Türkiye’de Bürokrasinin Dönüşümünde Halk Desteğinin Rolü
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Halk desteği siyasal iktidarlar açısından en önemli meşruiyet unsurlarından birisidir. Ancak bir siyasal iktidar için halk desteğinin varlığı kadar iktidarın konumuna ve kamu politikalarına yaptığı katkı da önemlidir. Başka bir ifade ile iktidarın bu desteği siyasa üretimine ve planladığı reformlara yansıtabilme becerisi siyasal iktidarın pragmatik yönünü belirleyecektir. Türkiye’de 2002 yılında iş başına gelen siyasal iktidarın, üst üste elde ettiği ve uzun yıllar görülmemiş olan seçim başarıları bu süreçte toplumda önemli bir desteğe sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Hedefleri arasında “bürokratik vesayetin kaldırılması” ve “bürokratik devletten hizmet devletine dönüşüm” ün önemli yer tuttuğu siyasal iktidar, yeni yönetim anlayışına paralel olarak başta demokratikleşme, temel hak ve özgürlükler ile kamu yönetimi alanında olmak üzere çok önemli reformlar gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu reformlar bürokrasinin, siyasetçiler yanında artık halka karşı da eskisinden çok daha sorumlu, verimli, etkin, toplumun beklentilerini karşılayan bir anlayışa sahip olmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Bu süreçte siyasal iktidarın sahip olduğu halk desteğinin etkilerini yansıtmada katılım, hak arama, bürokrasinin denetimi ve bireylerin bu denetim yollarını kullanmasını kolaylaştıran Bilgi Edinme ve Değerlendirme Kurulu, Kamu Denetçiliği Kurulu, Etik Kurulu, BİMER gibi mekanizmaları hayata geçirmesi önemli katkılar yapmıştır. Mevcut tabloda bürokrasi, bir süredir önemli bir kamuoyu desteğini arkasına alan, değişim ve dönüşüm sürecinin temel aktörü olan siyasal iktidarın dönüştürücü baskısını üzerinde hissederken benzer bir baskıyı hesap verebilirlik, açıklık, şeffaflık, bilgi edinme vb. ilkelerle kamu hizmeti sunmakla sorumlu olduğu, iktidara büyük oranda desteğini sunmuş olan kamuoyundan da görmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışma siyasal iktidarın bu süreçte sahip olduğu halk desteğini bürokratik zihniyetin değişim ve dönüşümü noktasında bir baskı ve denetim unsuru olarak nasıl aktive ettiği üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır.
Public support is one of the most important elements of legitimacy for the political power. But, as well as the existence of public support, it is also important for a political power to contribute to the position of power and public policies. In other words, the ability of political power to reflect this support to production of policy and to the planned reforms will determine the pragmatic side of political power. The unprecedented electoral successes achieved for many years of the political power, which came to power in Turkey in 2002 indicates that political power has an important support in society. The political power in whose goals "removal of bureaucratic guardianship" and "transformation from the bureaucratic state to the service state" have an important place has carried out very important reforms, in the field of democratization, fundamental rights and freedoms and public administration in parallel with the new administration approach. These reforms have also obliged the bureaucracy to have an approach which is more responsive, productive, effective, meeting the expectations of society than in the past against the people as well as politicians. In this process, mechanisms easing participation, right to legal remedies, supervising the bureaucracy and using individual means of control such as Right to Information Assessment Board, Ombudsman Institution, Ethics Committee and the BIMER have made important contributions in regard to reflecting the effects of public support belonging to the political power, In the current situation, while the bureaucracy feeling the transformative pressure of political power which is one of the main actors of change and transformation process and backed a significant public support, it also sees a similar pressure from the public for which it is responsible for providing public services, with the principles such as accountability, openness, transparency, information acquisition etc. In this context this study focuses on in this period, how public support has been activated by the political power as a pressure and control element at the point of change and transformation of the bureaucratic mind.
Public support is one of the most important elements of legitimacy for the political power. But, as well as the existence of public support, it is also important for a political power to contribute to the position of power and public policies. In other words, the ability of political power to reflect this support to production of policy and to the planned reforms will determine the pragmatic side of political power. The unprecedented electoral successes achieved for many years of the political power, which came to power in Turkey in 2002 indicates that political power has an important support in society. The political power in whose goals "removal of bureaucratic guardianship" and "transformation from the bureaucratic state to the service state" have an important place has carried out very important reforms, in the field of democratization, fundamental rights and freedoms and public administration in parallel with the new administration approach. These reforms have also obliged the bureaucracy to have an approach which is more responsive, productive, effective, meeting the expectations of society than in the past against the people as well as politicians. In this process, mechanisms easing participation, right to legal remedies, supervising the bureaucracy and using individual means of control such as Right to Information Assessment Board, Ombudsman Institution, Ethics Committee and the BIMER have made important contributions in regard to reflecting the effects of public support belonging to the political power, In the current situation, while the bureaucracy feeling the transformative pressure of political power which is one of the main actors of change and transformation process and backed a significant public support, it also sees a similar pressure from the public for which it is responsible for providing public services, with the principles such as accountability, openness, transparency, information acquisition etc. In this context this study focuses on in this period, how public support has been activated by the political power as a pressure and control element at the point of change and transformation of the bureaucratic mind.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bürokrasi, Halk Desteği, Dönüşüm, Political Power, Bureaucracy, Public Support, Transformation, Siyasal İktidar
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