Bireylerin çiğ, pastörize ve UHT süt tüketim tercihlerinin belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma, Tekirdağ İlindeki bazı kurumlarda çalışanlar arasından gönüllülük esasına göre seçilen uygun örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen 150 kişiye anket yöntemi ile sorular yöneltilerek bireylerin; çiğ, pastörize ve UHT süt hakkında bilgi düzeyleri ve tüketim durumlarının belirlenmesinde etkili olan nedenlerin değerlendirilmesini amaçlamıştır. Katılımcılara ait demografik özellikler (yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu, gelir düzeyi) ve anketlerden elde edilen veriler SPSS.20 programı ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, ankete katılan bireylerin demografik özellikleri ile sorulara verdikleri yanıtlar arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapılan Ki-Kare analizine göre; cinsiyet ve yaşa ilişkin sonuçların anlamlı düzeyde olmadığı (p>0,05) tespit edilmiş, bazı sorularda eğitim düzeyi ile seçim tercihleri ve gelir düzeyi ile seçim tercihleri arasında anlamlı ilişkiler ortaya konmuştur (p<0,05). Katılımcıların eğitim seviyeleri arttıkça sütü marketlerden satın almayı tercih ettikleri, satın alma sırasında dikkat ettikleri ilk kriterin raf ömrü olduğu ve süt çeşitlerinin her birini tükettikleri anlaşılmıştır. Çiğ sütü yoğurt yapımına uygun olması, UHT ve pastörize sütü ise güvenilir ve sağlıklı bulmaları nedeniyle tüketmeyi tercih ettikleri belirtilmiştir. Ambalajlı sütleri tercih etme nedenlerinin başında hijyenik şartlarda üretilmesi gelmekte olup dış görünüş ve albeninin önemli olmadığı ortaya konmuştur. Katılımcıların çoğunun pastörize ve UHT sütü terimsel olarak bildikleri ancak sütün içeriğine olan etkileri ve raf ömürleri konusunda bilgi eksiklerinin olduğu, çiğ sütün taşıdığı risklerin farkında olmadıkları da verilen yanıtlardan çıkan sonuçlar arasındadır. Ayrıca süt bilgi düzeylerinin incelendiği bilgi formuna göre yapılan değerlendirmede katılımcıların gelir düzeyi ve eğitim düzeyi arttıkça bilgi düzeylerinin de arttığı görülmüştür. Süte katkı maddesi ilavesi soru ve önermelerine bakıldığında tüketicilerin yakın oranlarda cevaplar vermesi kafa karışıklığı veya bilgi eksikliğini işaret etmektedir.
In order to understand the factors that are effective in determining the levels of knowledge about the raw, pasteurized and UHT milk and the reasons for their consumption, 150 people were selected by the method of survey which were determined by the appropriate sampling method among the employees in some institutions in Tekirdağ Province. Demographic characteristics of the participants (age, gender, educational status, income level) and datas that were obtained from surveys has been evaluated and concluded by SPSS.20. According to Ci-Square analysis that has been applied to the participants; gender and age are not correlated (p>0,05). However, in some questions there is a positive correlation between level of education and level of income is proven. Its observed that, increasing in educational level leads to increase in level of information about the milk consumption. Some participants who have upper education level are preferring to buy milk from supermarkets and the first thing which they pay attention when they by milk is shelf life. It is also observed that these consumers could buy in any type of milk because according to the survey they prefer to buy raw milk for making yoghurt. On the other hand, they thought that UHT and pasteurized milks are safer and healthier. It is proven that consumers prefer to buy packaged milks because they think that packaged milks are produced more hygienic areas instead of how they seems. More participants are not informed about the what is the meaning of UHT or pasteurized milks. They are not also aware of the risks that are raw milk have. According to information form that is related to information level about milk consumption its observed that, increasing in educational level leads to increase in level of information about the milk consumption. Considering the questions and propositions regarding to put additive into milk consumers answers are show that there is lack of information
In order to understand the factors that are effective in determining the levels of knowledge about the raw, pasteurized and UHT milk and the reasons for their consumption, 150 people were selected by the method of survey which were determined by the appropriate sampling method among the employees in some institutions in Tekirdağ Province. Demographic characteristics of the participants (age, gender, educational status, income level) and datas that were obtained from surveys has been evaluated and concluded by SPSS.20. According to Ci-Square analysis that has been applied to the participants; gender and age are not correlated (p>0,05). However, in some questions there is a positive correlation between level of education and level of income is proven. Its observed that, increasing in educational level leads to increase in level of information about the milk consumption. Some participants who have upper education level are preferring to buy milk from supermarkets and the first thing which they pay attention when they by milk is shelf life. It is also observed that these consumers could buy in any type of milk because according to the survey they prefer to buy raw milk for making yoghurt. On the other hand, they thought that UHT and pasteurized milks are safer and healthier. It is proven that consumers prefer to buy packaged milks because they think that packaged milks are produced more hygienic areas instead of how they seems. More participants are not informed about the what is the meaning of UHT or pasteurized milks. They are not also aware of the risks that are raw milk have. According to information form that is related to information level about milk consumption its observed that, increasing in educational level leads to increase in level of information about the milk consumption. Considering the questions and propositions regarding to put additive into milk consumers answers are show that there is lack of information
Anahtar Kelimeler
UHT Süt, Pastörize Süt, Bilgi Düzeyi, UHT Milk, Pasteurisation Milk, Knowledge Level