Tamburlu sulama sistemleri için gübre atma tertibatı tasarımı
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tarımsal üretim bir enerji dönüşüm sistemidir. Bitkiler güneş enerjisini kimyasal enerjiye, gıda enerjisine dönüştüren organizmalardır. Yeşil bitki yapraklarında güneşten gelen ışık enerjisi fotosentez ile kimyasal enerji olarak organik maddede bağlanmaktadır. Bu olaydaki diğer girdiler su ve bitki besinleridir. Toprağın su ve bitki besinlerini yeterince bitkiye sağlayamaması durumunda yapılması gereken işlemler sulama ve gübrelemedir. Sulama yönetimi, tarımda sulama amaçlarını gerçekleştirmek için suyun kullanımını sağlar. Suyun kullanımı ve işletiminin periyodik olarak değerlendirilmesi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada tarımsal sulamada kullanılan Tamburlu Sulama Makinaları ile sulama yaparken aynı zamanda gübre atabilmesini sağlayan bir tertibatın tasarımı yapılmıştır. Bu tasarımda sulama sistemine bir dozajlama ünitesi ve gübre deposu eklenerek belirli miktarda gübrenin su içerisine verilmesi sağlanmıştır. Tasarım gerek laboratuvarda gerekse tarla koşullarında denenmiştir. Laboratuvarda sızdırmazlık ve doğru oranda gübre atıp atmadığı gözlenmiştir. Tarla uygulamalarında gübre yerine gıda boyası atılarak filtre kağıtları üzerindeki boya miktarları incelenmiştir. Böylece gübrenin (boyanın) homojen dağılıp dağılmadığı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre sulama suyu kullanım ve gübreleme etkinliğini arttırmak amacıyla tamburlu sulama sistemlerinde dozajlama pompası kullanımı olumlu sonuç vermiştir. Tarla dağılımı incelendiğinde varyasyon katsayısı %21-38 arasında değişmiştir.
Agricultural production is an energy conversion system. Plants are the organisms that convert solar energy into chemical energy and food energy. The light energy coming from the sun in the green plant leaves is connected to the organic matter as a chemical energy by photosynthesis. Other aggressors in this event are water and plant nutrients. If the soil does not provide enough water and plant nutrients to the plants, the necessary actions are irrigation and fertilization. Irrigation management enables the use of water to achieve irrigation objectives in agriculture. Periodic assessment of the use and operation of water is required. In this study, the design of a device that will enable the manure to throw at the same time while irrigation will be designed with Drum Irrigation Machines used in agricultural irrigation. For this purpose, a dosing unit and fertilizer tank will be added to the system to ensure that the appropriate amount of fertilizer is introduced into the water. With the application, it will be revealed whether the fertilizer is distributed homogeneously or not. In this study, the design of a device which enables the manure to throw at the same time while irrigation is designed with Linear Irrigation Machines used in agricultural irrigation. In this design, a dosing unit and fertilizer tank were added to the irrigation system and a certain amount of fertilizer was introduced into the water. The design was tested both in the laboratory and in field conditions. Water tightness in the laboratory and whether or not the fertilizer is spreading at the correct rate was observed. In field applications, food dye was discarded instead of fertilizer and the amount of paint on filter papers was examined. Thus, it was evaluated whether the fertilizer (dye) was distributed homogeneously. According to the results obtained, the use of dosing pump in drum irrigation systems has been positive in order to increase irrigation water usage and fertilization efficiency. The coefficient of variation varied between 21-38% when the residue distribution on the sample surfaces used in the field trials was examined.
Agricultural production is an energy conversion system. Plants are the organisms that convert solar energy into chemical energy and food energy. The light energy coming from the sun in the green plant leaves is connected to the organic matter as a chemical energy by photosynthesis. Other aggressors in this event are water and plant nutrients. If the soil does not provide enough water and plant nutrients to the plants, the necessary actions are irrigation and fertilization. Irrigation management enables the use of water to achieve irrigation objectives in agriculture. Periodic assessment of the use and operation of water is required. In this study, the design of a device that will enable the manure to throw at the same time while irrigation will be designed with Drum Irrigation Machines used in agricultural irrigation. For this purpose, a dosing unit and fertilizer tank will be added to the system to ensure that the appropriate amount of fertilizer is introduced into the water. With the application, it will be revealed whether the fertilizer is distributed homogeneously or not. In this study, the design of a device which enables the manure to throw at the same time while irrigation is designed with Linear Irrigation Machines used in agricultural irrigation. In this design, a dosing unit and fertilizer tank were added to the irrigation system and a certain amount of fertilizer was introduced into the water. The design was tested both in the laboratory and in field conditions. Water tightness in the laboratory and whether or not the fertilizer is spreading at the correct rate was observed. In field applications, food dye was discarded instead of fertilizer and the amount of paint on filter papers was examined. Thus, it was evaluated whether the fertilizer (dye) was distributed homogeneously. According to the results obtained, the use of dosing pump in drum irrigation systems has been positive in order to increase irrigation water usage and fertilization efficiency. The coefficient of variation varied between 21-38% when the residue distribution on the sample surfaces used in the field trials was examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture