Okülomotor Sinir Felci ve Vasküler Nedenler: Bir Olgu Sunumu
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Seksen iki yaşındaki kadın hasta sağ göz kapağında düşüklük, çift görme ve göz hareketlerinde kısıtlılık şikayetleriyle kliniğimize başvurdu. Yapılan muayenede sağda pitozis ile birlikte içe, yukarı ve aşağı bakış kısıtlılığı görüldü. İki ay önce şikayetleri ortaya çıktığında başka bir merkezde yapılan muayenesinde bulgularımızdan farklı olarak anizokori (sağ>sol)saptanmıştı. Hipertansiyon tedavisi gören hastaya 3. sinir felci ön tanısıyla kranyal manyetikrezonans ve manyetik rezonans anjiyografi tetkikleri yapıldı. Sol mediyal oksipital lob ve para hipokampal girus kortekslerinde subakut dönemde sol posterior serebral arter infarktı ileuyumlu kortikal lezyon izlendi. Sağ internal karotid arterin tam tıkalı, sol vertebral ve posterior komünikan arterin hipoplazik olduğu görüldü. Bir ay sonra tüm belirti ve bulgular kendiliğinden düzeldi
A 82 years old female patient admitted to our clinic with ptosis of the right eye, restriction of eye movements and double vision. In physical examination, with ptosis in the right eye, there were also movement restrictions to upward, downward and inward directions. Two months before when first symptoms appeared, in the medical centre that our patient admitted, there was also anisocoria (right>left) that was not present in our physical examination. With possible diagnosis of third cranial nerve palsy, cranial MRI and MRI angiography procedures were performed for our patient taking antihypertensive medications. Lesions suitable for subacute infarction of left posterior cerebral artery watershed were seen in left medial occipital lobe and para hippocampal gyrus cortex. Right internal carotid artery was totally ocluded and left vertebral and posterior comminican artery were hypoplasic. After one month, all lesions were subsided spontaneously.
A 82 years old female patient admitted to our clinic with ptosis of the right eye, restriction of eye movements and double vision. In physical examination, with ptosis in the right eye, there were also movement restrictions to upward, downward and inward directions. Two months before when first symptoms appeared, in the medical centre that our patient admitted, there was also anisocoria (right>left) that was not present in our physical examination. With possible diagnosis of third cranial nerve palsy, cranial MRI and MRI angiography procedures were performed for our patient taking antihypertensive medications. Lesions suitable for subacute infarction of left posterior cerebral artery watershed were seen in left medial occipital lobe and para hippocampal gyrus cortex. Right internal carotid artery was totally ocluded and left vertebral and posterior comminican artery were hypoplasic. After one month, all lesions were subsided spontaneously.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tıbbi Araştırmalar Deneysel, Göz Hastalıkları, Ortopedi, Periferik Damar Hastalıkları, Radyoloji, Nükleer Tıp, Tıbbi Görüntüleme
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