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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türk siyasi tarihinde darbeler önemli yer tutmaktadır. Cumhuriyet’in ilanından günümüze kadar birçok darbe yapılmış ya da darbe girişiminde bulunulmuştur ve her yönetim ya da yönetim adayı hedeflediği yönetim düzenini, amacını; kısaca bu yola neden girdiğini açıklamak için yazılı ve sözlü metinler oluşturmuştur. Bu metinler her alandaki araştırmacılara önemli bir kaynak sunmaktadır. Darbe metinleri gelişigüzel hazırlanan bir metin olmaktan öte, sağlam bir mantık kurgusu ile kaleme alınmaktadır. Hazırlanan metinler kitle iletişim araçlarıyla çok sayıda insana ulaşabileceğinden, hedef kitleye ve dönemin koşullarına uygun biçimde düzenlemeler gerektirmektedir. Böylelikle hedef kitlenin onayının alınması düşünülür. Her metin türünün olduğu gibi siyasi metinlerin de kendine özgü özellikleri vardır ve içinde bulundukları dönemden etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenle, yapılacak olan bu çalışmanın amacı, metni oluşturan(lar)ın dilsel araçları kullanarak darbe bildirisini nasıl ürettiklerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, çalışmamızda metindilbilimsel yöntemlere dayanarak Kenan Evren’in 12 Eylül 1980 askeri darbe bildirisinin metin çözümlemesi yapılacaktır. Çalışmada bütünce, metin ve metindilbilim hakkında verilecek bilgilerin ardından, metin çözümlenmesine geçilecektir. Metnin üretim koşullarına bakılarak metnin okuyucu için nasıl düzenlendiği gösterilmeye çalışılacaktır. Metnin ayrıntısına girilerek, metin içi anlamın oluşmasını sağlayan tümceler arası bağlantılar irdelenecektir. Yapılacak olan metindilbilimsel çözümlemeyle, metnin nasıl kurgulanıp düzenlendiği, oluşturulan metin yapılarının metnin işleviyle nasıl ilişkilendirildiği saptanıp ortaya koyulacaktır. Böylece metnin bütününe bağlı olan metin parçalarıyla metnin söylemek istediği daha rahat aktarılabilecektir.
Military coups (coup d’état) have an important position in Turkish political history. Many military coups or coup attempts have been made from the proclamation of the republic until today and each government or candidate for government has created written texts or oral texts so as to explain their objectives i.e. why they are devoted. Those political texts offer an important resource for researches in all fields. Military coup texts are not randomly prepared ones; rather, they are generated with a rational and logical reasoning. The prepared texts require appropriate editing according to the target audience and conditions of those specific periods for they reach to a large number of people via mass media. Thus, approval of the target audience is taken into consideration. Political texts as well as other texts have its characteristic features and they are influenced by the periods in which they are created. Therefore, the aim of this study is to reveal how text creators form declaration texts using the linguistics tools. Accordingly, text of the 12 September 1980 military coup speech delivered by Kenan Evren will be analysed based on the textlinguistics methods. Knowledge on the text, textlinguistics and corpus will be given, and then a textual analysis will be made. It is aimed to show how the text in question was arranged for the reader at that time by means of considering conditions for the text production. Sentence connections constituting intratextual meaning will be examined. How the text in question was constituted and how the constituted textual structures were associated with the function of the text will be determined and revealed. Therefore, what the text aimed to tell will be much easily conveyed by means of the parts constituting the whole text.
Military coups (coup d’état) have an important position in Turkish political history. Many military coups or coup attempts have been made from the proclamation of the republic until today and each government or candidate for government has created written texts or oral texts so as to explain their objectives i.e. why they are devoted. Those political texts offer an important resource for researches in all fields. Military coup texts are not randomly prepared ones; rather, they are generated with a rational and logical reasoning. The prepared texts require appropriate editing according to the target audience and conditions of those specific periods for they reach to a large number of people via mass media. Thus, approval of the target audience is taken into consideration. Political texts as well as other texts have its characteristic features and they are influenced by the periods in which they are created. Therefore, the aim of this study is to reveal how text creators form declaration texts using the linguistics tools. Accordingly, text of the 12 September 1980 military coup speech delivered by Kenan Evren will be analysed based on the textlinguistics methods. Knowledge on the text, textlinguistics and corpus will be given, and then a textual analysis will be made. It is aimed to show how the text in question was arranged for the reader at that time by means of considering conditions for the text production. Sentence connections constituting intratextual meaning will be examined. How the text in question was constituted and how the constituted textual structures were associated with the function of the text will be determined and revealed. Therefore, what the text aimed to tell will be much easily conveyed by means of the parts constituting the whole text.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Metin, Metindilbilim, Çözümleme, Siyasi metinler, Askeri darbe, Text, Textlinguistics, Analysis, Political texts, Military coup
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