Organik bal üretimi açısından Trakya bölgesi arı yetiştiriciliğinin mevcut durumu
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye iklim koşulları, bitki örtüsü ve 40.000 arıcısı ile yeryüzünde arıcılığa en uygun ülkelerden birisidir. Ancak bu potansiyeli yönlendirecek, arıcıların sorularına cevap verecek ve sorunlarını çözecek bir kurum ya da kuruluşun olmayışı günümüzde bu iş kolunda rastlanan problemlerin büyüyerek çoğalmasına neden olmuştur. Günümüzde aşırı derecede ve bilinçsizce kullanılan sentetik kimyasalların kullanımı ile üretilen gıdaların insan sağlığını tehdit ettiğine dair görüş ve bulgular giderek artmaktadır. Bu nedenle ülkemizde üretilen balların ihracatta istenmeyen kalıntı madde içerikleri giderek sorun olmaktadır. Konvansiyonel bal üretiminde kullanılan kimyasalların arı ürünlerine ve insanlar üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle günümüzde organik bal üretimi ile arı ürünlerindeki kimyasal kalıntı sorununu minimuma indirgeme çalışmaları hız kazanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Trakya Bölgesi arı yetiştiriciliğinin mevcut durumunu irdelemek ve arıcılık işletmelerinin organik bal üretebilme koşul ve olanaklarını saptamaktır.
With its climatic conditions, flora and 40.000 bee-keeper, Turkey is one of the most appropriate countries for honey production on earth. But there is no institution or organization to direct this potential to guide bee-keepers according to these biological conditions, answer their questions and solve their problems that has led to the proliferation of growing problems in this sector today. Today, foods are produced with the excessively and unconsciously use of synthetic chemicals so opinions and findings are improve about these conditions cause human health hazards by going on. Therefore, honey - that contains unwanted residual material - exports are a growing problem for our country. Conventional chemicals used in the production of honey are known to have several adverse effects on people and bee products. For this reason, today the production of organic honey and bee products studies is gaining speed to reduce and minimum the problem of chemical residue This study aims to examine the current state of the Trakya Region bee breeding and bee-keeping businesses and facilities to determine the condition of producing organic honey.
With its climatic conditions, flora and 40.000 bee-keeper, Turkey is one of the most appropriate countries for honey production on earth. But there is no institution or organization to direct this potential to guide bee-keepers according to these biological conditions, answer their questions and solve their problems that has led to the proliferation of growing problems in this sector today. Today, foods are produced with the excessively and unconsciously use of synthetic chemicals so opinions and findings are improve about these conditions cause human health hazards by going on. Therefore, honey - that contains unwanted residual material - exports are a growing problem for our country. Conventional chemicals used in the production of honey are known to have several adverse effects on people and bee products. For this reason, today the production of organic honey and bee products studies is gaining speed to reduce and minimum the problem of chemical residue This study aims to examine the current state of the Trakya Region bee breeding and bee-keeping businesses and facilities to determine the condition of producing organic honey.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Organik bal, Organik arıcılık, Organik tarım, Trakya bölgesi, Organic honey, organic beekeeping, organic agriculture, Thrace region