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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu bildiri, Suriyeli esnafların profili, temel sorunları ve beklentilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Veriler beş kapalı, on iki açık uçlu sorunun bulunduğu bir anket ile derlenmiştir. Anket, kartopu örnekleme tekniği ile, Mart-Nisan 2016 tarihleri arasında, Mersin'de bulunan 47 Suriyeli esnafın iş yeri ziyaret edilerek yüz yüze uygulanmıştır. Açık uçlu sorulardan elde edilen verilere içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Suriyeli esnafa göre, en önemli sorun, ruhsat alamama ve kiraların yüksek olmasıdır. Devletten en önemli beklentileri, TC vatandaşı olmaktır. Yarıya yakını savaş bittiğinde geri dönmek istemektedir. Mersin’deki esnaftan yardım gördükleri ve Mersin’de yaşamaktan mutlu oldukları genel görüş olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.
In this paper, it was intended to identify the profile of the Syrian trade people and their key issues and expectations. Data was collected through a questionnaire containing five closeended and twelve open-ended questions. The questionnaire was implemented by face to face to 47 Syrian tradesmen visiting their workplace in Mersin during March and April 2016 via the snowball sampling technique. The date obtained from open-ended questions were subjected to content analysis. According to Syrian tradesmen, the most important issues were that the inability to get business license and high rental fees. The most important expectation of Syrian tradesmen from Turkish Republic (TR) was to get the citizenship of TR. Nearly half of them want to return when the war is over. It was a general view that they had received assistance from Turkish tradesmen in Mersin and that they were happy to live in Mersin.
In this paper, it was intended to identify the profile of the Syrian trade people and their key issues and expectations. Data was collected through a questionnaire containing five closeended and twelve open-ended questions. The questionnaire was implemented by face to face to 47 Syrian tradesmen visiting their workplace in Mersin during March and April 2016 via the snowball sampling technique. The date obtained from open-ended questions were subjected to content analysis. According to Syrian tradesmen, the most important issues were that the inability to get business license and high rental fees. The most important expectation of Syrian tradesmen from Turkish Republic (TR) was to get the citizenship of TR. Nearly half of them want to return when the war is over. It was a general view that they had received assistance from Turkish tradesmen in Mersin and that they were happy to live in Mersin.
International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbul
Anahtar Kelimeler
Esnaf sorunları, Mülteci esnaflığı, Suriyeli mülteciler, Mersin, Tradesmen issues, refugee tradesman, Syrian refugees
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