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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Toplu pazarlık düzeyi, toplu iş sözleşmesinin etki alanını da belirlediğinden çalışanlar ve işverenler için oldukça önemlidir. Ülkelerin toplu pazarlık düzeylerinde sosyo-ekonomik yapıları, endüstri ilişkileri gelenekleri, işyeri ve işletme özellikleri, sendikaların eğilimleri, sosyal politikalar ve diğer birçok faktör etkilidir. Toplu pazarlık düzeyleri işyeri veya işletme, işkolu, ulusal ve çok uluslu düzeye kadar çıkabilmektedir. Türkiye’de toplu iş sözleşme hakkı ilk olarak, 1961 Anayasası ile güvence altına alınmıştır. 1963 yılında yürürlüğe giren 275 sayılı Kanun’da işkolu ve işyeri toplu iş sözleşmeleri ayrı ayrı düzenlenmiş, ancak ikisi arasında bir ilişki kurulmamıştır. 1982 Anayasası’nda bir kez daha güvence altına alınan toplu iş sözleşmesi hakkı, 1983 yılında kabul edilen 2822 sayılı Kanunda işyeri ve işletme düzeyinde yeniden düzenlenmiştir
Level of collective bargaining, that determiness the impact area of collective agreement, is quite important for employees and employers. Social and economic structures, industrial relation traditions, features of plant and enterprise, tend of trade unions, social policies of countries and other a lot of factors are effective in levels of collective bargaining of countries. Levels of collective bargaining can go up plant or enterprise level between one or more trade unions and individual employers, industry level between one or more trade unions and a group of employers from a particular industry or occupation, national level between trade unions and employers and employers’ organisation at national level and multinational level between trade unions or trade union federations and employer organisations on an international level. Collective agreement right was firstly guaranteed with 1961 Constitution in Turkey. Industry and plant level collective agreements were separately regulated in Law No:275 which came into force in 1963, however, a relationship was established between the two bargaining levels. Collective agreement right, which is guaranteed once again in 1982 Constitution, have been revised in plant and enterprise level, which was accepted Law No:2822 in 1983.
Level of collective bargaining, that determiness the impact area of collective agreement, is quite important for employees and employers. Social and economic structures, industrial relation traditions, features of plant and enterprise, tend of trade unions, social policies of countries and other a lot of factors are effective in levels of collective bargaining of countries. Levels of collective bargaining can go up plant or enterprise level between one or more trade unions and individual employers, industry level between one or more trade unions and a group of employers from a particular industry or occupation, national level between trade unions and employers and employers’ organisation at national level and multinational level between trade unions or trade union federations and employer organisations on an international level. Collective agreement right was firstly guaranteed with 1961 Constitution in Turkey. Industry and plant level collective agreements were separately regulated in Law No:275 which came into force in 1963, however, a relationship was established between the two bargaining levels. Collective agreement right, which is guaranteed once again in 1982 Constitution, have been revised in plant and enterprise level, which was accepted Law No:2822 in 1983.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İşyeri ve işletme toplu pazarlığı, işkolu toplu pazarlığı, ulusal düzeyde toplu pazarlık, uluslararası düzeyde toplu pazarlık, toplu iş sözleşmesi, Plant and enterprise collective bargaining, industry collective bargaining, national collective bargaining, multinational collective bargaining, collective agreement
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