A hose reel machine that performs uniform irrigation with the additions of software and hardware, controlled by a computer system, provided the desired variable level irrigation efficiency by detecting and controlling the location of the machine and the irrigation speed. The first part of the flow measurement system (irrigation part), the position and velocity values are taken, and the wireless transmission system that provides the transmission of these data, the second part of the control system in the irrigation machine where the operating speed of the irrigation machine is adjusted by processing these data. In the study, the machine, computer and control systems work in harmony with each other and it is foreseen that the efficiency of irrigation will increase, the prevention of water loss, as well as the increase in efficiency with effective irrigation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture