Sanayi sektöründe kullanılan farklı kalitedeki kömürlerin hava kirliliğine etkisi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Son yıllarda ülkemizin nüfus yoğunluğunun artması, dışarıdan alınan göçlerin de etkisi ile mevcut piyasa ürünlerine talep artmış ve artan talebe karşılık üretim sektörünün bu talebi karşılamak için üretim kapasitelerinde artışa gitme gereği doğmuştur. Ancak tüm bu artışlar, sektörün maddi yüklerini arttırdığı için sanayi kuruluşlarını daha ucuz enerji kaynaklarını kullanmaya itmiştir. Küresel olarak tüm insanlığın en büyük temel ihtiyacı olan temiz hava gün geçtikçe yok olmaktadır ve hava kirliliği en önemli sorunlardan biri haline gelmiştir. Hava doğal ve yapay kirleticiler tarafından kirlenmekte olup yapay kirleticilerin başında sanayi sektörü gelmektedir. Sanayi sektöründe ucuz enerji kaynaklarına yönelim çevresel sorunların başında gelen hava kirliliğinin artışında önemli rol oynamış ve bu kaynakların üretiminde artışa sebep olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Tekirdağ İl'ine bağlı Uzunköprü, Malkara ilçelerinde bulunan kömür ocaklarından alınan farklı kalitedeki kömürler ile ithal kömür numuneleri analiz edilerek ilgili kömürlerin kullanıldıkları fabrikaların emisyon ölçüm raporları incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar kömür kalitesinin düşmesiyle beraber hava kirliliğine neden olan parametrelerin karbonmonoksit (CO), kükürtdioksit (SO2) ve partikül madde (PM) artışını ortaya koymaktadır. Bununla birlikte kömür yerine doğalgaz kullanan fabrikaların hava kirliliğine etkisinin daha az olduğu emisyon ölçüm raporlarına dayandırılarak yorumlanmıştır. Bu tez çalışması; insanlığın temel yaşama sebebi olan havanın gelecekte daha fazla kirlenmemesi adına yapılan veya yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sağlayacaktır. Hava kirliliğini engellemek için yapılan çalışmalarda doğru kaynak kullanımı veya yakıtların en az kirletici etkide bulunması için özellikle mühendislik çalışmalarını destekleyecektir.
In recent years, with the increase in the population density of our country and the effect of immigration from abroad, the demand for existing market products has increased, and in response to the increasing demand, it has become necessary to increase the production capacity of the production sector to meet this demand. However, as all these increases increase the financial burdens of the sector, they have pushed the industrial establishments to use cheaper energy resources. Globally, clean air, which is the greatest basic need of all humanity, is disappearing day by day and air pollution has become one of the most important problems. The air is polluted by natural and artificial pollutants, and the industrial sector comes first among the artificial pollutants. The trend towards cheap energy resources in the industry sector has played an important role in the increase of air pollution, which is one of the environmental problems, and has led to an increase in the production of these resources. In this study, different quality coals and imported coal samples taken from the coal mines in Uzunköprü and Malkara districts of Tekirdağ Province were analyzed and the emission measurement reports of the factories where the relevant coals were used were examined. The obtained results reveal the increase in carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) parameters that cause air pollution, along with the decrease in coal quality. However, it has been interpreted based on emission measurement reports that factories using natural gas instead of coal have less effect on air pollution. This thesis we have done; It will contribute to the work done or to be done in order not to pollute the air, which is the main reason for humanity's life, in the future. It will especially support engineering studies for the correct use of resources or the least polluting effect of fuels in studies to prevent air pollution.
In recent years, with the increase in the population density of our country and the effect of immigration from abroad, the demand for existing market products has increased, and in response to the increasing demand, it has become necessary to increase the production capacity of the production sector to meet this demand. However, as all these increases increase the financial burdens of the sector, they have pushed the industrial establishments to use cheaper energy resources. Globally, clean air, which is the greatest basic need of all humanity, is disappearing day by day and air pollution has become one of the most important problems. The air is polluted by natural and artificial pollutants, and the industrial sector comes first among the artificial pollutants. The trend towards cheap energy resources in the industry sector has played an important role in the increase of air pollution, which is one of the environmental problems, and has led to an increase in the production of these resources. In this study, different quality coals and imported coal samples taken from the coal mines in Uzunköprü and Malkara districts of Tekirdağ Province were analyzed and the emission measurement reports of the factories where the relevant coals were used were examined. The obtained results reveal the increase in carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) parameters that cause air pollution, along with the decrease in coal quality. However, it has been interpreted based on emission measurement reports that factories using natural gas instead of coal have less effect on air pollution. This thesis we have done; It will contribute to the work done or to be done in order not to pollute the air, which is the main reason for humanity's life, in the future. It will especially support engineering studies for the correct use of resources or the least polluting effect of fuels in studies to prevent air pollution.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çevre Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jeoloji Mühendisliği, Geological Engineering ; Maden Mühendisliği ve Madencilik