Malathion ve Onosma nigricaule (Boraginaceae)’nin Fare Böbrek Dokusunda Leptin Üzerine Etkilerinin İmmunohistokimyasal Olarak İncelenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç Bu çalışmada, tarımda bir insektisit olarak kullanılan malathion’un neden olduğu oksidasyon parametreleri üzerine Onosma nigricaule (Boraginaceae)’den elde edilen bitkisel özütün böbrek dokusunda leptin üzerine etkisinin immunohistokimyasal olarak araştırılması amaçlandı. Materyal-Metot Çalışmamızda, toplam 48 adet erkek fare kullanıldı. Gruplar; kontrol (grup 1), malathion’un taşıt maddesi olan mısır yağı (grup 2), bitki özütünün taşıt maddesi olan serum fizyolojik (grup 3), malathion (grup 4), Onosma nigricaule (grup 5), ve Onosma nigricaule + malathion grubu (grup 6) olmak üzere toplam 6 grup olarak belirlendi. Böbreklerden alınan kesitlere leptin immunoreaktivitesini belirlemek için Streptavidin-Biotin-Peroksidaz Kompleks tekniği uygulandı. Hazırlanan kesitlere histolojik incelemeler için hematoksilen-eosin ve Crossman’ın üçlü boyama yöntemi kullanıldı. Bulgular Kontrol grubu ile taşıt kontrol grupları olan serum fizyolojik grubu ve mısır yağı grupları ile Onosma nigricaule, malathion ve Onosma nigricaule + malathion gruplarının böbrek dokularında herhangi bir lezyon tespit edilmedi. Diğer yandan, kontrol, mısır yağı, serum ve malathion grubundaki farelerin tubulus proksimalis ve tubulus distalis epitel hücrelerinde güçlü leptin immunoreaktivite görülmesine karşın Onosma nigricaule ve Onosma nigricaule + malathion grubu farelerde ise zayıf leptin immunoreaktivitesi tespit edildi. Sonuç Fareler ile yaptığımız çalışmada, yurdumuzda insektisit olarak yaygın kullanılan malathion’un fare böbreğinde leptin aktivitelerini etkilediği görülmüştür.
Aim The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the plant extract, which is obtained from Onosma nigricaule due to the oxidation parameters caused in mice by Malathion that is used as an insecticide in agriculture, on leptin in renal tissues in an immunohistochemical way. Material-Methods A total of 48 male mice were used in our study. 6 groups were determined as the control (group 1), maize oil which is the transport agent of malathion (group 2), normal saline which is the transport agent of plant extract (group 3), Onosma nigricaule (group 4), malathion (group 5) and Onosma nigricaule plant extract + malathion (group 6) group. The localization of leptin in the renal tissue was determined using the method of Streptavidin-BiotinPeroxidase. Hematoxylin-eosin and triple staining methods were used for histological and pathological examinations. Results No lesion was determined in renal tissues of the control group, normal saline group, maize oil group, Onosma nigricaule malathion and onosma nigricaule + malathion groups. Leptin immunoreactivity was determined with a weak intensity in renal tubulus proximalis and distalis epithelial cells of mice in the onosma nigricaule group, and onosma nigricaule + malathion group and with a high intensity in tubulus proximalis of other groups. Conclusion This study conducted on mice revealed that malathion, which is commonly used as insecticide in Turkey, affects leptin activities in renal tissue of mice.
Aim The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the plant extract, which is obtained from Onosma nigricaule due to the oxidation parameters caused in mice by Malathion that is used as an insecticide in agriculture, on leptin in renal tissues in an immunohistochemical way. Material-Methods A total of 48 male mice were used in our study. 6 groups were determined as the control (group 1), maize oil which is the transport agent of malathion (group 2), normal saline which is the transport agent of plant extract (group 3), Onosma nigricaule (group 4), malathion (group 5) and Onosma nigricaule plant extract + malathion (group 6) group. The localization of leptin in the renal tissue was determined using the method of Streptavidin-BiotinPeroxidase. Hematoxylin-eosin and triple staining methods were used for histological and pathological examinations. Results No lesion was determined in renal tissues of the control group, normal saline group, maize oil group, Onosma nigricaule malathion and onosma nigricaule + malathion groups. Leptin immunoreactivity was determined with a weak intensity in renal tubulus proximalis and distalis epithelial cells of mice in the onosma nigricaule group, and onosma nigricaule + malathion group and with a high intensity in tubulus proximalis of other groups. Conclusion This study conducted on mice revealed that malathion, which is commonly used as insecticide in Turkey, affects leptin activities in renal tissue of mice.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Böbrek, leptin, malathion, Onosma nigricaule, Renal tissue, leptin, malathion, Onosma nigricaule
Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi (International Journal of Basic and Clinical Medicine)
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