Tekirdağ ilinde otoban kenarlarında bulunan tarım arazilerinde bazı ağır metallerin kirliliğinin araştırılması
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde çevre kirliliği dünyada ve ülkemizde önemli bir sorundur. Çevre kirliliğinde toprakların ağır metal ile kirlenmesi ilk sıralarda yer almaktadır. Bu araştırmada Tekirdağ ili otoban kenarlarındaki tarım alanlarındaki kurşun, kobalt, krom, kadmiyum ve nikel kirliliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla il sınırları içerisindeki otoban kenarlarındaki tarım topraklarından yolun her iki yanından 25 adet olmak üzere 50 toprak örneği alınmış ve yukarıda sıralanan ağır metal içerikleri saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre toprakların kurşun, kobalt, krom, kadmiyum ve nikel içerikleri sıra ile 1,346-6,546 mg kg-1; 0,008-0,587 mg kg-1; 0,045-0,390 mg kg-1; 0,012-0,048 mg kg-1 ve 1,623-7,410 mg kg-1 olarak bulunmuştur. Söz konusu bu bulgular kirlilik sınır değerleri ile karşılaştırıldığında araştırma alanlarında kurşun ve kobalt kirliliği belirlenmiştir. Söz konusu bu kirlilik kurşun için % 60 ve kobalt için ise % 52 olarak belirlenmiştir. Toprakların diğer ağır metal içerikleri için herhangi bir kirlilik tespit edilememiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre araştırma arazilerinde söz konusu kurşun ve kobalt kirliliğinin giderilmesi için fitoremediasyon yöntemi ile toprakların ıslah edilmesi önerilmiştir.
Environment pollution is a big problem for our country and all over the world, nowadays. Heavy metal pollution is very important in environmental pollution. It was investigated lead, cobalt, chrome, cadmium and nickel pollution of near the motorway agricultural lands in this research. For this purpose, 25 different agricultural areas for each edge of motorway and total 50 soil samples were taken from research areas in Tekirdağ. Then extractable lead, cobalt, chrome, cadmium and nickel contents of soil samples were determined. According to the results, lead, cobalt, chrome, cadmium and nickel contents of soil samples were determined between 1,346 to 6,546 mg kg-1; 0,008 to 0,587 mg kg-1; 0,045 to 0,390 mg kg-1; 0,012 to 0,048 mg kg-1 and 1,623 to7,410 mg kg-1, respectively. These results were compared with critical values of these heavy metals. Lead and cobalt pollution were obtained in research area soils. Lead pollution ratio was 60 % and cobalt pollution ratio was 52 % in the research are soils. But it was not determined pollution other heavy metals (Cr, Cd and Ni) in the soils. According to the research results it should be recommended phytoremediation methods application in the research are lands for the improvement of lead and cobalt pollution.
Environment pollution is a big problem for our country and all over the world, nowadays. Heavy metal pollution is very important in environmental pollution. It was investigated lead, cobalt, chrome, cadmium and nickel pollution of near the motorway agricultural lands in this research. For this purpose, 25 different agricultural areas for each edge of motorway and total 50 soil samples were taken from research areas in Tekirdağ. Then extractable lead, cobalt, chrome, cadmium and nickel contents of soil samples were determined. According to the results, lead, cobalt, chrome, cadmium and nickel contents of soil samples were determined between 1,346 to 6,546 mg kg-1; 0,008 to 0,587 mg kg-1; 0,045 to 0,390 mg kg-1; 0,012 to 0,048 mg kg-1 and 1,623 to7,410 mg kg-1, respectively. These results were compared with critical values of these heavy metals. Lead and cobalt pollution were obtained in research area soils. Lead pollution ratio was 60 % and cobalt pollution ratio was 52 % in the research are soils. But it was not determined pollution other heavy metals (Cr, Cd and Ni) in the soils. According to the research results it should be recommended phytoremediation methods application in the research are lands for the improvement of lead and cobalt pollution.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekirdağ, ağır metal, kirlilik, fitoremediasyon, tarım toprakları, Pb, Co, Cr, Cd, Ni, heavy metal, pollution, phytoremediation, agricultural soils