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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tez kapsamında pamuk, viskon, yün ve poliester liflerini mantoda ve değişen oranlarda polivinilalkol (PVA) monofilamentini özde kullanarak 59 Tex numara özlü iplik üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İplik üretimi ring iplik makinasında gerçekleştirildikten sonra kops halindeki iplikler bobinlenerek, örme kumaş üretilmiştir. Ardından bu kumaşlar yüksek sıcaklıkta ve belli bir sürede yıkanarak öz kısmında bulunan PVA‘nın uzaklaşması ve iplik yapısında boşluklu bir yapının oluşması sağlanmıştır. Üretilen ipliklere yıkama öncesi ve yıkama sonrası kopma mukavemeti ve uzaması, iplik düzgünsüzlük testleri uygulanmıştır. Benzer şekilde özlü iplikler laboratuvar tipi örme makinasında kumaş haline getirilerek, yıkama öncesi ve yıkama sonrası konfor ve mekanik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Söz konusu kumaşlara gramaj, hava geçirgenliği, su buharı geçirgenliği, kılcal emme, boncuklanma ve patlama mukavemeti testleri uygulanmıştır. Yapılan testler sonucunda üretilen ipliklerde ve kumaşlarda yıkama öncesi ve yıkama sonrası değerlerin manto-öz oranına bağlı olarak iplik özelliklerini (düzgünsüzlük, mukavemet) ve kumaş hava ve su buharı geçirgenliği, kılcal emme ve boncuklanma, patlama özelliklerini önemli ölçüde etkilediği gözlemlenmiştir. Bu sayede boşluklu yapıdaki ipliklerden üretilen kumaşların sahip olduğu yüksek geçirgenlik özelliklerinden dolayı, sporcu giysilerinde de kullanılacağı saptanmıştır.
In the scope of this thesis, core yarns in the yarn count of 59 Tex were produced by using cotton, viscose, wool and poliester fibres in the mantle and different ratios of polyvinylalcohol(PVA) in the core. After completion of yarn production on ring spinning frame, winding process was performed in order to get packages. These yarns in the form of packages, were used to produce plain knitted fabrics. Both yarns in the form of packages and fabrics were washed during a time period in order to remove PVA from the yarn structures to obtain hollow yarn structure. Yarn unevenness and yarn tensile tests were performed to yarns in the form of packages before and after washing processes. Similarly, fabrics were produced on laboratory typed knitting machine and comfort and mechanical properties of fabrics were measured before and after washing process. These tests were mass per unit area, air permeability, water vapour permeability, wicking, pilling and bursting strength of fabrics. As a result of these tests; it was observed that before and after washing values of yarns tests (unevenness and tensile) and fabric tests (air and water vapour permeability, wicking, pilling, bursting strength) that were measured are significantly influenced by the mantle-core proportion. In this way, due to the high permeability characteristics of fabrics made from hollow yarns have been determined that it may be used for sports clothing.
In the scope of this thesis, core yarns in the yarn count of 59 Tex were produced by using cotton, viscose, wool and poliester fibres in the mantle and different ratios of polyvinylalcohol(PVA) in the core. After completion of yarn production on ring spinning frame, winding process was performed in order to get packages. These yarns in the form of packages, were used to produce plain knitted fabrics. Both yarns in the form of packages and fabrics were washed during a time period in order to remove PVA from the yarn structures to obtain hollow yarn structure. Yarn unevenness and yarn tensile tests were performed to yarns in the form of packages before and after washing processes. Similarly, fabrics were produced on laboratory typed knitting machine and comfort and mechanical properties of fabrics were measured before and after washing process. These tests were mass per unit area, air permeability, water vapour permeability, wicking, pilling and bursting strength of fabrics. As a result of these tests; it was observed that before and after washing values of yarns tests (unevenness and tensile) and fabric tests (air and water vapour permeability, wicking, pilling, bursting strength) that were measured are significantly influenced by the mantle-core proportion. In this way, due to the high permeability characteristics of fabrics made from hollow yarns have been determined that it may be used for sports clothing.
Anahtar Kelimeler
özlü iplik, içi boşluklu iplik, PVA, iplik düzgünsüzlüğü, iplik mukavemeti, hava geçirgenliği, su buharı geçirgenliği, kılcal emme, boncuklanma, patlama mukavemeti, core yarn, hollow yarn, yarn unevenness, yarn strength, air permeability, water vapour permeability, wicking, pilling, bursting strength