Ağır ticari araç hidrolik direksiyonlarında kullanılan burulma millerinin burulma katsayılarının deneysel olarak belirlenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışmasında, burulma testlerinin gerçekleştirilebileceği dikey konfigürasyonlu iki farklı test düzeneği oluşturulmuştur. Düzeneklerin çalışma başarılarının belirlenmesi için, ağır ticari araç hidrolik direksiyon dişli kutularında kullanılan, direksiyonun sertlik hissini ve geri toplamasını sağlayan 5 farklı geometrik ölçüdeki burulma mili test numunesi olarak kullanılmıştır. Farklı geometrik özelliklerdeki burulma millerinin matematiksel olarak teorik burulma katsayıları ve maksimum burulma açısı olan 7° burulma için boyun tork değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Aynı hesaplamalar ANSYS Structural ile Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi gerçekleştirilerek de yapılmış ve teorik ve numerik olarak hesaplanan değerler arasında en yüksek fark \% 2,25 görülmüştür. Oluşturulan ilk düzenekte tork-açı sensörü ile numunelerin burulma katsayıları ölçülmüştür. Ardından kurulan ikinci test düzeneğinde servomotor ve tork sensörü kullanılarak numuneler +/- 7° burulmaya maruz bırakılmıştır. Testler her numuneden 3 farklı örnek kullanılarak 5 tekrarda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Testler sonucunda kaydedilen tork değerleri ile numunelerin burulma katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler, teorik,sonlu elemanlar analizi ve tork-açı sensörü ölçümünde elde edilen değerler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. 2 numaralı test düzeneğinde yapılan ölçümlerde, teorik ve SEA sonuçlarına göre en fazla yaklaşık \% 3'lük bir fark olmuştur. Tork-açı sensörü ölçümünde genel olarak tork değerleri ve burulma katsayıları yüksek çıkmıştır. Oluşturulan iki farklı düzeneğin başarısı değerlendirildiğinde servomotor ve tork sensörü kullanılan 2 numaralı test düzeneğinin daha başarılı sonuçlar verdiği değerlendirilmiştir.
In this master's thesis, two different test setups with vertical configurations where torsion tests can be performed were created. In order to determine the working success of the mechanisms, 5 different geometric torsion shafts used in heavy commercial vehicle power steering gearboxes, providing the steering feel and recovery, were used as test samples. The theoretical torsion coefficients of torsion shafts with different geometric properties and neck torque values for 7° of torsion ,which is the maximum torsion angle, were calculated mathematically. The same calculations were made by performing Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Structural and the highest difference \% 2.25 was seen between the theoretical and numerically calculated values. Torsion coefficients of the samples were measured with the torque-angle sensor in the first setup. The samples were subjected to +/- 7° torsion by using servomotor and torque sensor in the second test setup that was set up afterwards. The tests were performed in 5 replicates using 3 different samples from each sample. Torsion coefficients of the samples were calculated with the torque values recorded as a result of the tests. These values were compared with the values obtained in theoretical, finite element analysis and torque-angle sensor measurement. In the measurements made in test setup 2, there was a maximum difference of about \%3 compared to the theoretical and FEA results. Torque values and torsion coefficients were generally high in torque-angle sensor measurement. When the success of the two different setups created was evaluated, it was evaluated that the test setup number 2, which used servomotor and torque sensor, gave more successful results.
In this master's thesis, two different test setups with vertical configurations where torsion tests can be performed were created. In order to determine the working success of the mechanisms, 5 different geometric torsion shafts used in heavy commercial vehicle power steering gearboxes, providing the steering feel and recovery, were used as test samples. The theoretical torsion coefficients of torsion shafts with different geometric properties and neck torque values for 7° of torsion ,which is the maximum torsion angle, were calculated mathematically. The same calculations were made by performing Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Structural and the highest difference \% 2.25 was seen between the theoretical and numerically calculated values. Torsion coefficients of the samples were measured with the torque-angle sensor in the first setup. The samples were subjected to +/- 7° torsion by using servomotor and torque sensor in the second test setup that was set up afterwards. The tests were performed in 5 replicates using 3 different samples from each sample. Torsion coefficients of the samples were calculated with the torque values recorded as a result of the tests. These values were compared with the values obtained in theoretical, finite element analysis and torque-angle sensor measurement. In the measurements made in test setup 2, there was a maximum difference of about \%3 compared to the theoretical and FEA results. Torque values and torsion coefficients were generally high in torque-angle sensor measurement. When the success of the two different setups created was evaluated, it was evaluated that the test setup number 2, which used servomotor and torque sensor, gave more successful results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering, ANSYS, ANSYS, Burulma, Torsion