Tetrasiklik 20-deetil-4-demetildasikarpidon ve 20-deetildemetildasikarpidon sentezi üzerine çalışmalar
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Alkaloitler, keşfedildikleri ilk yıllardan itibaren alkaloitlerin kimyasal özellikleri ve etkinlikleri üzerine sürekli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. İndol alkaloitlerinin yapısının belirlenmesi ve sentezlenmesi alanında alkaloitlerin keşfinden itibaren günümüze kadar olan zamanda önemli ilerlemeler kat edilmiştir. Strychnos tipi alkaloitler, Güney Asya'da bulunan Loganiacea familyasında yer alan bitkilerin tohumlarından elde edilen alkaloitlerdir. Bu alkaloitlerin merkezi sinir sistemi üzerinde ciddi bir uyarıcı etkisi olduğundan tıbbi tedavi ve zehir bilimi (toksikoloji) alanında sahip oldukları rol oldukça önemlidir. Strychnos tipi alkaloitler, kanser ve AIDS ilaçlarında ağırlıklı olarak kullanılırlar. Bunun yanında ağrı kesicilerde, pıhtılaşmayı önleyen ve kan basıncını düşüren ilaçlarda, astım, öksürük ve tüberküloz tedavilerinde, sinirsel hastalık ilaçlarında ve medikal uyuşturucularda etken madde olarak kullanılmaktadırlar. Alkaloitler bitkilerde bulunurlar ancak bitkilerdeki bulunma oranları oldukça düşük olduğundan dolayı sentetik olarak elde edilebilmeleri oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada tert-bütil [2-metil-1-]den elde edilen ara tetrahidrakarbazolün tetrakloro-1,4-benzokinon (TCB) aracılı siklizasyonu ile tert-bütil [2-metil-1-(4-metil-benzen-sülfonil)-1H-indol-3-il]metil karbonattan 20-deetil-4demetildasikarpidon ve 20-deetildasikarpidon sentezi için etkili bir yöntem bildirilmektedir. Strychnos alkaloit ailesinin ABCD alt yapısı olan 2-[9-(4-Metilbenzensülfonil)-2,3,4,9-tetrahidro-1H karbazol-2-il] asetonitril ilk kez farklı bir şekilde sentezlenmiştir.
Since the first years of Alkaloids' discovery, studies have been carried out on the chemical properties and activities of alkaloids. In the field of determination of the structure and synthesis of indole alkaloids, significant advances have been made since the discovery of alkaloids. Strychnos type alkaloids are alkaloids obtained from the seeds of plants in the family Loganiacea found in South Asia. Since these alkaloids have a serious stimulant effect on the central nervous system, their role in medical therapy and toxicology is very important. Strychnos type alkaloids are mainly used in cancer and AIDS drugs. In addition, they are used as active ingredients in painkillers, drugs that prevent coagulation and lower blood pressure, in the treatment of asthma, cough and tuberculosis, drugs for nervous diseases and medical drugs. Alkaloids are found in plants, but since their rate in plants is very low, it is very important that they can be obtained synthetically. In this study, tert-butyl [2-methyl-1-(4-methyl-benzene-sulfonyl) by tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (TCB)-mediated cyclization of the intermediate tetrahydracarbazole obtained from tert-butyl [2-methyl-1-] An efficient method for the synthesis of 20-deethyl-4demethyldacicarpidone and 20-deethyldacycarpidone from -1H-indol-3-yl]methyl carbonate is reported. 2-[9-(4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl)-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H carbazol-2-yl] acetonitrile, which is the ABCD substructure of the Strychnos alkaloid family, was synthesized in a different way for the first time.
Since the first years of Alkaloids' discovery, studies have been carried out on the chemical properties and activities of alkaloids. In the field of determination of the structure and synthesis of indole alkaloids, significant advances have been made since the discovery of alkaloids. Strychnos type alkaloids are alkaloids obtained from the seeds of plants in the family Loganiacea found in South Asia. Since these alkaloids have a serious stimulant effect on the central nervous system, their role in medical therapy and toxicology is very important. Strychnos type alkaloids are mainly used in cancer and AIDS drugs. In addition, they are used as active ingredients in painkillers, drugs that prevent coagulation and lower blood pressure, in the treatment of asthma, cough and tuberculosis, drugs for nervous diseases and medical drugs. Alkaloids are found in plants, but since their rate in plants is very low, it is very important that they can be obtained synthetically. In this study, tert-butyl [2-methyl-1-(4-methyl-benzene-sulfonyl) by tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (TCB)-mediated cyclization of the intermediate tetrahydracarbazole obtained from tert-butyl [2-methyl-1-] An efficient method for the synthesis of 20-deethyl-4demethyldacicarpidone and 20-deethyldacycarpidone from -1H-indol-3-yl]methyl carbonate is reported. 2-[9-(4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl)-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H carbazol-2-yl] acetonitrile, which is the ABCD substructure of the Strychnos alkaloid family, was synthesized in a different way for the first time.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Ana Bilim Dalı, Organik Kimya Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry