Beyaz çikolatada erime özelliklerinin reometre ile belirlenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Çikolata üretimi süresince kakao yağının kristalleşme mekanizmasının tam olarak anlaşılması, istenilen kalitede çikolata üretimi için bilinmesi gereken önemli konulardan biridir. Kakao yağının polimorfik kompozisyonundaki değişmeler, kristal kararlılığını ve kristallerin diğer formlara dönüşme eğilimini önemli derecede etkilemektedir. Katı fazdaki çikolataların içerdiği kristal çeşidi tespiti DSC kullanılarak kısmen yapılmakta olup net sonuçlar alınamamaktadır. Bu çalışmada piyasadan alınan beyaz çikolataların reometre temelli metot kullanılarak ve erime derecesi farklılıklarından yararlanılarak kristal çeşitlerinin tespitinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan üç farklı markaya ait beyaz çikolatalar yerel marketlerden temin edilmiştir. Farklı sıcaklıklarda (37ºC, 50ºC) eritilip farklı depolama koşullarında (25ºC, 4°C, -18°C) tekrar katı faza getirilen beyaz çikolata örnekleri ve hiç eritme uygulanmamış beyaz çikolata örnekleri (kontrol) katı halde sıcaklık tarama testi ile reolojik analizlere tabii tutulmuştur. Reometrede dik kuvvetin etkisiyle (normal force) prob aralığının (gap) ilk düşmeye başladığı noktanın (onset) tespiti ile çikolata erime sıcaklığının bulunması amaçlanmıştır. Beyaz çikolataların ilk erimeye başladığı nokta olarak kabul edilen değerlerin bulunmasında reometrenin software programı kullanılmış ve reometre prob aralığının ilk düştüğü nokta eğimlerin kesiştirilmesi ile tespit edilmiştir. Katı halde beyaz çikolataların hangi tip kristallere sahip olduğu hiçbir reolojik yöntemle bu zamana kadar belirlenememiştir. Bu çalışma ile piyasadan alınan farklı marka beyaz çikolata örneklerinin ana yapısını oluşturan kristal çeşitlerinin reometre ile tespiti sağlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak piyasadan alınan tüm örneklerin 32oC civarında eridiği saptanmış ve böylece örneklerin sıkışma kuvvetine dayanmasını sağlayan ana yapının form V kristalleriyle sağlandığı anlaşılmıştır. Fakat 50ºC'de eritilip katılaştırılan örneklerin 28ºC civarında eridiği ve böylece form IV kristalleri içerdiği, 37ºC'de eritilip de katılaştırılan örneklerin ise 24ºC civarında eridiği ve form III kristaline sahip oldukları tahmin edilmiştir. Beyaz çikolatanın istenilenden daha erken erimeye başladığı ve böylece erime kalitesinin düştüğü görülmüştür. Böylece beyaz çikolatanın depolama sürecinde erimesi ve tekrar katılaşmasının olası kakao yağı kristal çeşidine etkisi gözlemlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, beyaz çikolata örneklerinde, kristal çeşidinde olası farklılıkların yağ asidi bileşiminden kaynaklı olup olmadığı da incelenmiştir. Beyaz çikolata örneklerinde palmitik asit, stearik asit ve oleik asitin baskın olduğu ve yağ asiti bileşimleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı görülmüştür (P>0,05).
Crystallization mechanism of cocoa butter should be fully understood and known for the necessary the production of chocolate in good quality. Changes in the polymorphic composition of cocoa butter significantly affect the stability of crystals and their conversion into other forms. Determination of the crystal type contained in solid phase chocolates is made partially by using DSC, however, no clear results can be obtained. In this study, it is aimed to determine the crystal types of white chocolates by using rheometer based methods considering melting temperature differences. White chocolates from three different brands used in this study were obtained from local markets. Samples, melted at different temperatures (37°C, 50°C) and brought back to solid phase under different storage conditions (25°C, 4°C, -18°C), were subjected to oscillatory rheological analysis by temperature sweep test. It is aimed to find the white chocolate melting temperature by determining the onset where the gap started to drop with the effect of the normal force in the rheometer. Software of the rheometer was used to find the values accepted as the point where the white chocolate started to melt. This point was determined by the intersection of the slopes. Until now, it has not been possible to determine what type of crystals chocolate has in solid form by any rheological method. As a result, it was found that all the samples taken from the market melted around 32°C and thus, the main structure that provided the samples to withstand the compression force came from form V crystals. However, it was observed that the samples, which were melted at 50°C, melted around 28ºC and thus contained form IV crystals. It was determined that the samples, which were melted at 37°C, melted around 24°C and had a form III crystal. It has been observed that the chocolate started to melt earlier than desired and thus the melting quality decreased. Thus, the effect of melting and solidification of chocolate on the possible cocoa butter crystal variety was observed. At the same time, the fatty acid composition in the white chocolate samples was examined by gas chromatography, and it was examined whether the possible differences in the crystal variety were due to the fatty acid composition. It was observed that palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid were dominant in white chocolate samples and there was no statistically significant difference between the fatty acid compositions of the samples (P> 0.05).
Crystallization mechanism of cocoa butter should be fully understood and known for the necessary the production of chocolate in good quality. Changes in the polymorphic composition of cocoa butter significantly affect the stability of crystals and their conversion into other forms. Determination of the crystal type contained in solid phase chocolates is made partially by using DSC, however, no clear results can be obtained. In this study, it is aimed to determine the crystal types of white chocolates by using rheometer based methods considering melting temperature differences. White chocolates from three different brands used in this study were obtained from local markets. Samples, melted at different temperatures (37°C, 50°C) and brought back to solid phase under different storage conditions (25°C, 4°C, -18°C), were subjected to oscillatory rheological analysis by temperature sweep test. It is aimed to find the white chocolate melting temperature by determining the onset where the gap started to drop with the effect of the normal force in the rheometer. Software of the rheometer was used to find the values accepted as the point where the white chocolate started to melt. This point was determined by the intersection of the slopes. Until now, it has not been possible to determine what type of crystals chocolate has in solid form by any rheological method. As a result, it was found that all the samples taken from the market melted around 32°C and thus, the main structure that provided the samples to withstand the compression force came from form V crystals. However, it was observed that the samples, which were melted at 50°C, melted around 28ºC and thus contained form IV crystals. It was determined that the samples, which were melted at 37°C, melted around 24°C and had a form III crystal. It has been observed that the chocolate started to melt earlier than desired and thus the melting quality decreased. Thus, the effect of melting and solidification of chocolate on the possible cocoa butter crystal variety was observed. At the same time, the fatty acid composition in the white chocolate samples was examined by gas chromatography, and it was examined whether the possible differences in the crystal variety were due to the fatty acid composition. It was observed that palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid were dominant in white chocolate samples and there was no statistically significant difference between the fatty acid compositions of the samples (P> 0.05).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering