Ispanakta vermikompost (solucan gübresi) ve karaizopot 8porcellio laevis) gübresi uygulamalarının bitki gelişimi ve besin içerikleri üzerine etkisi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırma, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü ısıtmasız plastik sera ve laboratuarlarında, organik kökenli vermikompost (Vk) ve karaizopot (Ki) gübresi uygulamalarının ıspanakta (Matador) bitki gelişimi ve besin içerikleri üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme tek çeşitte, 10 konu [kontrol ortamı olarak %100 BT (Bahçe Toprağı), ile bahçe toprağına %1, %5, %10 ve %20 oranlarında ayrı ayrı Vk ve Ki gübreler karıştırılmış ortamlar) ve 3 tekerrürlü tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre kurulmuştur. Toplam 30 alt parselde 10’ar bitkiden 300 bitki (saksı) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada; bitkide 14 morfolojik [bitki boyu (cm), bitki yaş ağırlığı (g), bitki kuru ağırlığı (g), yaprak sayısı (adet), yaprak kalınlığı (mm), yaprak eni (cm), yaprak boyu (cm), yaprak alanı (cm2), yaprak ağırlığı (g), gövde çapı (mm), toplam bitki ağırlığı (g), kök boyu (cm), kök yaş ağırlığı (g), kök kuru ağırlığı (g)], 1 fizyolojik [klorofil (SPAD)], 13 kimyasal [C vitamini (mg/100 g), fenolik madde (mg/100 g),N (%), NO3 (ppm), Na (ppm), K (ppm), Mg (ppm), Ca (ppm), P (ppm), Mn (ppm), Zn (ppm), Cu (ppm), Fe (ppm)] özellikler ile ortamların ilk ve son strüktürel ve kimyasal analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan ölçümler sonucu en düşük-en yüksek değerler; morfolojik özelliklerin genelinde %20 Vk ve %5 Ki uygulamalarından, fizyolojik özelliklerden klorofil miktarı, bahçe toprağı ve %20 Vk (11,80-72,33 SPAD)’dan, kimyasal özelliklerden C vitamini %5 Ki ve %20 Vk (11,67-41,0 mg/100 g)’dan , toplam fenolik madde %5 Ki ve %20 Vk (47,33-149,33 mg/100 g) uygulamalarından ii elde edilirken, makro-mikro besin elementlerinden N Bt ve %1 Ki (%0,41-1,21), P %5 Ki ve %1 Ki (1739,23-6846,0 ppm); Mg %5 Ki ve %1 Ki (514,67-2043,33 ppm); K %10 Ki ve %10 Vk (2033,23-7213,68 ppm), Fe %5 Ki ve %20 Ki (131,67-684,0 ppm) uygulamalarından elde edilmiştir. Karaizopot gübresinin yetiştiricilikte kullanımıyla ilgili herhangi bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Ispanakta yapılan bu çalışma ile karaizopot gübresinin bitki yetiştirme ortamı olarak diğer organik gübrelere alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği görülmektedir.
The research was carried out to determine the effect of the applications of spinach (Matador), vermicompost and Karaizopot organic fertilizers on the plant growth and nutrient contents in the non-heated plastic greenhouses and laboratories of Namık Kemal University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Horticulture. The trial was conducted with one variety, 10 parameters (Garden Soil, 1% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 5% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 10% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 20% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 1% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil, 5% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil, 10% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil, 20% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil) and 3 replicates were established based on the randomized block design. In total 30 sub-parcels, 300 plants from 10 plants were used. In the study were made; plant morphological [plant height (cm), plant fresh weight (g), plant dry weight (g), number of leaves (pieces), leaf thickness (mm), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), leaf area (cm2), leaf weight (g), stem diameter (mm), total plant weight (g), root length (cm), root fresh weight (g), root dry weight (g)], 1 physiological [chlorophyll (SPAD),] 13 chemicals [vitamin C (mg/100 g), phenolic (mg/100 g), N (%), NO3 (ppm), Na (ppm), K (ppm), Mg (ppm), Ca (ppm), P (ppm), Mn (ppm), Zn (ppm), Cu (ppm), Fe (ppm)] some in after and before using structural and chemical analyzes of the growing media. As a result of the measurements minimum-highest values; in the application of 20% Vermicompost-1% Isopod fertilizer in the morphological characteristics, the chlorophyll content (SPAD) in the physiological properties of the garden soil (11,80-72,33) and 20% Vermicompost, the chemical properties of vitamin C (mg/100 g) and total phenolic compounds (mg/100 g); % 5 Isopod fertilizer (47,33-149,30) iv and 20% Vermicompost (mg/100 g) application, N (%); Garden Soil (0,41-1,21) and % 1 Isopod fertilizer, P (ppm); %5 Ki and 1% Ki (1739,20-6846,0 ppm), Mg (ppm); %5 Isopod fertilizer and %1 Isopod fertilizer (514,67-2043,33), K (ppm); %10 Isopod fertilizer and %10 Vermicompost (2033,23-7213,68), Fe (ppm); %5 Ki and %20 Ki (131,67-684,0 ppm). There are not enough studies on the use of isopod fertilizer in cultivation. This study conducted in spinach, it is seen that isopod fertilizer can be used as an alternative to other organic fertilizers.
The research was carried out to determine the effect of the applications of spinach (Matador), vermicompost and Karaizopot organic fertilizers on the plant growth and nutrient contents in the non-heated plastic greenhouses and laboratories of Namık Kemal University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Horticulture. The trial was conducted with one variety, 10 parameters (Garden Soil, 1% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 5% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 10% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 20% Vermicompost: Garden Soil, 1% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil, 5% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil, 10% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil, 20% Isopod fertilizer: Garden Soil) and 3 replicates were established based on the randomized block design. In total 30 sub-parcels, 300 plants from 10 plants were used. In the study were made; plant morphological [plant height (cm), plant fresh weight (g), plant dry weight (g), number of leaves (pieces), leaf thickness (mm), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), leaf area (cm2), leaf weight (g), stem diameter (mm), total plant weight (g), root length (cm), root fresh weight (g), root dry weight (g)], 1 physiological [chlorophyll (SPAD),] 13 chemicals [vitamin C (mg/100 g), phenolic (mg/100 g), N (%), NO3 (ppm), Na (ppm), K (ppm), Mg (ppm), Ca (ppm), P (ppm), Mn (ppm), Zn (ppm), Cu (ppm), Fe (ppm)] some in after and before using structural and chemical analyzes of the growing media. As a result of the measurements minimum-highest values; in the application of 20% Vermicompost-1% Isopod fertilizer in the morphological characteristics, the chlorophyll content (SPAD) in the physiological properties of the garden soil (11,80-72,33) and 20% Vermicompost, the chemical properties of vitamin C (mg/100 g) and total phenolic compounds (mg/100 g); % 5 Isopod fertilizer (47,33-149,30) iv and 20% Vermicompost (mg/100 g) application, N (%); Garden Soil (0,41-1,21) and % 1 Isopod fertilizer, P (ppm); %5 Ki and 1% Ki (1739,20-6846,0 ppm), Mg (ppm); %5 Isopod fertilizer and %1 Isopod fertilizer (514,67-2043,33), K (ppm); %10 Isopod fertilizer and %10 Vermicompost (2033,23-7213,68), Fe (ppm); %5 Ki and %20 Ki (131,67-684,0 ppm). There are not enough studies on the use of isopod fertilizer in cultivation. This study conducted in spinach, it is seen that isopod fertilizer can be used as an alternative to other organic fertilizers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ispanak, organik gübre, vermikompost, karaizopot, nitrat, Spinach, organic fertilizer, vermicompost, terrestrial isopod, nitrate