Dikey tip akışkan yataklı kurutucuda silis kumun kurutma prosesinin incelenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kurutma veya dehidrasyon, mikrobiyal bozulmaların ve kimyasal reaksiyonların yavaşlatılması veya durdurulması amacıyla katı maddeden su gibi uçucu sıvının uzaklaştırılması işlemidir. Bu çalışmada dikey tip akışkan yataklı kurutucuda silis kumun kurutulmasında partikül boyutu, sıcaklık ve kek yüksekliği parametreleri değişimlerinin kurumaya olan etkisi deneysel, teorik ve analiz olarak incelenmiş ve kurutma parametrelerinin basınç düşüşüne olan etkisi belirtilmiştir. Silis kumun kurutulmasında minimum akışkanlaşma hızının tahmini için, deney ve literatürde var olan korelasyonların uyuşma durumu karşılaştırılıp sapmaları incelenmiştir. Silis kumunun kurutulmasının avantajı iyi akış karakteristiği sağlaması ve farklı katkı maddeleri ile daha iyi karışmasıdır. Günümüzde kum kurutma işlemleri çok farklı sistemlerle yapılmaktadır. Kullanılan dikey tip akışkan yataklı kurutucu 108 mm çapında, 151 mm ürün haznesi boyunda ve toplam yüksekliği 853 mm olan paslanmaz çelikten imal edilmiş bir kurutucudur. Deneylerde kullanılan silis kumunun ilk nem içeriği yaş baza göre %9,57 olarak belirlenmiştir. Kurutma deneyinde kuruma prosesine etki eden faktörlerden; sıcaklık, kek yüksekliği ve partikül boyutu parametreleri 3'er farklı değerde incelenmiştir. Tüm deney sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında silis kum numunesinin kurutma sıcaklığının artışıyla nem kaybının hızlandığı, yatak yüksekliğindeki artışın basınç düşümünü de arttırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Minimum akışkanlaştırma hızının parçacık boyutuyla doğrudan ve sıcaklıkla ters orantılı olarak değiştiği belirlenmiştir.
Drying or dehydration is the process of removing volatile liquid, such as water, from solid material in order to slow or stop microbial spoilage and chemical reactions. In this study, the effect of particle size, temperature and cake height parameters changes on drying of silica sand in vertical type fluidized bed dryer was investigated experimentally, theoretically and analytically, and the effect of drying parameters on pressure drop was stated. For the estimation of the minimum fluidization rate in the drying of silica sand, the correlations existing in the experiment and the literature were compared and their deviations were examined. The advantage of drying silica sand is that it provides good flow characteristics and better mixing with different additives. Today, sand drying processes are carried out with very different systems. The vertical type fluidized bed dryer used is a stainless steel dryer with a diameter of 108 mm, a product chamber length of 151 mm and a total height of 853 mm. The initial moisture content of the silica sand used in the experiments was determined as % 9.57 according to the wet base. Among the factors affecting the drying process in the drying experiment; temperature, cake height and particle size parameters were examined at 3 different values. When all the test results were compared, it was observed that the moisture loss accelerated with the increase in the drying temperature of the silica sand sample, and the pressure drop increased with the increase in the bed height. It was determined that the minimum fluidization rate varies directly with the particle size and inversely with the temperature.
Drying or dehydration is the process of removing volatile liquid, such as water, from solid material in order to slow or stop microbial spoilage and chemical reactions. In this study, the effect of particle size, temperature and cake height parameters changes on drying of silica sand in vertical type fluidized bed dryer was investigated experimentally, theoretically and analytically, and the effect of drying parameters on pressure drop was stated. For the estimation of the minimum fluidization rate in the drying of silica sand, the correlations existing in the experiment and the literature were compared and their deviations were examined. The advantage of drying silica sand is that it provides good flow characteristics and better mixing with different additives. Today, sand drying processes are carried out with very different systems. The vertical type fluidized bed dryer used is a stainless steel dryer with a diameter of 108 mm, a product chamber length of 151 mm and a total height of 853 mm. The initial moisture content of the silica sand used in the experiments was determined as % 9.57 according to the wet base. Among the factors affecting the drying process in the drying experiment; temperature, cake height and particle size parameters were examined at 3 different values. When all the test results were compared, it was observed that the moisture loss accelerated with the increase in the drying temperature of the silica sand sample, and the pressure drop increased with the increase in the bed height. It was determined that the minimum fluidization rate varies directly with the particle size and inversely with the temperature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering, Akışkan yatak, Fluidized bed, Hava akımı, Air flow, Hava sıcaklığı, Air temperature, Kum, Sand, Kurutma, Drying, Silis, Silica