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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Ülkemizde sağlıkta dönüşüm uygulamaları kapsamında 2010 yılı itibari ile ülke genelinde birinci basamakta ilk olarak aile hekimliği (AH) uygulaması yaygınlaştırılmış. Temel sağlık hizmetleri bölünerek kişiye yönelik koruyucu ve tedavi edici sağlık hizmeti AH aracılığıyla sunulmaya başlanmıştır. AH’lerinin sağlık hizmeti sunumunda performans değerlendirmeleri son dönemde oldukça üzerinde konuşulan ve Sağlık Bakanlığınca da önemsenen bir değerlendirme yöntemidir. Sunulan çalışmada AH’lerinin performanslarının VZA tekniği ile ölçülerek, sağlık hizmetlerinde aksayan yönlerin belirlenmesi ve öneriler geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot: Performansın değerlendirmesinde çok sayıda yöntem olmakla birlikte son yıllarda çok sayıda girdi ve çıktının ağırlıklı bir girdi veya çıktı setine dönüştürülmesinin güç olduğu durumlarda veri zarflama Analizi (VZA) yöntemi kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu analizin oldukça geçerli ve anlamlı sonuç üreten matematiksel bir programlama olduğu yönünde yayınlar vardır. Bulgular: Çalışmada Tekirdağ iline bağlı bir ilçede çalışan 9 AH’nin 2012 yılına ait performans ölçütü olarak önceden belirlenmiş kimi verileri VZA ile değerlendirilmiştir. Analiz 8 AH üzerinde gerçekleştirilebilmiş ve hepsinin performansı %100 olarak hesaplanmıştır. AH performanslarının coğrafya, kırsal ve kentsel yerleşim bölgesi oluşu, bağlı nüfusun yaş, cins ve eğitim gibi sosyodemografik özellikleri ile değişebildiği görülmektedir. Sonuç: Çalışmanın gerçekleştirildiği bölgedeki AH’leri nüfusu görece homojen, demografik dinamiklerden benzer derecede etkilenen kapalı, sınırlı bir coğrafyada hizmet sunmaktadırlar. AH’leri bu bölgede benzer özellikteki nüfusa sahiptirler. Performansın %100 bulunması sayılan nedenlerle ilişkili olabilir. Daha kesin sonuçlara ulaşabilmek için il genelinin değerlendirildiği ya da birkaç ilçenin birbiri ile değerlendirildiği daha büyük çaplı analizler yapılmalıdır.
Aim: In our country, the 2000s was a period in which implementations of reform in the health field were brought to the agenda. The Health Transformation Program (HTP) developed in this process has firstly necessitated changes in the presentation of primary health care services. As a first for primary health care, family physicians (FP) were adopted, and there was an attempt to offer a personalized preventive and curative health service in this way. Performance evaluations of family physicians in the presentation of health care services are an assessment which has been spoken about quite frequently in the recent period and also overrated by the Ministry of Health. Material and Methods: Due to the importance and necessity of the subject this study proposed to determine the performance of family physicians working in a district of Tekirdağ using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for the determination of areas of disruption and the development of recommendations for a development system in the health services provided by family physicians. Results: Nine FPs are working in the district but there is a lack of a physician in the roaming service area. Data were presented it did not contribute to the calculation of DEA. In the region, 8 of the FPs’ performance were 100%. In terms of accessible resources, it is observed that FP performance can change depending on geography, the population of urban and rural settlements, age, ethnic group and sociodemographic characteristics such as education. The population of the region where the study was carried out has a homogenous, limited and closed geography affected by similar demographic dynamics to a similar degree. Conclusion: In this area, family physicians have a population of similar characteristics. Hundred percent of the available performance may be associated with the reasons stated above. More large-scale analysis should be performed so that the whole province is evaluated or a few districts are evaluated with each other in order to achieve more accurate results.
Aim: In our country, the 2000s was a period in which implementations of reform in the health field were brought to the agenda. The Health Transformation Program (HTP) developed in this process has firstly necessitated changes in the presentation of primary health care services. As a first for primary health care, family physicians (FP) were adopted, and there was an attempt to offer a personalized preventive and curative health service in this way. Performance evaluations of family physicians in the presentation of health care services are an assessment which has been spoken about quite frequently in the recent period and also overrated by the Ministry of Health. Material and Methods: Due to the importance and necessity of the subject this study proposed to determine the performance of family physicians working in a district of Tekirdağ using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for the determination of areas of disruption and the development of recommendations for a development system in the health services provided by family physicians. Results: Nine FPs are working in the district but there is a lack of a physician in the roaming service area. Data were presented it did not contribute to the calculation of DEA. In the region, 8 of the FPs’ performance were 100%. In terms of accessible resources, it is observed that FP performance can change depending on geography, the population of urban and rural settlements, age, ethnic group and sociodemographic characteristics such as education. The population of the region where the study was carried out has a homogenous, limited and closed geography affected by similar demographic dynamics to a similar degree. Conclusion: In this area, family physicians have a population of similar characteristics. Hundred percent of the available performance may be associated with the reasons stated above. More large-scale analysis should be performed so that the whole province is evaluated or a few districts are evaluated with each other in order to achieve more accurate results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veri zarflama analizi (VZA), aile hekimi, performans, sağlık hizmeti, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), family physician, performance, health serv
Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi (International Journal of Basic and Clinical Medicine)
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