Vergi ahlakı: Uygulamalı örnek (Tekirdağ örneği)
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET VERGİ AHLAKI: UYGULAMALI ÖRNEK (TEKİRDAĞ ÖRNEĞİ) Mükellefler, vergi karşısında olumlu ya da olumsuz davranışlar gösterirler. Vergi psikolojisi bu tutum ve davranışları incelemektedir. En önemli kamusal gelir kaynağı olan vergilerin mükelleflerce gönüllü olarak ödenmesi son derece önemlidir. Mükelleflerin vergi ödeme karşısında içsel motivasyonu olarak tanımlanan vergi ahlakı, vergiye gönüllü uyum ile yakın ilişkili bir kavramdır. Vergi ahlakının oluşumunda, demografik, ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel pek çok faktör vardır. Her toplumun vergi ahlakını şekillendiren bu unsurları tespit etmek vergi uyumu açısından son derece önemlidir. Yapılan tespitler, kanun koyuculara, politikacılara ve uygulayıcılara yol gösterecektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı vergiye gönüllü uyum ile vergi ahlakının ilişkisini açıklayarak, vergi ahlakını oluşturan unsurları tespit etmektir. Tekirdağ ilinde vergi ahlak düzeyi ve vergi ahlakının belirleyicilerini tespit etmek üzere yapılan anket çalışmasının sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Vergi ahlak düzeyi ve belirleyenleri arasındaki ilişki regresyon yolu ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada Tekirdağ ilinde vergi ahlak düzeyi ortalaması tespit edilmiştir. Yaş, eğitim düzeyi, dine katılım düzeyi ve dini inanç, diğer mükelleflerin davranışları, devlete güven, sorumluluk hissi, kamu hizmetinin algılanması, muhasebe meslek mensupları ile vergi ahlakı arasında ilişki tespit edilmiştir..
ABSTRACT TAX MORALE: A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE (CASE STUDY IN TEKİRDAĞ) Tax payers show negative or positive attitudes towards tax. Tax psychology includes these attitudes and behaviors. It is really important that the taxes which are the most important public source of income are paid by the tax payers voluntarily. Tax morale which is defined as the intrinsic motivation of the tax payers towards paying tax, is a concept that has a close connection with volunteer adaptation with tax. Formation of tax morale has several factors such as demographic, economic, social and cultural. It is crucial to define these factors which shape the tax morale of every community in terms of tax compliance. Evaluations will guide the legislatives, politicians and operators. The aim of this study is to determine the factors which form the tax morale by explaining the relation between voluntary compliance towards tax and tax morale. Survey study that is done to determine the level of tax morale in Tekirdağ county and determinants of tax morale, is evaluated. The relation between the tax morale and the determinants is analyzed via regression. In the study it is determined that the level of tax morale in Tekirdağ county. The relation between age, education level, participation level to religion and religious belief, behaviors of the other tax payers, confidence in the government, sense of responsibility, perception of public service, members of accounting profession and tax morale is determined.
ABSTRACT TAX MORALE: A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE (CASE STUDY IN TEKİRDAĞ) Tax payers show negative or positive attitudes towards tax. Tax psychology includes these attitudes and behaviors. It is really important that the taxes which are the most important public source of income are paid by the tax payers voluntarily. Tax morale which is defined as the intrinsic motivation of the tax payers towards paying tax, is a concept that has a close connection with volunteer adaptation with tax. Formation of tax morale has several factors such as demographic, economic, social and cultural. It is crucial to define these factors which shape the tax morale of every community in terms of tax compliance. Evaluations will guide the legislatives, politicians and operators. The aim of this study is to determine the factors which form the tax morale by explaining the relation between voluntary compliance towards tax and tax morale. Survey study that is done to determine the level of tax morale in Tekirdağ county and determinants of tax morale, is evaluated. The relation between the tax morale and the determinants is analyzed via regression. In the study it is determined that the level of tax morale in Tekirdağ county. The relation between age, education level, participation level to religion and religious belief, behaviors of the other tax payers, confidence in the government, sense of responsibility, perception of public service, members of accounting profession and tax morale is determined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Vergi, Vergiye Gönüllü Uyum, Vergi Ahlakı, Tekirdağ, Tax, Voluntary Compliance Towards Tax, Tax Morale