Amr B. Âs’a Yöneltilen Eleştirilerin İncelenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Amr b. Âs İslâm tarihinde ve hadis tarihinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. İslâm’ın ilk dönemlerinde siyâsî olaylarda önemli rol oynamış, Hz. Peygamber’den de birçok hadis rivâyet etmiştir. Müslüman olmadan önce Hz. Peygamber’e karşı savaşmış, Müslüman olduktan sonra da İslâm’a çok büyük faydaları dokunmuştur. Suriye, Filistin ve Mısır’ın fethini gerçekleştiren kumandanlardan biridir. Özellikle siyâsî kişiliği sebebiyle tartışılmış, hakkında çok şey söylenmiş, haksız birtakım eleştirilere de maruz kalmıştır. Bu makalede kendisine yöneltilen eleştiriler incelenmiştir.
Amr ibn al-Âs occupies a significant placein the history of Islamand hadith. He played a crucial role in the political eventsduring the early times of Islam and also narrated numerous hadiths from the Prophet. Despite having fought against the Prophet before becoming Muslim, he made great contributions to Islam after he embraced Islam. He was one of the commanders who conquered Syria, Palestine and Egypt. There have been many discussions and discourses on him regarding his political character and he is object to certain critics as well. In this study, this article examined the self criticism.
Amr ibn al-Âs occupies a significant placein the history of Islamand hadith. He played a crucial role in the political eventsduring the early times of Islam and also narrated numerous hadiths from the Prophet. Despite having fought against the Prophet before becoming Muslim, he made great contributions to Islam after he embraced Islam. He was one of the commanders who conquered Syria, Palestine and Egypt. There have been many discussions and discourses on him regarding his political character and he is object to certain critics as well. In this study, this article examined the self criticism.
Anahtar Kelimeler
tenkit, sahâbe, hadis, râvi, Amr b. al-Âs, criticism, companion, hadith, transmitter, Amr b. Âs
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