Kırsal alanlarda ekoturizm potansiyelinin belirlenmesi: Kırklareli ili Kofçaz ilçesi örneği
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tez çalışması; "Kırsal alanlar; nüfus yoğunluğu, üretim biçimi, yerel peyzaj karakteri gibi doğal ve sosyo-kültürel değerleri ile özgünlük taşırlar. Aynı zamanda "bu özgünlükler ekoturizmin kaynağını oluşturur" hipotezi üzerinde kurgulanmıştır. Bu çerçevede tez kapsamında; Kırklareli İli Kofçaz İlçesi'nin (16 köy ve 1 ilçe merkezi) yerel doğal ve sosyo-kültürel değerlerine yönelik olarak ekoturizm potansiyelinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla tez çalışmasında, 5 aşamalı bir yöntem izlenmiştir. Birinci aşamada çalışmaya ilişkin amaç ve kapsam belirlenmiş, ikinci aşamada alana ilişkin envanter ve veri tabanı oluşturulmuştur. Literatür taramaları ve arazi çalışmaları ile desteklenen ikinci aşamada; konu ile ilgili genel kavramlar tanımlanmıştır. Üçüncü aşamada; alanın doğal ve sosyo-kültürel peyzaj değerlerine ilişkin olarak; CBS ortamında haritalar oluşturulmuştur. Dördüncü aşamada, ekoturizm olanakları spektrum yöntemi (ECOS) ile alanın ekoturizm potansiyeli ortaya konulmuştur. Ekos Yöntemi çerçevesinde; erişilebilirlik, turistik altyapı olanakları, turistik üstyapı olanakları, doğal peyzaj çekiciliği, ekonomik yapı çeşitliliği ve sosyo-kültürel peyzaj çekiciliği ana bileşenlerine ilişkin 19 değerlendirme faktörü ve 27 alt kriter belirlenmiştir. Tüm bileşenler ekoturizm uygunluk durumuna göre 1'den 4'e (1 en az, 4 en çok) kadar puanlama yapılarak, uygunluk haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Gerçekleştirilen değerlendirmeler sonucunda da, sentez paftası oluşturularak ekoturizm faaliyetleri için uygun alanlar belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, alanın % 89'unun ekoturizm faaliyetleri için uygun, % 6'sının çok uygun olduğu belirlenmiş ve ekoturizm etkinliklerine yönelik çeşitli öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar; planlama, uygulama ve karar alma süreçlerinde, yerel yönetimler ve benzer konularda araştırma yapan diğer kişiler için yarar teşkil edecektir.
Thesis; "Rural areas have originality with their natural and socio-cultural values such as population density, mode of production, local landscape character. It is also constructed on the hypothesis that "these authenticities constitute the source of ecotourism". Within this framework, within the scope of the thesis; It is aimed to determine the ecotourism potential of Kofçaz District of Kırklareli Province (16 villages and 1 district center) in terms of local natural and socio-cultural values. For this purpose, a 5-step method was followed in the thesis study. In the first stage, the purpose and scope of the study were determined, and in the second stage, inventory and database related to the area were created. In the second phase supported by literature surveys and field studies; General concepts related to the subject have been defined. In the third stage; Regarding the natural and socio-cultural landscape values of the area; Maps were created in the GIS environment. In the fourth stage, the ecotourism potential of the area is revealed by the ecotourism possibilities spectrum method (ECOS). In the frame of the Ecos Method; 19 evaluation factors and 27 sub-criteria were determined for the main components of accessibility, tourist infrastructure facilities, tourist superstructure facilities, natural landscape attraction, economic structure diversity and socio-cultural landscape attraction. All components are scored from 1 to 4 (1 minimum, 4 maximum) according to ecotourism eligibility status and conformity maps were created. As a result of the evaluations, suitable areas for ecotourism activities were determined by creating a synthesis map. As a result of the study, it has been determined that 89% of the area is suitable for ecotourism activities, 6% is very suitable and various suggestions for ecotourism activities have been developed. Results obtained from the study; In planning, implementation and decision making processes, it will be beneficial for local administrations and other researchers.
Thesis; "Rural areas have originality with their natural and socio-cultural values such as population density, mode of production, local landscape character. It is also constructed on the hypothesis that "these authenticities constitute the source of ecotourism". Within this framework, within the scope of the thesis; It is aimed to determine the ecotourism potential of Kofçaz District of Kırklareli Province (16 villages and 1 district center) in terms of local natural and socio-cultural values. For this purpose, a 5-step method was followed in the thesis study. In the first stage, the purpose and scope of the study were determined, and in the second stage, inventory and database related to the area were created. In the second phase supported by literature surveys and field studies; General concepts related to the subject have been defined. In the third stage; Regarding the natural and socio-cultural landscape values of the area; Maps were created in the GIS environment. In the fourth stage, the ecotourism potential of the area is revealed by the ecotourism possibilities spectrum method (ECOS). In the frame of the Ecos Method; 19 evaluation factors and 27 sub-criteria were determined for the main components of accessibility, tourist infrastructure facilities, tourist superstructure facilities, natural landscape attraction, economic structure diversity and socio-cultural landscape attraction. All components are scored from 1 to 4 (1 minimum, 4 maximum) according to ecotourism eligibility status and conformity maps were created. As a result of the evaluations, suitable areas for ecotourism activities were determined by creating a synthesis map. As a result of the study, it has been determined that 89% of the area is suitable for ecotourism activities, 6% is very suitable and various suggestions for ecotourism activities have been developed. Results obtained from the study; In planning, implementation and decision making processes, it will be beneficial for local administrations and other researchers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture, Alternatif turizm, Alternative tourism, Ekoturizm, Ecotourism, Kırsal turizm, Rural tourism