Farklı kurutma ön işlemleri ve yöntemlerinin pırasanın (allium porrum l. ) fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada taze pırasalara (Allium porrum L.) suda haşlama ve tuzlu suda haşlama ön işlemleri uygulanmış ve tepsili kurutucu ile mikrodalga kurutucu kullanılarak iki farklı kurutma yöntemi ile kurutma işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tepsili kurutucuda 60oC sıcaklık, 2 m/s hava akım hızı, % 10 bağıl nem ve 3 devir/dk tepsi devri ile çalışılmıştır. Mikrodalga kurutucuda ise pırasanın içeriğindeki su miktarının azalmasıyla birlikte kuruma süresinin uzamaması için farklı mikrodalga güç seviyelerinde çalışılmıştır. İlk 70 dakika için 3200 W, daha sonra belirli zaman aralıkları ile 4000, 4480 ve 5040 W olmak üzere güç seviyeleri kademeli olarak arttırılmıştır. Yapılan kurutmalar sonucunda tepsili kurutucuda en hızlı kuruyan grup kontrol grubu, mikrodalga kurutucuda en hızlı kuruma gösteren grup tuzlu suda haşlama grubu olmuştur. Taze pırasaya uygulanan ön işlemler tepsili kurutucuda kuruma hızını yavaşlatırken, mikrodalga kurutucuda tuzlu suda haşlama ön işlemi kurumayı hızlandırmıştır. Pırasa örneklerine nem, aw, rehidrasyon, toplam fenolik madde, DPPH, askorbik asit, pH, titre edilebilir toplam asitlik ve duyusal analizler uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, duyusal değerlendirmede renk bakımından en iyi puanı tepsili kurutucudaki kontrol grubu almıştır. Toplam fenolik madde miktarı en yüksek her iki kurutma yöntemiyle kurutulan kontrol grupları olurken, ön işlem uygulanmış gruplarda daha düşük bulunmuştur. Askorbik asit miktarı ön işlem uygulanan gruplarda daha düşük bulunurken, kontrol grupları taze pırasadan sonra en yüksek değere sahip olan gruplar olmuştur. Her iki kurutma yönteminde de rehidre olma özelliği en iyi olan gruplar ön işlem görmüş pırasalar olmuştur. Kurutulmuş pırasalar 45oC sıcaklıkta 4 haftalık hızlandırılmış raf ömrü testine tabi tutularak bazı fizikokimyasal analizler uygulanmıştır.
In this work, fresh leeks (Allium porrum L.) were performed pre-treatments such as boiled in hot water and boiled in salted hot water and drying process was carried out by using two different drying methods; tray dryer and microwave dryer. In the tray dryer, 60oC temperature, 2 m/s airflow rate, %10 relative humidity and 3cycles/min tray speed was been worked with. In the microwave dryer, because of increasing drying time with reducing amount of water in the content of leek, different microwave power levels were been worked. For the first 70 minutes 3200 W, then the power levels were gradually increased at certain time intervals like such as 4000, 4480 and 5040 W. As a result of the during process, the fastest group in the tray dryer was the control group, the fastest group in the microwave dryer was the boiled in salted water. Pretreatments applied to fresh leek slowed down the drying rate in the tray dryer, while pretreating boiling in salted water in the microwave dryer accelerated drying. Leek samples were applied as moisture, aw, rehydration, total phenolic substance, DPPH, ascorbic acid, pH, titratable acidity and sensory analysis. As results of the analyses, the control group in the tray dryer received the best score in color sensory evaluation. The total amount of phenolic substance was determined in the control groups dried by both drying methods. However, it was found to be lower in pretreated groups. While the amount of ascorbic acid was lower in the pre-treatment groups, the control groups had the highest value after the fresh leeks. In both methods of drying the groups with the best rehydration were pre-treaeted leeks. Dried leeks were subjected to 4 weeks of accelerated shelf life test at 45oC with some physicochemical analyzes
In this work, fresh leeks (Allium porrum L.) were performed pre-treatments such as boiled in hot water and boiled in salted hot water and drying process was carried out by using two different drying methods; tray dryer and microwave dryer. In the tray dryer, 60oC temperature, 2 m/s airflow rate, %10 relative humidity and 3cycles/min tray speed was been worked with. In the microwave dryer, because of increasing drying time with reducing amount of water in the content of leek, different microwave power levels were been worked. For the first 70 minutes 3200 W, then the power levels were gradually increased at certain time intervals like such as 4000, 4480 and 5040 W. As a result of the during process, the fastest group in the tray dryer was the control group, the fastest group in the microwave dryer was the boiled in salted water. Pretreatments applied to fresh leek slowed down the drying rate in the tray dryer, while pretreating boiling in salted water in the microwave dryer accelerated drying. Leek samples were applied as moisture, aw, rehydration, total phenolic substance, DPPH, ascorbic acid, pH, titratable acidity and sensory analysis. As results of the analyses, the control group in the tray dryer received the best score in color sensory evaluation. The total amount of phenolic substance was determined in the control groups dried by both drying methods. However, it was found to be lower in pretreated groups. While the amount of ascorbic acid was lower in the pre-treatment groups, the control groups had the highest value after the fresh leeks. In both methods of drying the groups with the best rehydration were pre-treaeted leeks. Dried leeks were subjected to 4 weeks of accelerated shelf life test at 45oC with some physicochemical analyzes
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pırasa (Allium porrum L.), mikrodalga kurutma, tepsili kurutma, fizikokimyasal karakteristikler, hızlandırılmış raf ömrü testi, Leek (Allium porrum L., tray drying, microwave drying, physicochemical characteristics, accelerated shelf life test