Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türk çini sanatı, Türk süsleme sanatlarının en güzel örneklerini oluşturan alanlardan biridir. Köklerini Uygur, Karahan, Gazneli, Fatımi ve özellikle İran Büyük Selçuklu sanatından alan bu sanat, farklı kültür çevrelerinden aldığı etkileri sentezleyerek yüzyıllar boyu eşsiz örnekler ortaya koymuştur. Anadolu uygarlığını tarihi form ve inceliklerle bir miras gibi taşıyan Türk çini sanatı, tarihte ilk kez Müslüman Türk Devletini kuran Karahanlılar dönemine ait yapılarda görülmeye başlamıştır. Mimariye bağlı olarak gelişen çini sanatı, Anadolu’ya Selçuklularla girmiş, çeşitli tekniklerle en güzel ve başarılı örneklerini vermiştir. Osmanlı Sanatı’nda yeni atılımlarla daha da zenginleşmiş ve doruk noktasına ulaşmıştır. Anadolu Türk çini sanatında, özellikle 13.-19.yüzyıllar arasında büyük yenilikler getirilerek olağanüstü bir gelişim sağlanmıştır. Türk çini sanatı çeşitli teknik, renk ve desenle dünya çapında haklı bir ün kazanmıştır. Çini sanatı uygulamasında zaman içinde sırsız seramik, sırlı tuğla, tek renk sırlı çini, çini mozayik, sır altı tekniği, sır üstü (lüster) tekniği, kabartma tekniği (daha çok yazıtlarda), minai (heft renk-yedi renk) tekniği, renkli sır tekniği (Cuerda Seca) gibi çok farklı teknikler kullanılmıştır. Osmanlı Çini Sanatının en yaygın ve dünyaca ün yapan grubu ise İznik sır altı çinileridir. Bu çalışmada, Anadolu Türk Devri çini tekniği olarak en yaygın kullanılan sır altı tekniğinde çini dekorlama aşamaları anlatılacaktır.
Turkish tile art is one of the areas that produce the most beautiful examples of Turkish decorative arts. It revealed unique examples by synthesizing the effects taken from different cultural environments. Anatolian Tile Art takes its roots from Uighurs, Karahanlis, Ghaznavid, Fatimid, in particular the Great Seljuk art. Turkish tile which enriched the Anatolian civilization with its historical form and perfection as a tradition was first seen in the structures of Karahanlis, who founded the first Muslim Turkish State. Introduced by the Seljuks as an architectural element, Turkish tile art has the most beautiful and successful examples of various techniques. It has been later enriched in Ottoman art and reached its peak especially between the 13th and the 19th centuries, and it has demonstrated an exceptional great innovations. Turkish tile art has gained a worldwide reputation by their wide range of techniques, colors and patterns. The practice of tile art has been used with very different techniques such as unglazed ceramics, glazed brick, plain monochrome glazed tiles, monochrome glazed tiles with gilt, embossed tiles, mosaic tiles, under glaze tiles, luster tiles, Minai and Cuerda Seca tiles with colored glaze technique. The most common and best known group of Ottoman tiles is the under glazed tile, which is produced in İznik. In this study, the production process of decorating tile with under glaze technique, which is the most widely used technique of the Anatolian Turkish Period tile techniques will be discussed.
Turkish tile art is one of the areas that produce the most beautiful examples of Turkish decorative arts. It revealed unique examples by synthesizing the effects taken from different cultural environments. Anatolian Tile Art takes its roots from Uighurs, Karahanlis, Ghaznavid, Fatimid, in particular the Great Seljuk art. Turkish tile which enriched the Anatolian civilization with its historical form and perfection as a tradition was first seen in the structures of Karahanlis, who founded the first Muslim Turkish State. Introduced by the Seljuks as an architectural element, Turkish tile art has the most beautiful and successful examples of various techniques. It has been later enriched in Ottoman art and reached its peak especially between the 13th and the 19th centuries, and it has demonstrated an exceptional great innovations. Turkish tile art has gained a worldwide reputation by their wide range of techniques, colors and patterns. The practice of tile art has been used with very different techniques such as unglazed ceramics, glazed brick, plain monochrome glazed tiles, monochrome glazed tiles with gilt, embossed tiles, mosaic tiles, under glaze tiles, luster tiles, Minai and Cuerda Seca tiles with colored glaze technique. The most common and best known group of Ottoman tiles is the under glazed tile, which is produced in İznik. In this study, the production process of decorating tile with under glaze technique, which is the most widely used technique of the Anatolian Turkish Period tile techniques will be discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Geleneksel Sanat, Süsleme Sanatı, Çini, Sır Altı Tekniği, Traditional Art, Ornament Art, Tile, Under Glaze Technique
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